I knew not to trust this guy when he came out with that video a year ago dancing around the bush claiming "CRT isn't INHERENTLY anti-white" and he's been proving my suspicion correct since then.
It's only not inherently anti-white because it's nominally anti-stable-society in general, and only Caucasian people seem to be able to create stable, peaceful societies on their own.
Northeast Asian people seem to be capable of building impressive societies, but not ones that I'd want to live in because unless you were born into an important family, your life would (realistically) never be worth shit.
they are anti civilization. they attack anything that builds civilization and promote anything that destroys civilization. Hence they hate White people the most because White people are the best civilization builders.
i'll answer that. Japan was stuck in feudal society before contact with the West . They are still good at building civilizations which is why the left hates them too, but their tech advancements never advanced as far as White countries did on their own, which was why they immediately started copying White people's things to catch up to White countries .
Unfortunately they also picked up on Enlightenment ideologies along the way, which was a bad thing and which the imperial government also realized as a bad thing https://files.catbox.moe/a2r0oc.png . (Enlightenment ideologies that the Axis were correctly trying to get rid off). it would have been better if they picked up the good things whilst avoiding the bad, but alas.
I'm afraid I'm really not. I'm not happy with 'Western influence' nowadays. I have enormous respect for historical Western culture - there's too much to sum up. But right now, I'd rather live in a country that is isolated from the West.
How was it before significant contact with the west. We're not talking modern shit here.
Ah, well then I agree (wrote the previous part before reading this). Small counterpoint: Japan was culturally pretty decent before Western contact as well though. Japanese cleanliness and orderliness did not spring out of nowhere. Its industry and modernization did though.
It's absolutely inherently anti-white. It attacks aspects of stable society because it associates them with "Whiteness", not the other way around, not incidentally. That was more or less the argument the video was making, and I completely disagree. CRT seeks to demonize and diminish any sort of pride, solidarity, or sense of self-preservation among Whites specifically. It's an appeal for white genocide dressed up as academics to lend it credibility.
Northeast Asian people seem to be capable of building impressive societies, but not ones that I'd want to live in because unless you were born into an important family, your life would (realistically) never be worth shit.
Like in Europe and America? They care so much about the people murdered by their illegals.
The purpose of Western Society is to advance the interests of the White Race at the expense of the Black Race
CRT posits that western society was constructed for a single reason; to oppress the melanin enhanced individuals and profit. In that order.
James knows this! He has made videos on the subject. James's transformation is complete, he has become a total buffoon.
CRT runs square into biological reality.
There aren't any races. At least not like that. White and Black are meaningless distinctions, and it isn't a binary state. You can make generalizations by geography, and you can make generalizations by cultural group. You can't sort things into Black and White. It isn't a useful model of reality or a helpful tool.
It is demonstrably untrue. Sub Saharan African nations that were colonized are all objectively better than those that were not. It turns out that having a bunch of white guys unify a nation by language, create a system of laws, install an education system and implement taxes so that an army and police force can be funded ... .makes things better! Who knew!
The colonies were a huge financial expense. In the long term developing markets for trade was very beneficial, but in the short term the costs were eye-watering.
What is now Ghana begged to be colonized. Their king was very forthright in his request that the British Empire set up shop there. The king was right. Ghana is much better off than the surrounding nations.
Starting to seem a bit like "Never Again" actually means "Never again should any jew ever suffer consequences for their actions, no matter how heinous".
I have no idea if he's a Jew but it's funny how these types, whether liberal, Zionist or simple BS artist, will without fail hold up a strawman stereotype as a totem representing their hegelian enemy to score easy points on. James is one of those twitter twits who famously does not debate anyone seriously online, and freely blockchains anyone who might post a legit counter argument. (Sargon for example) But here we see the guy he chooses to reply to makes an arguably positive comment about Hitler so obviously James thinks he's making a clever point about Nazism that goes beyond the literal Epstein topic, which he feels no need to address. To James, shining a spotlight on this user who may or may not like Hitler is such a slam dunk he doesn't even see how foolish it makes him look
Reminds me of Vavra in the whole KCD2 woke controversy. He was entirely silent and refused to answer any and all questions or suspicions about it until a literal Black Sun flag profile pic challenged him - and THATS guy he chose to reply to and mic drop about antisemites. For all I know the "nazi" he replied to was his own alt. They cry out in pain as they strike you.
Lindsey will at least say, "The left has gone too far."
The problem is that when you try to point out where & how, he becomes deaf & mute. He is a 90s Liberal to the bone, which is to say he's a pinko academic. He names the beast well, but cannot prescribe remedies because he sees liberalism as an end-goal rather than the sliding point within the Overton window that it is.
James is desperately afraid that a Christian revival will be the consensus solution to the current bullshit. For whatever reason that scares the pants off him.
Fuck that. Christians built the parts of the world that are not shitholes. I would welcome such a revival.
“Never again! because those mossad operatives compromised your politicians fair and square, you have no right to remove them from your government even though they work for Israel even when that means harming Americans!”
This is funny because I get that agreeing with angry moustache man in any context whatsoever is LITERALLY THE HOLOCAUST but even fucking Giz and Antonio would probably agree with killing Epstein list members with proven wrongdoing.
The only issue here is the idea that you can't even say "even Hitler would act correctly in this situation" without faggots kvetching. You don't have to simp for Hitler to agree with that.
The only issue here is the idea that you can't even say "even Hitler would act correctly in this situation" without faggots kvetching.
Correct. That's what makes it fun to say that. You can actually trigger them without saying that Hitler was a great guy.
I regularly point out that even the Soviet Union had functioning cities, no transgenderism, etc. and the very anti-communist people here normally are not triggered.
I knew not to trust this guy when he came out with that video a year ago dancing around the bush claiming "CRT isn't INHERENTLY anti-white" and he's been proving my suspicion correct since then.
It's only not inherently anti-white because it's nominally anti-stable-society in general, and only Caucasian people seem to be able to create stable, peaceful societies on their own.
Northeast Asian people seem to be capable of building impressive societies, but not ones that I'd want to live in because unless you were born into an important family, your life would (realistically) never be worth shit.
they are anti civilization. they attack anything that builds civilization and promote anything that destroys civilization. Hence they hate White people the most because White people are the best civilization builders.
Japan is superior to any western country. (I'm not a weeaboo or whatever that's called, but I like cleanliness and dislike crime and disorder.)
There are pros and cons. If cleanliness and low crime rank highest in your value system, then your conclusion is hard to argue against.
Only when there are western countries around and influencing it.
How was it before significant contact with the west? Japan's greatness is dependant on the west.
Yeah, buddy, if only they get more Western influence like BLM and transgenderism.
No you're better than this.
How was it before significant contact with the west. We're not talking modern shit here.
i'll answer that. Japan was stuck in feudal society before contact with the West . They are still good at building civilizations which is why the left hates them too, but their tech advancements never advanced as far as White countries did on their own, which was why they immediately started copying White people's things to catch up to White countries .
Unfortunately they also picked up on Enlightenment ideologies along the way, which was a bad thing and which the imperial government also realized as a bad thing https://files.catbox.moe/a2r0oc.png . (Enlightenment ideologies that the Axis were correctly trying to get rid off). it would have been better if they picked up the good things whilst avoiding the bad, but alas.
I'm afraid I'm really not. I'm not happy with 'Western influence' nowadays. I have enormous respect for historical Western culture - there's too much to sum up. But right now, I'd rather live in a country that is isolated from the West.
Ah, well then I agree (wrote the previous part before reading this). Small counterpoint: Japan was culturally pretty decent before Western contact as well though. Japanese cleanliness and orderliness did not spring out of nowhere. Its industry and modernization did though.
It's absolutely inherently anti-white. It attacks aspects of stable society because it associates them with "Whiteness", not the other way around, not incidentally. That was more or less the argument the video was making, and I completely disagree. CRT seeks to demonize and diminish any sort of pride, solidarity, or sense of self-preservation among Whites specifically. It's an appeal for white genocide dressed up as academics to lend it credibility.
Like in Europe and America? They care so much about the people murdered by their illegals.
The fucking axiom of Critical Race Theory is:
CRT posits that western society was constructed for a single reason; to oppress the melanin enhanced individuals and profit. In that order.
James knows this! He has made videos on the subject. James's transformation is complete, he has become a total buffoon.
CRT runs square into biological reality.
There aren't any races. At least not like that. White and Black are meaningless distinctions, and it isn't a binary state. You can make generalizations by geography, and you can make generalizations by cultural group. You can't sort things into Black and White. It isn't a useful model of reality or a helpful tool.
It is demonstrably untrue. Sub Saharan African nations that were colonized are all objectively better than those that were not. It turns out that having a bunch of white guys unify a nation by language, create a system of laws, install an education system and implement taxes so that an army and police force can be funded ... .makes things better! Who knew!
The colonies were a huge financial expense. In the long term developing markets for trade was very beneficial, but in the short term the costs were eye-watering.
What is now Ghana begged to be colonized. Their king was very forthright in his request that the British Empire set up shop there. The king was right. Ghana is much better off than the surrounding nations.
Starting to seem a bit like "Never Again" actually means "Never again should any jew ever suffer consequences for their actions, no matter how heinous".
That's what it always meant.
I have no idea if he's a Jew but it's funny how these types, whether liberal, Zionist or simple BS artist, will without fail hold up a strawman stereotype as a totem representing their hegelian enemy to score easy points on. James is one of those twitter twits who famously does not debate anyone seriously online, and freely blockchains anyone who might post a legit counter argument. (Sargon for example) But here we see the guy he chooses to reply to makes an arguably positive comment about Hitler so obviously James thinks he's making a clever point about Nazism that goes beyond the literal Epstein topic, which he feels no need to address. To James, shining a spotlight on this user who may or may not like Hitler is such a slam dunk he doesn't even see how foolish it makes him look
Reminds me of Vavra in the whole KCD2 woke controversy. He was entirely silent and refused to answer any and all questions or suspicions about it until a literal Black Sun flag profile pic challenged him - and THATS guy he chose to reply to and mic drop about antisemites. For all I know the "nazi" he replied to was his own alt. They cry out in pain as they strike you.
Safe, stable, homogenous, high trust communities by and for ethnic White European Christians?
This is such an own goal from Lindsey lol
He's being intentionally obtuse about who were disproportionately represented at the head of Communism because he's fundamentally on their side.
Lindsey will at least say, "The left has gone too far."
The problem is that when you try to point out where & how, he becomes deaf & mute. He is a 90s Liberal to the bone, which is to say he's a pinko academic. He names the beast well, but cannot prescribe remedies because he sees liberalism as an end-goal rather than the sliding point within the Overton window that it is.
James is desperately afraid that a Christian revival will be the consensus solution to the current bullshit. For whatever reason that scares the pants off him.
Fuck that. Christians built the parts of the world that are not shitholes. I would welcome such a revival.
Deus Vult.
“Never again! because those mossad operatives compromised your politicians fair and square, you have no right to remove them from your government even though they work for Israel even when that means harming Americans!”
What a faggot
I find anyone claiming centrists to be generally untrustworthy and cowardly, they cannot call the elephant in the room because of muh morals.
He who stands for nothing will fall for everything?
This is funny because I get that agreeing with angry moustache man in any context whatsoever is LITERALLY THE HOLOCAUST but even fucking Giz and Antonio would probably agree with killing Epstein list members with proven wrongdoing.
Pretty sure Lindsey does too.
I had to read this a few times too before I realized what got him upset. It's the suggestion that Hitler was good.
The only issue here is the idea that you can't even say "even Hitler would act correctly in this situation" without faggots kvetching. You don't have to simp for Hitler to agree with that.
"Even Hitler liked puppies."
There, I said it.
Blondi was a good girl
Correct. That's what makes it fun to say that. You can actually trigger them without saying that Hitler was a great guy.
I regularly point out that even the Soviet Union had functioning cities, no transgenderism, etc. and the very anti-communist people here normally are not triggered.
His point is that "Hitler good, our government is bad" - which is only half true according to me and to Lindsey.
Hmm, given all the shit that happened in death camps with jewish kid abuse, Hitler seemed to be fine with all that...
Antisemitism is believing what your anscestors said about jews rather than believing what jews said about your anscestors
Who are your ancestors exactly?