Economist article: Modi's secret weapon.
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And this is why immigrants aren't trusted. There's always the inherent risk of divided loyalty. They're just saying the quiet part out loud.
There isn't a risk of it, it's guaranteed.
Notice how they're always waving their fucking flag around?
They're so proud of their shithole, just not enough to stay there and fix it. They're parasites!
We should abolish citizenship by naturalization and leave it at residency which has no right to vote or own property.
Then why do Indian Americans pay so much tax?
First of all, taxes are based on what you earn. It's not a donation to express how much you care about America. They pay their taxes to avoid getting arrested and deported. Second -- and I know you've NEVER thought about this -- consider how much money they remit to India!
That's up from $7.01 billion in 2020. In other words, that's $125 billion that has LEFT the U.S. economy (in just ONE year) because those parasites working here sent it to their families back in India, rather than saving or spending it here where it belongs. So, yes, despite paying their tax obligations (what kind of flex is that, anyhow?) they're literally BLEEDING our economy of BILLIONS year over year.
In any case, I was speaking of all immigrants in general, but since you wanted to make it so specific, there you go. And you couldn't have picked a worse demo, either. The largest recipient of remittances globally!
I am aware. Indians are the largest diaspora in the world, so they do remit a lot. However, you misunderstood one thing.
The $125 billion is not the entire sum of remittances to India from all countries, not just the USA. In 2016, 26% of remittances to India were from the UAE, compared to 22% from USA.
The link you provided from 2022 says 22% of remittances were from the UAE while only 18% is from the USA. It says that the later amounts to $16 billion.
A lot of the Indian nurses with funny accent you see in the West are from Kerala, a south Indian state. They are mostly Christians and they are the only ones who are ready to take up such jobs, wiping people's butts and taking care of them. They are exploited by Indian hospitals so they try to get "experience" in the Gulf before migrating to the West.
Kerala is ruled by Communist goons who have chased all the industries away with their mafia tactics. The youth are unemployed after acquiring useless degrees and are addicted to drugs and alcohol. The nurses and other Keralites remit money to India to help their relatives complete their education, clear debts, and find jobs in other states.
It's not just Kerala, expats from other states also try to improve their parent's living standards and make investments in India while living abroad. They also invest in real estate and in businesses.
You can live a very comfortable life in India with just $1000 per month - far less than that if you have your own place and can work from home. Things are extremely affordable. India has a lot of poverty so assistance from foreign-based Indians is very important.
So all that money didn't leave the US, a lot of it goes back to the States and funds its functioning, whereas a significant chunk of the remittance is from the Gulf countries.
You know why India is a fucking shithole? Because it's full of Indians. This is your culture and we don't want it here.
Fuck off, pooboy.
This Oklahoma town is the capital of cow poop tossing
There is zero risk of divided loyalty. If you thought there was even a chance of divided loyalty, a chance that some smidgeon of loyalty would be to you, yours, and your nation, you're woefully innocent.
Its like women.
They are never thankful to the Captain Save a Hoe who literally bends over backwards to save them, they instead spend the rest of their life missing the guy who ruined them and coming to resent the one who took him away.
But all pro-immigration arguments are just "they will be so thankful for how good we made their life they will surely be loyal to and love us more!!" And we know how that works out with women.
It’s more than that. It’s expected for immigrants to feel loyalty to their homeland. It’s another for multiple generations to feel the same loyalty to their motherland and additionally practice racial nepotism towards their own people.
Modi is being antisemitic by saying it out loud
But on the bright side, at least this mass migration is clearly teaching the entire world to hate pajeets.
Indians are brown jews, they behave the exact same only they cannot shapeshift into "fellow whites", which makes the jews more dangerous
Mostly true, but they're smellier and more retarded as a group. They do both share a fascination with shit in common, though.
Indians are group thinkers, Jews are capable of sabotage individually.
I think you're saying Jews are more creative than Indians but it remains that they are both dangerous in any single position of authority.
I just saw a report about some pioneer Indian CEO (in America) that has an engineering dept named after her, which now enrolls 70% foreign grad students, mysteriously.
There's no mystery -- foreign students pay a lot more tuition than residents. (In a lot of cases, subsidized by foreign governments who were subsidized by ... US taxpayers) And universities are greedy and addicted to money, so they like students who pay more.
Add in the Indian nepotism and it's a miracle that even 30% are domestic students.
70% foreign students is ridiculously high against the average.
So conpro was right about them being Pooh jews
Here's the link
Fifth columnists.
Noor Inayat Khan: The Indian princess who spied for Britain She also resisted torture
She still took great risks for her adopted homeland.
She didn't do it for her adopted homeland.
Anyway, Modi is politicizing the Indian diaspora, which is a big mistake.
One bit of solace we can take from this is that it's going to be entertaining when they inevitably start butting heads.
Not really.
All you get is Israel-Palestine style shitskin race wars imported to your streets.
Suddenly there's skirmishes between different sects of pajeets in your mall parking lots when you can't even be bothered to learn the difference.
Deport all of the pajeets.
Indians suck up to jews and Israel, jews think they're garbage
Imagine being so stupid that you declare the existence of a secret weapon to parasitize and leech off other nations.
Most Indians in India who are not communists/socialist support Canada and the USA deporting illegal immigrants from the subcontinent. The illegals are often less educated and have shitty manners and English, not desirable to existing NRIs and persons of Indian origin.