You want to know WHY all that shit is so expensive now? Because collective western governments haven't focused on:
Building and upgrading infrastructure
Training and skill acquisition natively
Instead it's always short term shit, like welfare and mass immigration, you want that 'lifestyle' not to be 400k a year? Ditch the illegals, toss welfare and work on getting the logistics at home not just to WORK but be more efficient.
This is an ongoing argument I have with my colleagues, some of whom claim to be conservative(See again: Conservatism is the enemy too). They'll go "oh but we can't fill our needs domestically so we need to import all of our doctors." Bitch, no you fucking don't. You simply need to build out the on-ramp to the profession domestically. Not enough people becoming doctors? Provide more incentive. Not enough people taking on X profession? Increase incentives. People are dumb reactive animals and will respond to incentives.
There is no good reason for us to remain dependent on foreigners for our country to continue functioning in any capacity. If we lack a skill set domestically then the response should be to cultivate that skill set rather than throwing up our hands and going "guess we need to import more barbarians."
Except the only people they give incentives to for becoming doctors are people that, on collective average, don't put in the effort. They will never let high-effort white males into med school anymore.
Med schools don't want more students, they want to gate-keep their profession so they can make boatloads of cash from it. When I was looking at med schools in Canada a few years ago, the head of Queen's University's medical school was making $600k a year as nothing more than a politician-administrator. They get like 80 students a year...
This is why military medics and the old MASH doctors cannot be certified in most states. Your average military pilot (if they're not a DIE hire) can get a commercial pilot's license fairly easily. A MASH doctor who has done open-heart surgery under fire cannot be legally called "Doctor."
romanian tv a few weeks ago literally reported back to back: doctors not getting paid enough, have to pay assistants out of pocket and operate at a loss, etc
then immediately after: not enough doctors in romania, we have to import bangladeshis
the powers that shouldn't be think us as mentally retarded as the populace they wish they already had
This is an ongoing argument I have with my colleagues, some of whom claim to be conservative(See again: Conservatism is the enemy too). They'll go "oh but we can't fill our needs domestically so we need to import all of our doctors." Bitch, no you fucking don't.
Yeah, let's go ahead and import doctors that will give a worse standard of care than the domestic students rejected from med school. On top of that, they don't even like the natives whose lives they're supposed to be saving. Sounds great. So many "conservatives" are bread and circuses retards just like libs.
They'll go "oh but we can't fill our needs domestically so we need to import all of our doctors."
The US has for many years been favoring foreign students over American born students for doctoral residencies, to the point where there's a 5k backlog of American doctors that can't practice, and it's only been growing while they continually expand the "import foreign doctors" programs.
Also there is no oversight of foreign doctors' credentials, and the US is one of the only countries on the planet that just blindly accepts any other nation's doctoral credentials without any vetting.
Are you fucking serious
You want to know WHY all that shit is so expensive now? Because collective western governments haven't focused on:
Building and upgrading infrastructure
Training and skill acquisition natively
Instead it's always short term shit, like welfare and mass immigration, you want that 'lifestyle' not to be 400k a year? Ditch the illegals, toss welfare and work on getting the logistics at home not just to WORK but be more efficient.
This is an ongoing argument I have with my colleagues, some of whom claim to be conservative(See again: Conservatism is the enemy too). They'll go "oh but we can't fill our needs domestically so we need to import all of our doctors." Bitch, no you fucking don't. You simply need to build out the on-ramp to the profession domestically. Not enough people becoming doctors? Provide more incentive. Not enough people taking on X profession? Increase incentives. People are dumb reactive animals and will respond to incentives.
There is no good reason for us to remain dependent on foreigners for our country to continue functioning in any capacity. If we lack a skill set domestically then the response should be to cultivate that skill set rather than throwing up our hands and going "guess we need to import more barbarians."
Except the only people they give incentives to for becoming doctors are people that, on collective average, don't put in the effort. They will never let high-effort white males into med school anymore.
Well the goal is to kill us all off and rule over a disposable slave caste, so that's just efficiency right there.
I would love a slave castle. I would whip it to lower the drawbridges.
Med schools don't want more students, they want to gate-keep their profession so they can make boatloads of cash from it. When I was looking at med schools in Canada a few years ago, the head of Queen's University's medical school was making $600k a year as nothing more than a politician-administrator. They get like 80 students a year...
It's been this way for a while, but the doctors and medical establishment considers themselves too important to fail.
This is why military medics and the old MASH doctors cannot be certified in most states. Your average military pilot (if they're not a DIE hire) can get a commercial pilot's license fairly easily. A MASH doctor who has done open-heart surgery under fire cannot be legally called "Doctor."
Physicians aren't necessarily smart - but they certainly aren't lazy.
It didn't used to be like this
romanian tv a few weeks ago literally reported back to back: doctors not getting paid enough, have to pay assistants out of pocket and operate at a loss, etc
then immediately after: not enough doctors in romania, we have to import bangladeshis
the powers that shouldn't be think us as mentally retarded as the populace they wish they already had
Yeah, let's go ahead and import doctors that will give a worse standard of care than the domestic students rejected from med school. On top of that, they don't even like the natives whose lives they're supposed to be saving. Sounds great. So many "conservatives" are bread and circuses retards just like libs.
The US has for many years been favoring foreign students over American born students for doctoral residencies, to the point where there's a 5k backlog of American doctors that can't practice, and it's only been growing while they continually expand the "import foreign doctors" programs.
Also there is no oversight of foreign doctors' credentials, and the US is one of the only countries on the planet that just blindly accepts any other nation's doctoral credentials without any vetting.
The Muddle class
It's so funny how all these solutions pitched and implemented simultaneously hurt us and help the ones in power.
Don't forget printing money and heavy regulations!