They have been trained by the "media" that white people are evil, so less white people and more non-white people is by its essence a good thing. And blacks are basically the most non-white out of every race.
If black people were in europe the entire time.. even being kings and queens in europe. Doesnt that mean blacks are responsible for all the things lefties accuse white people of being the root cause?? All the wars, colonization and slavery they blame white people for.. are actually the doing of black people that existed in europe and early americas.. Maybe king george was black?? Queen victoria was black?? Hitler was black??
White people were just so mad about the paradise they were in they fought hard to destroy and enslave the stronk black people who created it....kinda sounds like how leftists actually are. lol
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
John 14:6-7
The man who despises the truth despises God his creator. God has an opinion on those people.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
Why is that a better world? Are black people magic that make things better? It's a silly notion.
"I mean, just look at any place with black people, versus places without a lot of black people, bigot!"
They have been trained by the "media" that white people are evil, so less white people and more non-white people is by its essence a good thing. And blacks are basically the most non-white out of every race.
If black people were in europe the entire time.. even being kings and queens in europe. Doesnt that mean blacks are responsible for all the things lefties accuse white people of being the root cause?? All the wars, colonization and slavery they blame white people for.. are actually the doing of black people that existed in europe and early americas.. Maybe king george was black?? Queen victoria was black?? Hitler was black??
no, every time something bad happened it was the y ppo
White people were just so mad about the paradise they were in they fought hard to destroy and enslave the stronk black people who created it....kinda sounds like how leftists actually are. lol
Because they believe they are the chosen and thus their ideas are correct.
Then you get to level 3 commie and 'by envisioning utopia we limit ourselves, so we should only destroy things' and it's wild.
Black girl magic!
Orwell was really spot on with his stuff.
This is what communists and five year olds have in common: thinking that fantasy overrides reality if you just believe in it hard enough.
This is a quote from Steven Moffat about putting black people in Doctor Who.
u/Telia your posts are usually interesting, but you should try to be less of a jpg poster. It wouldn’t have been hard to find a source for this.
John 14:6-7
The man who despises the truth despises God his creator. God has an opinion on those people.
Galatians 6:7-8
Gnosticism in a nutshell.
People that say this kind of shit tend to live in places that are 90% white
Magical Thinking. The same thing as thinking that you turn into what you dress up as.
The same thing as thinking everyone only draws things they either worship or fuck.
These assholes have been around forever.