I looked up the history of Baphomet (the goat head demon that you posted ) and apparently one of the first mentions of Baphomet was about how a group called the Knights Templer were accused of worshipping Baphomet . And get this, the Knights Templers were apparently a bunch of bankers. .
And apparently during the French revolution when the French King Louis XVI
was executed there were stories about how an anonymous Freemason had said "Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged" at his execution .
Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of the Knights Templer who was executed by King Philip IV ( A French king who was the ancestor of King Louis XVI . King Philip IV during his reign had both expelled jews from France and destroyed the Knights Templer)
The Templars stumbled upon lots of esoteric knowledge that the RCC had kept secret for centuries, and probably invented the myth of King Arthur as an allegory for their heretical belief that Jesus was actually a warrior king with a family. Perhaps they were Gnostics, and believed in an otherwise forgotten prehistoric religion passed down from Atlantis.
the templars were killed because the broke-ass king wanted their money. for centuries they were protecting people making journeys and acting as bankers.
the Knights templars probably had some crypto jew members considering their apparent connection to banking and freemasonry .And they were taken out , at the same time that the jews were expelled. The King seemed to have thought so too considering he had Jacques de Molay executed in the island called Île aux Juifs (literally translated as "Island of the jews")
The French king wanted money, and he used torture to gain false confessions. In every other country where arrests were made the Templars confessed their innocence, and even in France when Papal authorities questions the imprisoned Knights virtually all of them went back on their confessions.
There was a Papal Schism at the time so the Pope was weak and under the influence of the King of France, so ultimately he had to go along with the Templar persecution despite it being very flimsy evidence.
There were basically no executions outside of France, only house arrests and members being allowed to swap membership to a different order.
There's a lot to say about the Templars but all the conspiracy stuff about their secret beliefs and the grail and so on is just made up fantasy.
Considering the Freemasonry (who were largely responsible for the proto communist French revolution) seemed to be on the side of the Templers, i'm inclined to believe that they were the bad guys. Especially since they were bankers.
Those Freemasons claiming some Templar legacy were just LARPers making shit up to look cooler than they were, the real successors to the Templars (as in, they were literally just OG Templars with a rebrand and a smaller white cross slapped on top of their original red one) were the Portuguese Order of Christ. These guys were actually pretty cool and I have never read about them being up to any subversive shenanigans in the vein of the Jesuits or Freemasons, instead they were mostly involved in the early Portuguese colonial ventures under Prince Henry the Navigator & Vasco da Gama (both explorers were members of the order, Prince Henry was even their Grandmaster) or in fighting Muslims in Morocco.
By the end they were basically a shadow government throughout areas where Catholicism reigned supreme, it was only a matter of time before some king or pope had them killed and actually got away with it.
When Deus Ex (the original from 2000) started going into Knights Templar stuff I remember thinking "OK they ran out of sane sounding conspiracies and now they're just digging for filler material for the later levels." Not sure I think that any longer.
Yup, they and at least a few other holy orders (mainly of the militant sort) made so much money that they expanded and evolved into substantial businesses and banking consortiums, more or less.
In many respects it's not too dissimilar to the occasional modern case of some veterans going into business for themselves as private military contractors and setting up companies that feed off of the military industrial complex gravytrain.
Btw this is in a snake head room in the middle of snake fangs https://files.catbox.moe/juj7mn.jpg
Someone figured out that when you mirror the left side of the statue, it turns into a demon over a goat head.
I looked up the history of Baphomet (the goat head demon that you posted ) and apparently one of the first mentions of Baphomet was about how a group called the Knights Templer were accused of worshipping Baphomet . And get this, the Knights Templers were apparently a bunch of bankers. .
And apparently during the French revolution when the French King Louis XVI was executed there were stories about how an anonymous Freemason had said "Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged" at his execution .
Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of the Knights Templer who was executed by King Philip IV ( A French king who was the ancestor of King Louis XVI . King Philip IV during his reign had both expelled jews from France and destroyed the Knights Templer)
The Templars stumbled upon lots of esoteric knowledge that the RCC had kept secret for centuries, and probably invented the myth of King Arthur as an allegory for their heretical belief that Jesus was actually a warrior king with a family. Perhaps they were Gnostics, and believed in an otherwise forgotten prehistoric religion passed down from Atlantis.
the templars were killed because the broke-ass king wanted their money. for centuries they were protecting people making journeys and acting as bankers.
the Knights templars probably had some crypto jew members considering their apparent connection to banking and freemasonry .And they were taken out , at the same time that the jews were expelled. The King seemed to have thought so too considering he had Jacques de Molay executed in the island called Île aux Juifs (literally translated as "Island of the jews")
The French king wanted money, and he used torture to gain false confessions. In every other country where arrests were made the Templars confessed their innocence, and even in France when Papal authorities questions the imprisoned Knights virtually all of them went back on their confessions. There was a Papal Schism at the time so the Pope was weak and under the influence of the King of France, so ultimately he had to go along with the Templar persecution despite it being very flimsy evidence. There were basically no executions outside of France, only house arrests and members being allowed to swap membership to a different order. There's a lot to say about the Templars but all the conspiracy stuff about their secret beliefs and the grail and so on is just made up fantasy.
Nahhhh I played Assassin's Creed Unity I think I know what I'm talking about buddy
Considering the Freemasonry (who were largely responsible for the proto communist French revolution) seemed to be on the side of the Templers, i'm inclined to believe that they were the bad guys. Especially since they were bankers.
Those Freemasons claiming some Templar legacy were just LARPers making shit up to look cooler than they were, the real successors to the Templars (as in, they were literally just OG Templars with a rebrand and a smaller white cross slapped on top of their original red one) were the Portuguese Order of Christ. These guys were actually pretty cool and I have never read about them being up to any subversive shenanigans in the vein of the Jesuits or Freemasons, instead they were mostly involved in the early Portuguese colonial ventures under Prince Henry the Navigator & Vasco da Gama (both explorers were members of the order, Prince Henry was even their Grandmaster) or in fighting Muslims in Morocco.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: Fremasons, Templars, Communists, and Bankers are not Identity Groups
Yeah the Templars were (probably still are) a bunch of bad guys.
Which is a shame, since they were also kind of badass. But, yeah, also a bunch of bankers who were doing some shady stuff and destroying economies.
It's frustrating, since I can't help but like them a bit, but it sounds like destroying the Knights Templar was the right call.
By the end they were basically a shadow government throughout areas where Catholicism reigned supreme, it was only a matter of time before some king or pope had them killed and actually got away with it.
When Deus Ex (the original from 2000) started going into Knights Templar stuff I remember thinking "OK they ran out of sane sounding conspiracies and now they're just digging for filler material for the later levels." Not sure I think that any longer.
Yup, they and at least a few other holy orders (mainly of the militant sort) made so much money that they expanded and evolved into substantial businesses and banking consortiums, more or less.
In many respects it's not too dissimilar to the occasional modern case of some veterans going into business for themselves as private military contractors and setting up companies that feed off of the military industrial complex gravytrain.
isn't the snake supposed to be a bad guy?
...not when the snake is writing the story.
"It's not a story the Christians would tell you..."
After playing Blasphemous, I've come to learn catholics are some of the most metal motherfuckers around. Like, the lore goes hard.
Dancing Mad begins to play
Now with more Black Mages.
Kill everything.
It's terrible modern art
It's clearly something that's been on her mind for a while.
People have made the same joke about Jason Momoa and his bodyguards.
Knowing who has the guns is really the most important.