Democracy is the perfect system to exploit and pacify the population while brainwashing them into thinking there is no other way. It's a scam. It has always been a scam.
Our "democracy" rewards the sinner and and abuses the pious man. This is a feature and not a bug.
The modern political campaigns are based around getting foreign powers to pay for your private army of PR people. Of course they don't give the money for free, they get favors. It is all treason, all the way down.
Ironically, you're probably better off importing the whole buffet. Curry hates kebabs, kebabs hate tacos, tacos hate fried chicken, and fried chicken hates every food. Better to have all the appetizers fight with each other rather than just have the single appetizer fight with the entree.
This is because both the left and right have embraced feminism as the new state religion. They cannot solve the root cause of so many problems in our society. Like the left, they can only treat the symptoms.
Birth rate collapse? Conservative fix - Ignore feminism, give more money to women to have kids
Lack of tech workers? Conservative fix - Ignore DEI / ESG, import more Indian H1B
College producing shit grads? Conservative fix - Ignore discrimination against men and affirmative action, fix Title IX to give women more advantages
Men not engaging in society? Conservative fix - Ignore law and policy against men, ban porn
Here I thought the plan was a smörgåsbord, in order to keep the chaos running, but if i get to asked I could go for some sushi or bratwurst perhaps haha
Agreed. I would rather America become some Latin American country. Or even an Eastern European country. Or hell, just import more Western Europeans. Or better still, dissolve the American empire and cut it up into real countries.
There is no choice, replacement is going to be a mix of everything because division is a requirement.
As long as you have faith in "democracy" this will never change.
Our "democracy" rewards the sinner and and abuses the pious man. This is a feature and not a bug. Its success is a manufactured fantasy.
Democracy is the perfect system to exploit and pacify the population while brainwashing them into thinking there is no other way. It's a scam. It has always been a scam.
The modern political campaigns are based around getting foreign powers to pay for your private army of PR people. Of course they don't give the money for free, they get favors. It is all treason, all the way down.
I can deal with latinX, I can’t deal with indians or arabs. I’d prefer none.
I know you probably meant it as a joke, but if you ever use that word in front of a hispanic you will get your ass beat.
Lol. The fat little goblins are welcome to try.
I love it. That’s exactly how they look. All deformed 5’ 2” fatties.
the little ones tend to be stabby
Yeah, I tend to be a little shooty myself.
I am simply being inclusive to all people of latinX descent. They need to evolve their culture to modern times if they have a problem with it.
Another group that resorts to physical violence if a word gets used? We should definitely share society with them.
It's pronouns-ced "laah-tinks".
Ironically, you're probably better off importing the whole buffet. Curry hates kebabs, kebabs hate tacos, tacos hate fried chicken, and fried chicken hates every food. Better to have all the appetizers fight with each other rather than just have the single appetizer fight with the entree.
Be sure to rrmove the kosher first
Well shit, if we do that we won't need to bring in any of the others at all...
Kosher food is really a boomer thing.
Inviting the whole buffet is how you get Yugoslavia. Absolutely not.
as opposed to having a single one, which is how you get Rhodesia.
True, so how about we import zero, like Japan.
I want them all gone.
This is because both the left and right have embraced feminism as the new state religion. They cannot solve the root cause of so many problems in our society. Like the left, they can only treat the symptoms.
Birth rate collapse? Conservative fix - Ignore feminism, give more money to women to have kids
Lack of tech workers? Conservative fix - Ignore DEI / ESG, import more Indian H1B
College producing shit grads? Conservative fix - Ignore discrimination against men and affirmative action, fix Title IX to give women more advantages
Men not engaging in society? Conservative fix - Ignore law and policy against men, ban porn
That's a very good point. It's like people all of a sudden forgot "feminism is cancer". We need to bring back that slogan.
Indians might actually be worse than Mexicans, because they're able to get into managerial and c suite jobs and really fuck things up.
100%. Indians are tied with Jews for most nepotistic ethnicity on the planet.
Funny how we all laughed at the "Elon is the real president" narrative and yet here you all are pretending he is the real president.
He’s an employer that’s literally making this happen at his own companies.
Trump is a big fan of legal great replacement.
CNN went back and forth on whether Trump or Musk is running the countrym
Here I thought the plan was a smörgåsbord, in order to keep the chaos running, but if i get to asked I could go for some sushi or bratwurst perhaps haha
Global shortage on sushi and bratwurst, unfortunately.
Agreed. I would rather America become some Latin American country. Or even an Eastern European country. Or hell, just import more Western Europeans. Or better still, dissolve the American empire and cut it up into real countries.
Fuck off, retard.