No Goys allowed to run this game
Comments (19)
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"Does the game play itself on Shabbat or do I need an elaborate system of pulleys to make it not count?"
Is this about that fridge door? This sounds familiar.
There's a whole range of "Kosher" products that try to find loopholes in the "no work on Saturday," rule. My favorite meme is the Kosher Switch. A light switch that operates the lights, OR DOES IT?
So many good memes. "It also eliminates the accidental use of traditional light switches." Jump to 2:50 for the insanity of "how it works."
God is upset that they forgot the point of the sabbath and are rules lawyering over a symbolic rest rather than just hitting the light switch.
Is this real?
In theory I’d say sure, whatever. If I tried to make a straight white Christian man only game, it would be a hate crime. So screw their game.
right? In the grand scheme of things, I don't care that this stuff exists, but the people making it would surely take issue with other games that tell them they can't participate.
Will it have gay/interracial romance options? Will it have the full eight gender options for the main chars? Will it give you the choice to convert to a different religion, of your own free will?
I saw another thread, some years ago, on the Star Trek subreddit. It was full of people kvetching about the total lack of jewish characters and jewish themes in all of the shows and movies (their complaints, not mine - I'm just a surface-level-knowledge tourist when it comes to Star Trek) One of the posters complained about something he called "Christianocentric stories", which got me thinking: without this foundation of Christianity, what kind of stories would there be on the show? Stories that scorn forgiveness and tolerance, promote isolationism and holding on to centuries-old grudges, dehumanising and cancellation of anyone who disagrees with the opinions of the elites?
The Ferengi are obviously a take on Jews
Lack of Jewish themes and characters? Does he not know the origin of Spock's Vulcan hand sign?
I honestly can't remember any human religions in Star Trek. Occasionally people would quote scripture but it was academic inclined not spiritual. That dude must have been searching and reaching hard to find Christ centric stories.
When people like that complain about "Christianocentric stories" they're not talking about on-screen depictions of religion. They're complaining about the storytelling having American (read: Christian) values as the reference point. They're not mad because Kirk mentions there being one god. They're mad because they find morality repugnant.
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy both are/were jewish.
So I guess Star Trek tourists are anti-semitic, now. Sounds about right.
I knew Nimoy was jewish, but not Shatner. Given his ostracization from Hollywood/Trek over his views I would never have expected that.
Because he's not a crazy lefty. He's an atheist who just likes making money.
This has to be a weird troll from some fag who spends too much time on /pol/ and /tg/, right?
E: Oh, it's PbtA trash. Now I'm certain it's made by a troll. An actual jew would have used a system with much more rigid rules, and the metagame would be to subvert the rules to get what the player/character wants.
You just made me realize by applying that analogy in reverse that they basically munchkin real life.
Of course the greedy kike is selling the one page version for $3 and the full version for $8.