Breaking now, Trump shot at rally, reported conscious and alive
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I'm literally hearing about this on the Archcast as they started live reporting it on steam
Seems they grazed his ear so he's alive but fuck, this going make shit go nuclear soon, we are going to see some take this as a sign to give no quarter to the left anymore.
Edit: you may want to watch his steam as Arch and Dev are going over some of the headlines and they are RIDICULOUS.
"Trump startled by loud noise and taken off stage at recent rally"
And the media will take no criticism for pushing the “this man is evil incarnate” message since 16
Meanwhile any time "mean words" are spoken by right wingers, they talk about stochastic terrorism.
Remember when multiple assassination attempts against Republicans happened at the most non-partisan idea possible -- a softball game -- and the media characterized it as how Republicans need to turn down the temperature?
What are you talking about? That wasn't political that was a suicide by cop, bro. Didn't you hear the fbi tell us that?
Independents on YouTube like even Ddaycobra is doing better reporting than CNN right now!
If mainstream media can't treat this responsibly, put their TDS away and actually fumble reporting this, they'll be irrelevant in 1-2 YEARS than a decade.
The mainstream media knows that they are partially responsible. They need to get the Alex Jones treatment a hundredfold.
I hope Dev gets off his retarded pro-centrist stance and realize IT IS THE LEFT THAT IS THE VIOLENT SIDE, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN.
He still won't he went straight for "but muh both sides" during it
Over on reddit the lefty political subs are already insisting this was staged and fake. Doesn't matter to them that there were 50 000 live witnesses. Dev will be right there with them, refusing to accept reality.
Shades of the Floyd riots. When they thought everyone was on their side, they cheered the riots. When the numbers came in and the riots proved to be deeply unpopular, lefties started claiming false flag.
Dev is a lost cause. I rather his stuck on our side and be a give an inch punching bag
Actually being fair, he has straight up said it's the left that are responsible for this attempt, either directly or with their rhetoric.
He's joining Arch calling for calm as since Trump is alive, this not just wins him the election but if you stay calm, the authority and backing to BITCH SLAP the establishment left with no backlash.
Good on him.
Now the next step, getting him to fucking denounce the left and abandon them because unchecked leftist policies lead to suffering in the long term.
Let's hope this convinces Trump that giving the deep state lee-way is a bad idea.
Is Dev running cover for the leftist assassin?
"We need to speak out against violent extremism on both sides!"
No, he just doesn't want a civil war to break out.
Frankly, I doubt this will cause one. I think it might have just prevented one.