She also did this report on behalf of the WSJ, not Salon or whatever. "Wokeness" didn't go anywhere. Conservative instruments are taking over the role of cancelling people for racism, etc. The thought police just changed uniforms.
This just shows you how retarded Americans are. Why is it bad we know who has been given the keys to the kingdom? Suddenly the right is orgasmic about secretive government agencies that are given access to everyone’s data but it’s ok because “own the libs” and “drain the swamp”. It’s proof you dangle the right keys in someone’s face and the little monkey brain takes over and they will dance as commanded. If the left did the same thing people on the right would be demanding these kids get arrested immediately. Yeah it’s great Elon is finding all this waste and fraud but I’d be my next paycheck there will be any politically inconvenient fraud for this administration found. Added that corporations people here hate like Amazon and Google are already cozying up to this administration. Elon wants to install Googles AI to run the government. So everyone’s suddenly fine with that? The swamp isn’t being drained they are just changing to a new zip code. But hey keep celebrating because the left handing is finding all this bad stuff.. just don’t look at the what the right hand is doing.
Doxxing isn't just saying "this staffer is named Jeff" it's exposing private information to the internet. You're a complete fool if you think anyone who wants transparency in government meant that we wanted to have every single staffer's address be posted to social media.
If you have a shitpile 100 feet tall, and say "that's a lot of shit, we should remove the shit", and you remove 50 feet of the shit, and then say "well, the rest of it is Republican shit, so we're not touching that", you still removed 50% of the shit, that's a good start. Maybe there can be a based governmental minimalist on the other side who'll remove the other 50%, and then we're great, but even if not, 50% reduction in it is still better than 0% reduction.
Given they've uncovered just today $100 billion mismanaged in Medicare, I think they're just making it worse for these trying to scare them.
Kinda like how WE just wanted to play our video games..
Diversity=No more White men, at all.
Total diversity means every character gay, jewish (or muslim) tranny or feminist, and black (ofc)
Can we stop calling them journalists? They are stalking kids to dig dirt on them. They are child predators.
He was still in his diapers back then in 2021. She's just annoyed that he got to keep his dick and his BIG BALLS.
She also did this report on behalf of the WSJ, not Salon or whatever. "Wokeness" didn't go anywhere. Conservative instruments are taking over the role of cancelling people for racism, etc. The thought police just changed uniforms.
It's almost like leftist shills are leftist shills.
This just shows you how retarded Americans are. Why is it bad we know who has been given the keys to the kingdom? Suddenly the right is orgasmic about secretive government agencies that are given access to everyone’s data but it’s ok because “own the libs” and “drain the swamp”. It’s proof you dangle the right keys in someone’s face and the little monkey brain takes over and they will dance as commanded. If the left did the same thing people on the right would be demanding these kids get arrested immediately. Yeah it’s great Elon is finding all this waste and fraud but I’d be my next paycheck there will be any politically inconvenient fraud for this administration found. Added that corporations people here hate like Amazon and Google are already cozying up to this administration. Elon wants to install Googles AI to run the government. So everyone’s suddenly fine with that? The swamp isn’t being drained they are just changing to a new zip code. But hey keep celebrating because the left handing is finding all this bad stuff.. just don’t look at the what the right hand is doing.
Doxxing isn't just saying "this staffer is named Jeff" it's exposing private information to the internet. You're a complete fool if you think anyone who wants transparency in government meant that we wanted to have every single staffer's address be posted to social media.
oh look, the "muh data" talking point! here, of all places!
What "secretive government agencies" are you talking about? DOGE? They've been the most open government organization I've ever seen.
Not publishing the names, phone numbers, addresses, and bank account numbers of their employees isn't "secretive."
If you have a shitpile 100 feet tall, and say "that's a lot of shit, we should remove the shit", and you remove 50 feet of the shit, and then say "well, the rest of it is Republican shit, so we're not touching that", you still removed 50% of the shit, that's a good start. Maybe there can be a based governmental minimalist on the other side who'll remove the other 50%, and then we're great, but even if not, 50% reduction in it is still better than 0% reduction.
Shut up faggot