Commies have delusions of grandeur. Even the 80 IQ comrade who sweeps floors at the coffee shop thinks they'll be promoted to commissar after capitalism is defeated.
The Abraham accords amounted to a series of bribes to buy the compliance of every anti-Israel state in the Middle East - with the important exception of one: Palestine.
Palestine saw through this, which is why they attacked. They saw that they were being abandoned by their Muslim neighbors, their “allies in god”, so they tried to crystallize everyone’s loyalties via open attack.
The fallout has been very interesting. Surrounding nations have acted big mad, but it mostly seems like a toothless response intended to assuage the anti-Israel majorities within their own countries. Even Iran’s “attack” did fuck all.
In the wider world, however, we saw the disproportionate Israeli response triggering massive backlash among leftists everywhere. Combined with nationalists adding fuel to the anti-Israel fire, we now have the greatest noticing in almost 100 years.
This shows the two different ways to try for 'peace' and how effective they are in reality:
Arguing from morality about understanding each other and sympathising for peoples plight
Result: The West's empathy abused to all hell and you have people saying 'Death to America!' WITHIN AMERICA!
Having a large military stick but organising trade deals for this
Result: the countries would rather have the resources and income so will placate their more hardline crowd with words while providing little to no action to support it as afterwards they can simply pay to make some of the notable figures to put out the fires where needed.
It also helps that in the end, NO ONE wants the Palestinians in their country so they'd prefer to go uncommittidly "oh that's so terrible, should really stop" than offer sanctuary for refugees.
Nothing like virtue signaling while your city goes down the drain. The greater Seattle area, and everything that cancer touches, has been a festering wound on WA for decades now.
How exactly do da jooos run the Seattle police department? Have you seen the things anti semites do on American highways? Perhaps the police are just concerned that there will be more of them blocking highways to protest in favor of anti-semitism? naaah...mut be da jooos running the PD..
Seattle police couldn’t even stop the chimp communist empire opening up in the middle of their own city, let alone do anything important about a war halfway across the world
They need to know when to aid "protesters" in shutting down critical roadways.
Commies have delusions of grandeur. Even the 80 IQ comrade who sweeps floors at the coffee shop thinks they'll be promoted to commissar after capitalism is defeated.
Yes, I'm sure your input will solve the crisis..
Saw this from Styx seems Trump's Abraham Accords might be the reason that area isn't in a full scale war (much to the war hawks frustration)
The Abraham accords amounted to a series of bribes to buy the compliance of every anti-Israel state in the Middle East - with the important exception of one: Palestine.
Palestine saw through this, which is why they attacked. They saw that they were being abandoned by their Muslim neighbors, their “allies in god”, so they tried to crystallize everyone’s loyalties via open attack.
The fallout has been very interesting. Surrounding nations have acted big mad, but it mostly seems like a toothless response intended to assuage the anti-Israel majorities within their own countries. Even Iran’s “attack” did fuck all.
In the wider world, however, we saw the disproportionate Israeli response triggering massive backlash among leftists everywhere. Combined with nationalists adding fuel to the anti-Israel fire, we now have the greatest noticing in almost 100 years.
This shows the two different ways to try for 'peace' and how effective they are in reality:
Result: The West's empathy abused to all hell and you have people saying 'Death to America!' WITHIN AMERICA!
Result: the countries would rather have the resources and income so will placate their more hardline crowd with words while providing little to no action to support it as afterwards they can simply pay to make some of the notable figures to put out the fires where needed.
It also helps that in the end, NO ONE wants the Palestinians in their country so they'd prefer to go uncommittidly "oh that's so terrible, should really stop" than offer sanctuary for refugees.
Nothing like virtue signaling while your city goes down the drain. The greater Seattle area, and everything that cancer touches, has been a festering wound on WA for decades now.
I've noticed that on twitter and on youtube, when shit like this is posted, nearly 100% of the comments are roasting them. Nobody's having it.
Unfortunately Google is researching an AI way to censor all dissent.
Once this is achieved- humanity will NEVER be able to complain again.
jews run the world. they own everybody. we're all goy wage slaves to them.
it blows my mind that people are still surprised when shit like this happens
How exactly do da jooos run the Seattle police department? Have you seen the things anti semites do on American highways? Perhaps the police are just concerned that there will be more of them blocking highways to protest in favor of anti-semitism? naaah...mut be da jooos running the PD..
only a jew or their goy puppet would do what they did
there's literally no other explanation for why a US-based police department to do what they did
mossad paying you well, it seems
You and that guy are both retarded. The difference is, you're not pretending.
Makes sense given the location of Seattle. The conflict is only about 7'000 miles away. 🙄
What does Ja Rule think?
That's easier and safer than monitoring the crime they are hired to fight.
Seattle police couldn’t even stop the chimp communist empire opening up in the middle of their own city, let alone do anything important about a war halfway across the world
You mean I can finally sleep at night, thanks SPD.
Don't worry guys, the Seattle Police Department is on it! It's gonna be a Summer of Love between Israel and Iran.
Anyone seen or remember this documentary from Komo 4?
Police and politicians in democrat American cities actively protect and support Hamas protestors.
American federal government and republican state government, on the other hand, are basically Israel first.
No one with real power in America represents actual working/middle class heritage Americans.