Israel renews military attacks on Gaza
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Then why is Israel still occupying the West Bank and Gaza? Why is Netanyahu still in power? It's irrelevant what 'society' would do if they don't do it. The only thing that matters is what is actually being done. Reality trumps wishful thinking.
That kind of argument can go both ways.
If Israel is seeking to control from the Nile to the Euphrates, why did it pull out of the Sinai in 1979? Why did Israel pull out of Lebanon in 2000? Why did Israel pull out of Gaza in the 1950s, destroy settlements and pull out again the 1980s and in 2005, etc.?
There are obviously many factors, but the prime one is lack of popular support from Israeli citizens to continue occupations.
Given the weight of the historical evidence, Israel has, on multiple occasions, ceded land for peace. It worked with Egypt and has held for more than 45 years.
I have never been able to understand why, when Israel's abuses in the West Bank are so flagrant and when troops of settlers are allowed to run amok on the Temple Mount, why do nutter conspiracy theorists start frothing at the mouth about Israeli plans to annex Cairo and Iraq.
It's crazy. It distracts from the real issues. I'm half inclined to label the worst of the conspiracy theorists as Zionist shills distracting from everything that actually matters.
Because they were forced to. Israel is dependent on US support. If they lose their grip on the US they face an existential problem.
Yeah because the US has been paying Egypt off for that peace since then. Also Israel only gave up the Sinai, which they conquered in an unprovoked invasion, because they were forced to. Not because they wanted to. They were in an extremely unfavorable position.
Start frothing at the mouth? Really?
But I'll bite. Israel invading their neighbors is what will get the US dragged into another desert war. The oppression of West Bank and Gaza alone won't.
The only thing that actually matters is that Israel has de facto control over the US government and because of that is able to act the way it does. Once Israel loses unconditional western support the problem would solve itself.
Ok, so on that point, we are in total agreement.
Ranting that "Greater Israel" exists, extends from the Nile to the Euphrates, and is the goal of the Israeli government and people destroys this political debate. The second someone starts saying "those sneaky Jews are getting ready to annex Egypt and Iraq!" and starts trotting out tired and thoroughly debunked propaganda lines, the argument is over, and the cry of "anti-semitism" wins the day.
Focus on what's really happening.
I think one of the best images is the mass of Orthodox settlers tramping through the al-Aqsa mosque. Who can support that? I bet 99% of Americans don't even know it it happens.
Focus on the Democrat obsession with privilege and people of color. There's hay to make there.
Focusing on thoroughly debunked and moronic claims like the Nile-Euphrates state of Israel is just a distraction and an inanity.
Why not focus on AIPAC? And the ADL? And HIAS?