The message isn't really "black lives matter". The message is "there is a shadowy cabal of white Christian men who hate black people and want to kill them, therefore our constant propaganda is necessary". It's anti-white racism dressed up as pro-black solidarity.
Oh definitely. That was easy to see from the get go. I do find it funny how outraged they get if you suggest they turn their attention to the inner city.
Correct, but letting everyone know how much you pretend they matter is the difference between acceptance or exile in popular society, similar to all other lefty social programming. See BLM, Covid lockdowns, vaccinations, abortion rights, global warming, the environment, green energy...
Imagine being white, looking at that, and not immediately making plans to relocate.
Get the fuck out. Just get the fuck away from them.
I don't see this as any different from emblazoning each of these buildings with a giant swastika.
You can't run away from globohomo. There ain't no place that far.
If you showed this to anyone 60 years ago they would probably assume we got invaded and conquered and that DC was under occupation.
If you believe your life matters, then what do you care what others think?
check your privilege, fucking racist
The message isn't really "black lives matter". The message is "there is a shadowy cabal of white Christian men who hate black people and want to kill them, therefore our constant propaganda is necessary". It's anti-white racism dressed up as pro-black solidarity.
Oh definitely. That was easy to see from the get go. I do find it funny how outraged they get if you suggest they turn their attention to the inner city.
So fragile, they will seethe if you say white lives matter.
no, trannies do not matter.
Correct, but letting everyone know how much you pretend they matter is the difference between acceptance or exile in popular society, similar to all other lefty social programming. See BLM, Covid lockdowns, vaccinations, abortion rights, global warming, the environment, green energy...
This town is a veritable hell infested with demons and subhumans.
Faggot lives only matter to other faggots.
If this messages ressonates with you, you may be a faggot.
That's not how you spell "The London School of Economics"
I'd buy a billboard across from this building and emblazon it with "Black disabled neurodivergent muslim transwomen lives matter more"