He's so principled. I trust him!
Comments (16)
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Banning Alex Jones showed that he was not serious about 'all lawful speech being allowed'.
That said, I'm happy with 95% a loaf.
Pretty much anything would have been an improvement. My low expectations have been exceeded, so I'm happy. And if the whole thing ends up going up in flames, that's fine too. The troons using it as a CP exchange will always have Peddit.
Keep an eye on that loaf, before you know it, it'll be a slice. You'll still be happy with it, though.
A moldy crumb is all you had before.
Perfect is the enemy of good.
This is the kind of thing you say about a term paper. The last hundred years of civilization have clearly shown that the only fruit of compromise is wickedness and more wickedness.
I'm not worried. Downvote all you want, we're still going to be okay.
You don't see it yet, but check back in a couple of years. All will become clear--namely, who really rules you, and why they'll fall.
I don't downvote anyone but the known shills.
And if you think the current state of things is "okay", then I'd question your sanity. We're in the early stages of a full blown collapse.
The people have to be shown.
Only then will they rise.
"the people" are largely irrelevant morons, and in the coming fight will do their best to duck for cover and then come out to pretend like they supported the winner all along.
Retard posting the verge and expects to be taken seriously. Not to mention it was a whole month later and who knows how many threats
The fact he's behind Neuralink and its ilk shows he isn't /ourguy/. However, he clearly isn't /theirguy/ either, so for the time being I'm happy a fellow traveler is being an annoying fly in the Cathedral's ointment.
Exactly the way I see it too.
Leftists have likely been sending Musk many threats recently that he had to ban the plane tracker account for "safety concerns".
someone is going to make neuralink
bitching about it is like knights bitching about crossbows
burying our heads in the sand and hoping it doesn't happen won't make it go away, better the research and development happen relatively openly so everyone has a better chance to adapt
"Don't take advantage of the good! You shouldn't be satisfied with anything but (my definition of) perfection!"
Not only that, but who said anything about "trusting" Elon? He'll either deliver or he won't, and he's not in a position where he's obligated to deliver to anyone but himself. So far, while not being perfect, Twitter has been orders of magnitude better than it was previously, and Elon has delivered a bunch of internal communications that he was under no obligation to that actively hurts him by potentially opening Twitter up to liability.
i made a post-musk twatter account and have been pretty spicy with it
while I wasn't suspended yet I have had my "reach limited" according to a ban check site