Biden Admin Funding Book on 'Drag Queens, Trans Taxi Drivers, Cruising Gay Men, and Femme Witches' By Drag Queen Who Writes LGBT...
The Biden administration is now funding a bo on “drag queens, trans taxi drivers, cruising gay men and femme witches” by a drag performer who writes LGTBQ bos for children.
Liberals like to claim that hate comes from ignorance. I suggest the opposite. Hate comes from understanding. We know exactly they are, and they are despised because it is right to despise what they are.
Important distinction. There's a big difference between ignorance-based aversion and understanding-based aversion. They've effectively convinced western society that everything they call hate is ignorance, that hate borne from understanding doesn't exist - unless it's one of the targets they deem acceptable. It is one of the most destructive falsehoods in history.
(But if you ask me, a small amount of ignorance-based aversion isn't so bad. It demonstrates a healthy sense of self-preservation, which is something westerners in general sorely lack.)
Of course it's not bad, it's a survival instinct. It's that feeling you get when you see an indistinct bug on your arm out of the corner of your eye. You swat it because it might be poisonous and it's smarter not to take the chance.
Add to this that crime and poor behavior causes poverty rather than poverty causing crime and poor behavior.
Remember when they mocked religious people who thought there was a gay agenda? Pepperidge Farm remembers
Yes, we’re showing your kids gay pornography and it’s a good thing
But it’s crazy how any concerns were dismissed back then
If I had a nickel for every dumbass on the Internet who sneered at Christians warning about the slippery slope around 2004-07, much less from 2004 all the way up to the legalization of gay marriage being forced on the entirety of America by SCOTUS in 2015, I'd have enough currency to bury them all alive under.
Our tax dollars at work.
Kornstein lol
I’m in favor of the idea of privacy and I’m very much in favor of the idea of being as incognito as possible, especially in our lookatme social media age. But you can do that for free and without couching it in the faux-revolutionary ten-dollar-word academic babble like that, professor. I know that’s sort of just what professors do, but still.
Tidal wave of mental illness supported by the very institutions that were meant to bridle such psychotic excesses.
Could this be it? Is this where we can finally take the feds to court for distributing porn to minors?
Biden sure does love his genderspecials, to the extent he’s even aware of anything being done in his name. So I guess I should say, Biden’s leftist handlers love their genderspecials.
Not surprising. Groomers gotta groom and creeps gotta creep.
Why do we allow “LGBT children’s books” to exist?
Saw that shit during my mall trip the other day there was so much faggot shit (and hood rat shit too)