Senator Asks Steam What It's Doing to Fight "Nazis"
US Senator Hassan of New Hampshire wrote Gabe Newell of Valve Corporation a letter asking him to do something to combat online "Nazis." She, like the ADL, all too often mistakes antisocial Zoomer nihi...
Video games?
The only way you're going to even temporarily stop "nazis" is if you A. make good enough games to keep fighting age young men preoccupied and B. stop trying to Weimar the fuck out of western civilization.
In fact, a better way to stop "nazis" is to invest in a high trust society, in the sovereign dignity of the races and their respective identities instead of teaching young white men to resent you while turning everyone against them, and invest in the general prosperity of your nation instead of outsourcing and bleeding it dry - atleast enough to where these evil "nazis" don't have to take it all back for the sake of both sanity and themselves. It never belonged to you. That is how you stop the evil, evil NSDAP.
cool it with antisemitic remarks
Too bad they are quite literally following the exact pattern that forced the creation of the original NSDAP.
American Krogan's video covering the topic of edgy zoomers making memetastic Steam groups and dumbass politicians not understanding that it's just nihilism.
archive because always archive everything:
"Fighting Nazis? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. We are a business, not an imaginary character in your fantasy world. Nazis are dead or aging up to their own extinction. Can I get a serious question from someone who isn't a delusional cunt?"
Nazis don't exist. Every socialist today is a globalist, not a nationalist.
This is a really fucking good point.
Show me even one socialist who is a nationalist. ~~ I'll wait.~~ I won't wait, because I value my life, and that would be extremely boring and I'd probably become that skeleton-at-the-keyboard meme before too long.
You're spot on. Socialists are not nationalists at present, they're all globalists who detest their host countries.
I'm more concerned about that steam is doing to fight the furries cause the 100 or so Nazis on this earth are not a problem
Without Steam, the world would have had 666% more nazis.
There we go. Steam is doing a good job. Anyone who would want to prove otherwise by testing it, clearly just wants 666% more nazis in the world.
Do you see a fourth reich? No? That's how effective they've been at stopping Nazis..
Would be my answer if I was Gabe.
ConPro is all bark, no bite.
They never actually DO anything. Just jaw-jaw. Jabber jabber jabber. Jabberjaw.
Have you seen our selection of Doom™ games? Perhaps you may be interested in an updated Castle Wolfenstein™?
I for one would also like to see efforts made at discouraging Socialism as well.
Jokes aside, all politicians are scum and cannot stand anywhere with even a modicum of autonomy. This is nothing more than an attempt at getting a foot in the door to regulate digital marketplaces.
new hampshire hasn't gotten based enough to not elect some worthless cunt huh
He should show them some footage of Call of Duty: WWII and say no other company has contributed to the death of more online Nazis than them.