Basically what this article is saying is that, if you enjoy the works of white men, you're labeled a potential terrorist. The author of the article does little more than rewrite another article. Unfortunately, neither article bothers to give any source for the claims they're making. I decided to it it myself. Based on the "34 recommendations" comment at the bottom of the Daily Mail article, I believe they're referring to this report.
Shakespeare is awesome! Got his complete works in my pile to read. I can quote some lines of the stories I have read and can do a very good job reciting the tomorrow soliloquy from Macbeth if I do say so myself
Now we know who commissioned the feminist rewrite of 1984. The UK government will use it to "de-radicalize" people who read the original book's scathing comments about the people the UK doesn't want to let you criticize.
Ironic, considering how in 2017 it was trendy to read 1984 to show you were antifa.
Yep. I remember an article saying that sales rose due to Trump being elected
Which would be encouraging if the average leftist weren't completely incapable of learning or questioning.
Silly rabbit, antifa can't read.
You’re right. I should’ve said “trendy to take a selfie holding the book.”
Rather, they've only read Harry Potter, which they now have to hate.
How about a little Mein Kampf.
The Overton Window is propelled to the authoritarian clown-left with help of a rocket at this point.
The what?
they are not the extremists, you are.
Basically what this article is saying is that, if you enjoy the works of white men, you're labeled a potential terrorist. The author of the article does little more than rewrite another article. Unfortunately, neither article bothers to give any source for the claims they're making. I decided to it it myself. Based on the "34 recommendations" comment at the bottom of the Daily Mail article, I believe they're referring to this report.
Shakespeare is awesome! Got his complete works in my pile to read. I can quote some lines of the stories I have read and can do a very good job reciting the tomorrow soliloquy from Macbeth if I do say so myself
“Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
That one..?
Yes sir.
It doesn't encourage "far right". It just discourages Leftist lunacy.
Being neutral or centrist is clearly a sin for these radicals.
Now we know who commissioned the feminist rewrite of 1984. The UK government will use it to "de-radicalize" people who read the original book's scathing comments about the people the UK doesn't want to let you criticize.