I feel like this would be a solid 4D Chess Strategy. White Nationalists pop-up in "solidarity" with the Muslims by also converting to Islam. Then, the new White Muslims start conversing with their non-White Muslim brothers about how best to make UK more of a Muslim country. Then convince the non-White Muslims to start promoting more traditional Islamic Values/Beliefs in the UK, while the newly converted White Nationalists merely show support for their Islamic brothers.
Could be entertaining.
Their entire goal is to destroy white peoples, cultures, and nations. You not understanding this is the only reason you would ever suggest “leaning in to it” in order to… what exactly? Help them finish the job?
The idea is to accelerate such that average White people can't deny things.
White Nationalists have more in common with Islam than they do Globohomo. So the idea is get WNs to force Islam into a war with Globohomo instead of Globohomo getting Islam to fight the WNs.
What a retarded take.
Better people just join forces with the IRA and reclaim their islands using their 'Methodology'
There is no '4D chess' with Islam, you either fight it to remain the dominant culture or you're left with two choices:
Submit or die
Race is more important than religion. One day people will learn that. A country of White people who are Islamic is better than a country of Africans who are Christian.
Yeah, I agree the conversion has to be done properly. Your last piece is precisely what I'm trying to get at though. Chip away at Western tolerance by encouraging stricter Islamic practices within Western countries. Put the government and Islam at odds instead of WNs and Islam at odds.
Yeah, I do feel that's the way it's going but at the speed it'll go, it won't cause enough of a problem to destabilize and change in a positive manner, imo. I'm always about the encouraging it on.
It would be great if a large group of domestic White people started promoting ideas like UK was always a Islamic country. Christians are imperialists who colonized the domestic Britons whose Pagan religion was actually a sect of Islam and that embracing Islam is going back to the real ancestral religion of the UK. We wuz the real Muslims! Really embolden and empower the Muslims in the UK. But don't do more than that. Just go full Islam but let the non-White Muslims be the ones to push for more. Poke the bear. Turn the golem on its master.
As our friend Lethn says you have to be the right kind of Muslim. There is an old saying along the lines of "as longs are there are two Muslims alive there will never be peace"
It's hard to see in Western countries because it's never talked about but look at the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia. Adherents of Islam must always accept their brothers. That's kind of a big deal with them. So why, then, is Egypt explicitly rejecting Palestinians?
The Sunni and Shia have been at war for hundreds of years. They kill each other over small differences. Muslims will gather to overtake a country but if they get a majority they immediately fall to violent in-fighting.
So, white man, what flavor will you choose?
Well, what flavor is there more of in the UK right now?
I have no idea as I don't live there. I doubt there are any real numbers at this time. There most likely won't be until they really really take a hold in the country. I guess look at the countries they come from as they are mostly homogeneous in their flavor of faith.
Also, I do not want to "revert," not convert (that's the way Muslims see it,) to a faith of child rapists.
So I checked and it's not even close. Sunni Muslims are like 90% of the Muslims who've immigrated to the UK.
I am also going to add look at the ISIS vs Taliban conflict. They are completely happy slaughtering their own.
They have some interesting ideas but they are not friends of the West and we should not take that direction.
What are they converting from, atheism? A true Christian would never consider converting to anything for the benefit of a politics.
You can't vote your way out of communism or islam.
Right, so we're in agreement that strategies involving voting don't work. You will never win by voting, period. Ever.
You can't vote your way out of anything. All voting will ever do is let you pick the least bad option from a list made by other people. You want something fixed? You gotta fix it yourself.
Muslim or not, native Brits are still white and easily dealt with by a two-tier legal system.
But that's why UK Whites shouldn't be the ones at the forefront of the change. Let the non-Whites push it. The Whites should just tell them they agree with them pushing it. That's kind of the point. Completely dissolve any conflict between White Christians and non-White Muslims because all the White Christians become Islam. Now the only Christians left are the NPCs not the WNs. Then encourage the non-White Muslims to essentially start going after the White Christian NPCs. The WNs don't care cause they're now Islamic. I swear it would screw the government over in the confusion lol.
I see your logic, but we're not dealing with rational actors.
They'd ignore the Muslim aspect and jail a lot more white men while they pass more and more muh-soggy-knees laws.
Perhaps, but it would be worth seeing exactly what they do. It's not like they aren't already jailing Whites so there's nothing to lose. Just makes it more confusing for the actors involved imo.
The obvious theological answer for the learned: Islam is far too egalitarian. The practical answer is that this strategy doesn't work. Discard these useless, Tommy Robinson-tier answers that rely on false 'Islamofascist' narratives. They want you to believe that Islam is totalitarian, 'Nazi-ish', and committed to destroying everything incompatible with itself.
First things first, there is no reason to adopt Abrahamic religion v3.0 when Abrahamic religion v2.0 has failed to stop, and possibly has a causal link to, today's problems. Glenn Beck flew Christians out of Afghanistan to America; a Muslim Glenn Beck would do the same thing but for Muslims instead. Indeed, v3.0 has many of the same problems as v2.0. If one considers Bahai'ism as a yet later version rather than as a false religion, Abrahamic religion becomes even worse still.
Oddly, Abrahamic religion v1.0, viz. what we now call 'Judaism', is actually the least egalitarian, for instance, since miscegenation between Israelites and non-Israelites is punishable by death. Stuff like this from the Jewish scriptures, viz. most of today's Bible, is ironically what White Nationalist 'Christians' cherish most about Christianity. But since they are repulsed by Jews, they rely on dubious narratives in which the descendants of the Israelites are today's Europeans. Now having conceptually eliminated today's Jews from Judaism and othered them as imposters who have hijacked Judaism, they call White Israelism the true Christianity. What they really want is to be the people with whom God made a covenant, so that they can then say that these laws against homosexuality, incest, miscegenation, &c. apply to them rather than to today's Jews or to some extinct peoples.
I suspect that there is a common mistake in thinking that because God told these laws to the Israelites, therefore that these laws are only for them. That if you aren't an Israelite, then none of them apply to you, perhaps that nothing that you do will ever be virtuous, and that you're condemned to Hell no matter what. I need to study this more, but I suspect that most of these laws apply to all peoples and that God merely reminded the Israelites of what all peoples should be doing, and that God favours whichever groups sufficiently please Him.
One might say, for instance, that He abandoned the Jews and embraced the Arabs somewhere in between the time of Jesus and Muhammad, but God also indicates in the Quran that He possibly has hostility to the Arabs. (However, other translations use terms such as 'Bedouins' and 'nomads', terms which do not rule out the possibility of the Arabs once having been God's Chosen.)
The sheer weakness of Israel in the face of the impoverished Hamas strikes me as a potential example of this playing out in the world in the here and now. By all indications, Israel should have destroyed Hamas a long time ago already. Why not? God may favour Hamas, perhaps not so much because they are virtuous, but merely as a means of punishing the Israelis, who are indubitably vicious.
Departing from theology, and as for the strategy part of it, don't you think that White Israelites would have done the same thing that you advocate but with non-white Christians already? They could hold up all of these Christian Nigerians as shields against accusations of racism, but they don't bother with it. So why opt for the vastly more difficult option of doing the same thing but with Islam?
Obviously, you think that it will allow Whites to deploy the twin shields of Islamophobia and racism against liberals and 'Leftists'. Surely these two weapons are stronger than one. But do you think, then, that some Bosnian immigrant can wield Islamophobia in that same manner? Doubtful. You have to be non-white to wield that weapon. They aren't so stupid as to believe that the Whites are X, Y, and Z but only on the condition that they aren't Muslim. If enough Whites became Muslim, the term 'Islamophobia' would disappear from public discourse and those non-white Muslims that you may hope will lead the way in remoralizing our societies would suddenly come under the same attacks that non-white Christians already do.
I suspect that I am better able to answer this question because a) I've actually studied Islam, though nowhere near to the level of any scholar, and b) My mind isn't warped by anti-Muslim narratives: indeed, I have discovered a compelling but as of yet unpublished reason to accept that the Quran is a true scripture of God, which puts me in a highly unusual position, viz. someone who accepts the Quran without identifying in the least bit with Islam and Muslims.
The reason why this is so is because I believe that all organized religions are false and that God's Religion no longer exists: man-made rubbish permeates all religions, and the task of discerning truths from falsehoods so that the latter can be eliminated is practically impossible. Indeed, one would need a time machine to even begin to figure out what Religion looked like before it became religions: jumbled messes of innovations and traditions that have effectively replaced the original content. We can see this in real time with how fast 'progressive Christianity' is developing: now consider the fact that these same developments have been going on to varying extents for thousands of years. It is clear that whomever claims that he has the 'true Hinduism' or 'true Judaism' or 'true Christianity' or 'true Islam' in fact does not have it: at best, his version has only eliminated some falsehoods. Likely, its attempts at purification have introduced new falsehoods. This is how I perceive, for instance, the Ahmadiyya in Islam. Their effort to eliminate falsehoods has led to the introduction of new falsehoods. We can't even trust that true scriptures remain unaltered, especially those written further back in time.
God doesn't require you to follow a book to follow God. This should have been obvious given the fact that Jesus's entire purpose was to free men from the rule lawyering jews. Then for some people men decide to follow the words on a piece of paper and shackle themselves to words yet again.
Your take is accurate. However, too many people cling to religion as a savior when it's a fools errand. That's why to me, religion is fluid. Be a Muslim, be a Christian, be whatever. God doesn't care. But if changing religions can be used as a tool to attack the enemy, which for westerners is their government and NPCs, then why not try it.
They would just continue to target Whites for our race. You are vastly over estimating how Islamophiliac the UK is. Starmer's wife is a Jew, and Labor just purged Corbyn for anti-Semitism. They tolerate unrest from Muslims strictly as a weapon against Whites.
Same issue that exists with men identifying as trans women and getting all those positions that are reserved for women.
People have morals & values.
I don't think the West would be immune but one thing is certain. Fighting Muslims so the government can pick you off one by one and throw you in jail is a losing strategy.
So what? convert to islam so that people become more accepting of muslim immigrants and race mix more? no thanks.
We're already at peak race mixing and accepting of immigrants. And you know what religions are most accepting of immigrants? It's not Islam. It's Christianity/Jews
Turkey is full of arab immigrants that the native turks are pissed off about but because Turkey is a muslim country, there are muslim voices that keep talking about how they are obligated to take in fellow Muslim immigrants even if the more nationalist turks are not happy about it.
In any case, the current strategy WNs are employing is failing abysmally. Fighting Islam while not fighting Globohomo is a recipe for disaster. That's precisely why Globohomo brought in the Muslims, as a distraction, and it's working perfectly. It's a trap WNs are falling right for. I'm trying to suggest using the Muslims against globohomo.
I understand your perspective but you won't win trying to fight Muslims instead of your government.
Im fine with using muslims against globohomo. Which is why i support Palestinians. Im not fine with converting to islam however.
The Palestine vs. Israel conflict is manufactured by jews in order to justify giving Israel more money and sending Muslims to European countries. You'd actually be better off if Israel was simply given the whole area and there was no longer any conflict.
The conflict I'm talking about is the one in Europe. Again, a manufactured conflict between Muslims and Whites in order to distract from the true enemy and the true enemy will continue to benefit from this manufactured conflict.