posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +65 / -5

It's still a developing situation at the moment, apparently Keir Starmer called a second Cobra meeting which is just the British equivalent of homeland security or FEMA in simple terms. The stupid cunts are doubling down and Keir Starmer is just openly going these attacks on Muslim communities are abhorrent which is a really dumb thing to do.

What's going to happen now is we're going to have to see what the middle class do because they do make up a significant bulk of the population and are often normie to the extreme. If they all start getting red pilled and protest in large numbers and the labour party are stupid enough to crack down on them as well calling them far right you're going to see something major happen.

It's clear that this isn't necessarily just going to fizzle out given all the signs and how nobody has told Keir Starmer to shut the fuck up and put somebody in charge who might be able to negotiate and calm people down. If they keep on arresting people and kicking down homes while letting out violent criminals that is going to cause people to go nuts.