It's a stark difference between then and now, that you'd really have to look into Cobain to get his retarded opinions, and corporations were smart enough to keep that shit away from the masses where it could threaten their income.
Today, the more money they lose for The Message is greater proof to idiots that the multinational corporation is somehow down for the struggle.
It really loses a lot of it's appeal without the context of the age of unfettered materialism in which it was born. At that point in history there was pretty much nobody anywhere who actually cared about, or even noticed, the problems with western economies which are more or less public knowledge these days.
Nirvanas got some bangers, but most grunge comes off like a bunch of homeless people starting a rock band, the epitome of which is that Pearl Jam song where he just moans "I'm going hungry" over and over again
Almost nothing about Kurt or Nirvana is special as a musician other than the fact that they everyone else tried to copy them, which pushed them from just another idiot to this "icon" everyone hypes. Same with him dying before he could really undermine himself fully, just like Sid Vicious.
Like, its beyond bad how much almost every genre and even most bands fail the basic human decency tests. They are riddled with druggies, political nonsense, and overall the most damaging lifestyles out there that make Hollywood stars look normal.
We could even repurpose your title for them and it works. Metal is just a bunch of Scandinavian Leftists screaming about Satan. Rock is a bunch of different junkies whining about sex and drugs. Rap is a bunch of niggers acting like they are heroes. Country is a bunch of Rich whities LARPing as poor rural guys.
Point being, we need to raise our standards across the board for musicians if we judge them by anything outside their music.
I think the main reason for me there's a nostalgia factor to it, as that was what I listened to as a teenager. I didn't watch the whole video but it looks like mostly disagreement with his politics, which is fine, but also somehing that was normal for a teenager in the 90s to ignore. I do still listen to some of it, Alice in Chains being my favorite, but yeah I know another bitching heroin addict. My everyday listening music taste has drifted back to 70s rock, blues, country, and classical more so though. Most of which I'm sure someone could poke political holes in too.
Counterpoint to you, I do find a lot of melodic quality to the actual instrumental portion of grunge music in a time when it wasn't necessarily as edited out. This especially in contrast to modern popular music now that is a boring beat with a nigger mumbling about sex parts through an autotune device.
Music is one of those things that just sits in your subconscious from your youth and you'll just always be attracted to it without any good reason because of that. Its hard to even verbalize why you enjoy it, you just do regardless of its quality.
I think if more people recognized that instead of trying to argue that their nostalgic band is actually good we'd get a lot less of these angry rejections of now irrelevant bands.
Completely agree. Nirvana was THE big step of clown world into the modern era. Gloomy, navel gazing, self pitying nihilism. The millennial generation was forever poisoned by the zeitgeist created by Cobain and his so called music.
Nah that started with eminem and the rise of the wigger. At least with grunge it was white kids listening to white bands who actually knew how to play an instrument.
As other people have said, you kind of had to be there. Grunge was a breath of fresh air after two decades of disco, gay British shit, and hair metal. Eventually the market for grunge got saturated and there were a lot of shitty acts by the end as everyone tried to cash in on the trend, though. And yeah, the lyrical content probably was a precursor to today’s clown world shit, which is unfortunate.
Had to be there to get the context. Grunge came from a period when global nuclear war seemed possible so young people had a 'what's the point in trying' attitude. It was the Gen X protest music pointing to what a shitty world we are inheriting.
When the albums were released they were great, but they don't appeal to me any more. The MTV unplugged album is still worth a listen a few times each year.
I like the first album, Bleach I think it's called.
I love Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots.
Heck I even like Pearl Jam and Creed, and you get mocked endlessly for liking Creed on the interent, but I believe they make amazing music and had the misfortune of coming out when the genre was seen as lame the way hair metal was seen in the early 90s. Had Creed had their big songs come out in 1995, instead of the late 90s and early 2000s, I don't think there'd be this "Creed is the worst band ever" thing.
NIckelback deserves their hate. They're garbage, but Creed writes incredible songs.
But yeah when Grunge gets too mopey, I'm not into it, as a lot of Nirvana is hard to listen to, especially because I associate it with my cringe middle school years, but Grunge at it's best is just a very unique and pretty awesome style of rock. A lot of grunge is more metal than metal in ways.
Like I get way more pumped up listening to Outshined by Soundgarden than most actual "metal bands". Same with dozens of Alice in Chains songs, and even their "mopey" songs are often works of art like Nutshell and Down in a Hole. When Grunge goes hard, it's got such a heavier, cooler feel than traditional metal in my opinion.
I like Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, most of the traditional metal bands as much as the next guy...not as much as metalheads, but as much as the next guy who's into rock, but if I had a wrestler song intro, I'd pick Man in the Box or something like that by Alice in Chains over those bands any day of the week.
Grunge comes in two flavors, mopey which can be beautiful music in it's own right, but when it sucks, it really sucks
and rock your face off, out metalling metal. So point is, I'd put myself in the category of grunge fan.
Yeah, I think the rock value of grunge gets overshadowed by its mopier side, which is really unfortunate.
I'm not even a massive rock or grunge guy, having been raised on Romantic classical and late-90s videogame electronica, but Alice in Chains is awesome (I like some Soundgarden stuff, too). "Dirt" has so many bangers. Even "Would?" being a little on the mopey side is still some great freaking rock, and it's my personal favorite of theirs.
Maybe I'm speaking as a casual grunge listener, but I feel like Nirvana is overrated. I've listened to everything I could find on the Internet from them to see what all the raving was about all these years, and I'll admit I really love "Smells Like," but otherwise I don't understand its legendary status.
I wouldn't call most of Nirvana bad by any means (and I guess it's basically sacred for mopey-music listeners), but I especially just don't get the superfandom for Cobain. Maybe painting a wall with your brains enhances your legacy more than wasting away from, and then dying to, heroine and cocaine overdosing, though.
Edit: Just watched OP's linked video and, in retrospect, maybe my opinions on Cobain formed from a natural aversion to faggotry.
If you like Dirt for the heaviness, I highly recommend listening to the entirety of their first album; Facelift.
I'm in the minority, but it's my favorite album by them. It's very heavy and more on the rock side compared to their other albums. Basically no non-rock songs on the album, save for maybe one.
But sea of sorrow, Sunshine, Bleed the Freak, are some highlights, but the whole album is excellent.
Oh, I've listened to all their stuff. Facelift is my no. 2 from them, Sea of Sorrows being one of my favorite AiC songs (and Man in the Box is great). I actually don't like the super dirty grunge all that much, like Jar of Flies doesn't hold too much that I like listening to, but even there the rock factor is excellent.
Are there any other grunge bands worth listening to? I know of Soundgarden and Audioslave, but I'd like more recommendations (your original comment mentioned Stone Temple Pilots, so I'll have to give them a listen).
The best Stone Temple Pilots song in my opinion is Big Empty. Before the chorus it sounds like the song is going to be slow and mopey, but stick around for the chorus.
Some other great STP songs are Wicked Garden, Plush, Dead and Bloated, and Creep.
Dead and Bloated is the most AIC sounding song, where it's got more of a heaviness to it.
Some other good grunge type bands are Kyuss, check out the song Demon Cleaner by Kyuss, and another one you'll love is the band Silverchair. The two songs you have to listen to are Tomorrow and Israel's Son. What's crazy is those two songs were performed when they were like 15 I think, and the guy wrote the songs when he was 14. Yet when you hear his voice he sounds like a 30 year old. Shows how much soy-ness there is today.
Now our 30 year old men sing and write like 14 year olds.
Can't agree. Don't give a fuck about his personal opinions and I don't want to learn them. I like Nirvana's music. I even liked Foo Fighters before they turned into the most generic pop shit I ever heard (not that they were ever grunge, but I also don't want to know shit about Dave Grohl or his personal opinions either).
I like some Nirvana songs. I don't think about Kurt Cobain a lot.
Some people just have it backwards.
I had no idea he was such a lunatic.
It's a stark difference between then and now, that you'd really have to look into Cobain to get his retarded opinions, and corporations were smart enough to keep that shit away from the masses where it could threaten their income.
Today, the more money they lose for The Message is greater proof to idiots that the multinational corporation is somehow down for the struggle.
Dude was raised to hate himself by a feminist mother. If he were a kid today, she'd be transing him.
It really loses a lot of it's appeal without the context of the age of unfettered materialism in which it was born. At that point in history there was pretty much nobody anywhere who actually cared about, or even noticed, the problems with western economies which are more or less public knowledge these days.
Yep, it’s like playing Spec Ops The Line today without any context as to when it was released.
I agree, Nirvana was highly overrated.
Nirvanas got some bangers, but most grunge comes off like a bunch of homeless people starting a rock band, the epitome of which is that Pearl Jam song where he just moans "I'm going hungry" over and over again
A. Not a pearl jam song B. Kinda the opposite of what it's about.
Almost nothing about Kurt or Nirvana is special as a musician other than the fact that they everyone else tried to copy them, which pushed them from just another idiot to this "icon" everyone hypes. Same with him dying before he could really undermine himself fully, just like Sid Vicious.
Like, its beyond bad how much almost every genre and even most bands fail the basic human decency tests. They are riddled with druggies, political nonsense, and overall the most damaging lifestyles out there that make Hollywood stars look normal.
We could even repurpose your title for them and it works. Metal is just a bunch of Scandinavian Leftists screaming about Satan. Rock is a bunch of different junkies whining about sex and drugs. Rap is a bunch of niggers acting like they are heroes. Country is a bunch of Rich whities LARPing as poor rural guys.
Point being, we need to raise our standards across the board for musicians if we judge them by anything outside their music.
I think the main reason for me there's a nostalgia factor to it, as that was what I listened to as a teenager. I didn't watch the whole video but it looks like mostly disagreement with his politics, which is fine, but also somehing that was normal for a teenager in the 90s to ignore. I do still listen to some of it, Alice in Chains being my favorite, but yeah I know another bitching heroin addict. My everyday listening music taste has drifted back to 70s rock, blues, country, and classical more so though. Most of which I'm sure someone could poke political holes in too.
Counterpoint to you, I do find a lot of melodic quality to the actual instrumental portion of grunge music in a time when it wasn't necessarily as edited out. This especially in contrast to modern popular music now that is a boring beat with a nigger mumbling about sex parts through an autotune device.
Music is one of those things that just sits in your subconscious from your youth and you'll just always be attracted to it without any good reason because of that. Its hard to even verbalize why you enjoy it, you just do regardless of its quality.
I think if more people recognized that instead of trying to argue that their nostalgic band is actually good we'd get a lot less of these angry rejections of now irrelevant bands.
Completely agree. Nirvana was THE big step of clown world into the modern era. Gloomy, navel gazing, self pitying nihilism. The millennial generation was forever poisoned by the zeitgeist created by Cobain and his so called music.
Nah that started with eminem and the rise of the wigger. At least with grunge it was white kids listening to white bands who actually knew how to play an instrument.
When the only other popular white music is hair metal this was a great change of pace
As other people have said, you kind of had to be there. Grunge was a breath of fresh air after two decades of disco, gay British shit, and hair metal. Eventually the market for grunge got saturated and there were a lot of shitty acts by the end as everyone tried to cash in on the trend, though. And yeah, the lyrical content probably was a precursor to today’s clown world shit, which is unfortunate.
That said, “My Wave” by Soundgarden is a libertarian anthem and kind of a banger to boot:
In general, soundgarden seems like the grunge act whose work has held up the best over time
Had to be there to get the context. Grunge came from a period when global nuclear war seemed possible so young people had a 'what's the point in trying' attitude. It was the Gen X protest music pointing to what a shitty world we are inheriting.
When the albums were released they were great, but they don't appeal to me any more. The MTV unplugged album is still worth a listen a few times each year.
I like the first album, Bleach I think it's called.
I love Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots.
Heck I even like Pearl Jam and Creed, and you get mocked endlessly for liking Creed on the interent, but I believe they make amazing music and had the misfortune of coming out when the genre was seen as lame the way hair metal was seen in the early 90s. Had Creed had their big songs come out in 1995, instead of the late 90s and early 2000s, I don't think there'd be this "Creed is the worst band ever" thing.
NIckelback deserves their hate. They're garbage, but Creed writes incredible songs.
But yeah when Grunge gets too mopey, I'm not into it, as a lot of Nirvana is hard to listen to, especially because I associate it with my cringe middle school years, but Grunge at it's best is just a very unique and pretty awesome style of rock. A lot of grunge is more metal than metal in ways.
Like I get way more pumped up listening to Outshined by Soundgarden than most actual "metal bands". Same with dozens of Alice in Chains songs, and even their "mopey" songs are often works of art like Nutshell and Down in a Hole. When Grunge goes hard, it's got such a heavier, cooler feel than traditional metal in my opinion.
I like Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, most of the traditional metal bands as much as the next guy...not as much as metalheads, but as much as the next guy who's into rock, but if I had a wrestler song intro, I'd pick Man in the Box or something like that by Alice in Chains over those bands any day of the week.
Grunge comes in two flavors, mopey which can be beautiful music in it's own right, but when it sucks, it really sucks
and rock your face off, out metalling metal. So point is, I'd put myself in the category of grunge fan.
Yeah, I think the rock value of grunge gets overshadowed by its mopier side, which is really unfortunate.
I'm not even a massive rock or grunge guy, having been raised on Romantic classical and late-90s videogame electronica, but Alice in Chains is awesome (I like some Soundgarden stuff, too). "Dirt" has so many bangers. Even "Would?" being a little on the mopey side is still some great freaking rock, and it's my personal favorite of theirs.
Maybe I'm speaking as a casual grunge listener, but I feel like Nirvana is overrated. I've listened to everything I could find on the Internet from them to see what all the raving was about all these years, and I'll admit I really love "Smells Like," but otherwise I don't understand its legendary status.
I wouldn't call most of Nirvana bad by any means (and I guess it's basically sacred for mopey-music listeners), but I especially just don't get the superfandom for Cobain. Maybe painting a wall with your brains enhances your legacy more than wasting away from, and then dying to, heroine and cocaine overdosing, though.
Edit: Just watched OP's linked video and, in retrospect, maybe my opinions on Cobain formed from a natural aversion to faggotry.
If you like Dirt for the heaviness, I highly recommend listening to the entirety of their first album; Facelift.
I'm in the minority, but it's my favorite album by them. It's very heavy and more on the rock side compared to their other albums. Basically no non-rock songs on the album, save for maybe one.
But sea of sorrow, Sunshine, Bleed the Freak, are some highlights, but the whole album is excellent.
Oh, I've listened to all their stuff. Facelift is my no. 2 from them, Sea of Sorrows being one of my favorite AiC songs (and Man in the Box is great). I actually don't like the super dirty grunge all that much, like Jar of Flies doesn't hold too much that I like listening to, but even there the rock factor is excellent.
Are there any other grunge bands worth listening to? I know of Soundgarden and Audioslave, but I'd like more recommendations (your original comment mentioned Stone Temple Pilots, so I'll have to give them a listen).
The best Stone Temple Pilots song in my opinion is Big Empty. Before the chorus it sounds like the song is going to be slow and mopey, but stick around for the chorus.
Some other great STP songs are Wicked Garden, Plush, Dead and Bloated, and Creep.
Dead and Bloated is the most AIC sounding song, where it's got more of a heaviness to it.
Some other good grunge type bands are Kyuss, check out the song Demon Cleaner by Kyuss, and another one you'll love is the band Silverchair. The two songs you have to listen to are Tomorrow and Israel's Son. What's crazy is those two songs were performed when they were like 15 I think, and the guy wrote the songs when he was 14. Yet when you hear his voice he sounds like a 30 year old. Shows how much soy-ness there is today.
Now our 30 year old men sing and write like 14 year olds.
I love Big Empty, best song on the awesome crow soundtrack. Also FYI Silverchair are from Australia.
Can't agree. Don't give a fuck about his personal opinions and I don't want to learn them. I like Nirvana's music. I even liked Foo Fighters before they turned into the most generic pop shit I ever heard (not that they were ever grunge, but I also don't want to know shit about Dave Grohl or his personal opinions either).