Atlantic: When You’re MAGA, They Let You Do It
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As much as I dislike this annoying mutt, this is interesting
While the exploit part is true, is it really hard to understand why teenage boys are drawn to him? Think if you were a teenage boy today, one side is bloodthirsty subhuman feminists who want to destroy you simply for being male, pedo faggots in your schools grooming you on the daily, (((teachers))) guilt tripping you in school from a young age, and the alternative to that is this loud and obnoxious kickboxer who ''goes against the matrix'' seems to have no regard for any of the previously mentioned vermin, tells you to be alpha and promotes a luxurious lifestyle, him being a mutt degenerate aside, I think the choice for your average teenage boy growing up today is obvious, it's a kneejerk reaction to decades of alienating men and boys.
It's also funny how the left will constantly downplay the DEI agendas, even in this article the DEI is presented as insignificant, no big deal, so by that logic all the DEI stuff accomplished nothing? So why are you mad it's being defunded? Even funnier groups who've done nothing but whine since the 60s will say white men are whining, 60s truly were a planned disaster for USA.
The left are so narcissistic and solipsistic that they can't put themselves into the shoes of their enemies to understand how they think and form their arguments and positions.
It's also why their "empathy" towards their pet minorities is so inauthentic and performative.
To sincerely put themselves in another person's shoes, even for a few minutes, would mean having to acknowledge the possibility that they could be wrong about something. Can't do it.
This brings to mind that academic study somebody posted on here about how liberals are terrible at understanding the conservative point of view, but conservatives understand the liberal point of view pretty well, we just don't agree with it.
When you eliminate any other successful, admirable male figure for young men and boys to emulate, what you're going to get are the utter scum who just don't give a shit and refuse to play by your rules. Surprise surprise. You get what you fucking deserve.
This is giving into the assumption that this is true, and not them fabricating an angle whole cloth.
I used to volunteer with teenage boys, and still do on occasion. Few of them know or care about Tate, they have much more normal role models like sports people or fucking Trump himself. The ones who do are trying to be edgy, not sincere.
Tate's entire "popularity" is by worthless 20-30 something wiggers and other ghetto bred losers who think gold chains are signs of success, as well as people hyping him up as this great evil (which brings out the contrarian defense force).
Tate is entirely "kids eating tide pods because colors" all over again. The media thinking this must be the case, and then creating a whole new reality where it becomes the case because they said it was.
Tate is basically a 90s-2000s era rapper who podcasts instead of making shitty music.
That is such a perfect distillation of the man.
Doesn't he make shitty music though?
Does he really? I don't pay much attention to him.
this feels like psyop from the left, they intentionally brought him into the spotlight so they can point him as the right wing misogynist boogieman, nobody even heard of him until the media endlessly reeeed about him
The thing is, we have the paper trail of him becoming an ultra rich loser and how that panned out. He probably did in fact have a small following then too, relative to his power.
But they absolutely blew him up to the size they say he is now to build a narrative.
Liberal women gave up on White teenage boys an after gamergate. Did they expect the void to remain forever?
If nothing else it should be a humbling thing to confront the fact that an ugly mongrel is more appealing than anything they have to offer.
It just shows you the desperation of your teen/young adult male nowadays for any kind of masculine role model, which is no surprise after decades of alienating this demographic.