Another reason to oppose DeSantis (assuming voting matters).
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Nah. Desantis is the guy. He's trump, but less baggage and less mean tweets.
Do I care about the mean tweets? No. But the retards and neocons do.
He also strikes at the enemy more effectively and more often. Disney being a big example.
Yep. He's much more capable of using the political power he has instead of pissing it away.
Trump did some good, now we need to find someone to carry it on.
Another point in Desantis' favor. He doesn't seem to have a penchant for hiring people who routinely betray him.
OP literally his trump is his username. All he's doing here is saying "look, Paul Ryan "named DeSantis, Youngkin, and Tim Scott as his three favorites" therefore you oppose those people."
No, I don't think I will. It's retarded to be a reactionary who doesn't think for himself and instead just takes the opposite position of anyone and everyone on a very long list. And let's be honest: a guy named "trump4045" is going to have the same answer to everything: slavish worship and obedience to Trump.
Trump can't win an election. DeSantis will win in a Reagan-like blowout with down-ticket boosts to the Right. Simple as.
This is literal crazy talk. Not even Reagan himself would win in a Reagan-like blowout. Polarization ensures that any election is going to be close.
Do they really, or do they just care about whatever "baggage" the media invents and tells them to care about?
Well, they care about some issues, or are made to.
But I'm also talking about how Trump made retarded picks (like Barr, who defended the Ruby Ridge sniper). In the primary, I'm absolutely going desantis over anyone else. In the general, I'd take trump over any leftist pos (though I repeat myself).
They care that he's a noninterventionist (at least compared to several of his most recent predesesors) and a populist. Just like the left cares that he's effective at opposing them. No one gives a fuck about mean tweets outside some useful idiots that the former 2 groups are playing like a fiddle.
Nonetheless, I see the virtues of DeSantis as well. He has been extraordinarily good at pushing through his agenda, and especially giving Disney a bloody nose is something I loved.
It's okay to be wrong.
Besides, you're not american, so your opinion can be disregarded.
That said, it's still DeSantis. If you've seen any of his speeches, he's more measured, which is what the neocons/squishy fag independents want. Trump has pissed too many people off, and won't get the nomination. He'll also back DeSantis, because he wants to play kingmaker and have influence. Running third party guarantees dems have more power, and he has less (because people will rightfully be pissed at him).
Imagine if Trump could put aside his ego and accept a VP nomination. Can you see this team in the White House?
Trump ought to bow out and stump for DeSantis.
It's only OK to be wrong. People will forgive you for being wrong, but never for being right.
Measured and boring.
Don't pretend that Trump is any sort of rational actor. He's not going to bow out gracefully if he loses.
Wrong, outdated, and bad faith. You have clearly not watched any of his speeches and pressers in the last 2 years.
Polling already shows that support for Trump is declining, and DeSantis is not a generic Republican.
Trump fucked over his base by tanking the Georgia special elections and giving us total Democrat control of government these past 2 years. Trump only cares about Trump, and no one else, including the interests of the "base". Trump went hard on China for a minute when he thought it would get him votes, and then when it wasn't having the effect he hoped for, he backed down bigtime.
This is completely untrue. Alienating the Right wing base like that will guarantee him a jail cell. It will also make him universally reviled and ruin his legacy. Trump has on multiple occasions since 2021 agreed to be a "team player" and try to act as a power broker within the Republican Party instead of trying to go 3rd party.
He has almost all the benefits of Trump, without the massive downsides. If he is the nominee, he will win in a landslide.
I don't, because they are boring. I do watch clips, and I generally love what he has to say - but he remains uncharismatic and boring.
Oh well, if polls say it, it must be true - Trump's performance taught us that.
There is nothing that connects DeSantis to the good old times under Trump. So yeah, generic.
Which is the same as any other politician.
The difference being is that he has burned his bridges and therefore cannot be co-opted. DeSantis may still be.
Trump is not a rational actor, which has been his strength for all these years. But this does guarantee that he will go out of his way to sabotage you if he is humiliated.
So don't. I know you are the king of wishful thinking, but the most disastrous outcome would be a situation like this. Be a good little boy for 4 years, then you can have your DeSantis.
Balderdash. More wishful thinking from you./
Meanwhile Trump 2024 is supported by rat Jared Kushner and neocon faggot Lindsay Graham.
The fact remains that DeSantis is an undeniably better general election candidate than Trump.
Paul Ryan will support any viable GOP candidate other than Trump because he hates Trump personally.
The base needs to pick a GOP nominee for 2024 who can actually govern well and one that will not supercharge Dem voter turnout. Trump is not the guy.
This is the rational outlook.
What if DeSantis doesn't run?
I deny it. He has no charisma and is boring. Moreover, Trump will run 3rd party or refuse to endorse him, ensuring his defeat.
You dislike Trump because of the vaccine.
I despise Trump 2024 mainly because Trump supercharges Democrat turnout like no other.
Trump's "charisma" doesn't matter if he couldn't win outside the margin of fraud even as an incumbent.
Trump's "charisma" hurts more than than it helps when it comes to pissing off so many normie cucks who make up a huge chunk of the electorate.
Being relatively boring is still better than being an undisciplined clusterfuck of verbal diarrhea.
If Trump wins the primary, I will reluctantly vote for him in the general election.
Nominating Trump again in 2024 is the single dumbest mistake the GOP base can make.
Looking at the primaries this year, I currently have minimal faith in the GOP base to be smart in nominating candidates who aren't repulsive to large swathes of the electorate.
PA GOP, MI GOP and NH GOP I am looking at you.
We will see if the base makes the right decision in 2024.
In the greatest economic collapse since the 1930s. The miracle is that he did so well.
You better prepare yourself then.
They'll convince "large swathes of the electorate" that DeSantis is worse than Trump in a NY minute.
Amen to that! DeSantis walks the walk and has a reasonable rap. The fact that as Governor of Florida he has taken explicit action against the forces of woke neo-Marxism puts him at the top of the heap.
Do you think DeSantis will run for president? He's a shoo-in for Governor.
I think DeSantis will run in 2024.
The only remaining difficulty will be getting more of the base to choose him over Trump
And there you go pushing the fake vaccine again.
By saying Trump did nothing wrong on the vaccine?
Perennial bitch boy Paul Ryan just has a hate boner for Trump. He named the people he did because he thinks they have the best shot at defeating Trump, not because he gives a shit who wins as long as it's not Trump. Bitch Boy isn't endorsing DeSantis any more than he endorsed Ted Cruz in 2016 when he was the best shot at denying Trump the nomination. Keep in mind that they despised Cruz and considered him a raging asshole for being willing to call out the swamp creatures on his own side like McConnell.
And Lindsey Graham supports Donald Trump.
Seems like Paul Ryan isn't as bad, by the way.
This doesn't sound like Paul Ryan at all. Way too based.
Completely meaningless statement though. What are they going to do next, call Big Tech CEOs to congress for hearings? :D
I'd say it's quite meaningful. These companies do not want meetings with lawmakers for leisure, they want meetings so they can push their interests. When they can't have meetings, then they will miss out on such opportunities - thus raising the price for their wokery.
It's not enough, I agree. But it is a good start.
And it's especially good that someone like Paul Ryan, who I'd expected to be "lick the corporate boot, bigot", proactively pushing for such things. It shows the sea-change in attitudes among the right.
They push their interest in exchange for the politician pushing their interest, which hopefully isn't just a bribe but the interests of their constituents. So even if it isn't just hot air, I don't see how not meeting with them solves anything. They should meet and make demands. Perhaps I'm taking it out of context.
That is also a way to do it. Both legitimate. I'm just happy that someone is doing something, rather than what has been happening up to now, which is nothing.
Then you don't know Ryan. He's as much of a uniparty shill as it's possible to be. He's trying to get in front of a wave he did his best to snuff out. His whole shtick here reeks of "hey there fellow kids."
I do know Ryan, which is why I am skeptical. But if even he knows that it's a wave, that is a good sign. It was just a few years ago that nearly all Republicans shilled for big corps non-stop.
That's hardly a reason to support Trump instead, though I do.
A lot of us did. Let's not forget that Obama was the most rational voice on Russia throughout the end of his presidency (I know people won't like to admit it), and that it was the orthodox Republican position that he should send weapons to Ukraine.
(The American president, of all people, would know.)
Obama interview with the psychotic neocon Jeffrey Goldberg
And politicians, the ones you like included, are going to do whatever is going to get them into office.
I think DeSantis knows that the populist right is anti-interventionist and will adjust himself accordingly.
Greenwald makes the same argument. Yes, it does sound like he approves of it. But if he does, it would only make him 'just as bad as Trump'.
Assuming he will run, what are De Santis's odds against Trump in the primary? Or is it too early to predict?
Someone is butthurt Trump destroyed his future. The God Emperor will return and there is nothing any of these cunts can do about it. This is how it will be.
VP and everything else, however, is still in play. Not for Mrs. Ryan's pegging partner, but for others.
Let me just quickly bring back this list...
It's relevant again, the VP of that committee is his secretary. They're trying to start a UK-style "you get fucked by women no matter what you do" Uniparty.
They tried to run the chair of it, but she was an electoral disaster backed by Traitor Pence.
What are you mad about now?
And Pence is no 'traitor'. He did what he had to.
This isn't a popular take, but it is a correct take. I'm no fan of the spineless cuck himself but giving Trump what he wanted would have opened the door for a Democratic VP to use the left's bullshit voter suppression accusations to toss out inconvenient electoral votes in a future election.
Pence brought in Birx, the person who led the lockdown pivot.
And I'm not mad. I'm just pointing out that for all the allegations of me being tinfoil, things I research reappear frequently.
You pick the most idiotic reasons to hate on people.
And no, you are a tinfoiler. Where's that "massive settlement" you claimed Kyle Rittenhouse got? You keep avoiding it, I'm going to keep bringing it up.
It was proven to be false after I posted that. So what? At the time, many people believed it.
If bringing in bad people makes Pence a traitor, wait till you hear about Trump.
Wait, what? So you spouted total BS, and your defense is "well, people only proved me wrong AFTER I said it"? Are you out of your mind?
You had a week to think of some piss-poor excuse for why you lied, and this is what you come up with?
I'm not sure what you want me to do? Go back and edit a month old throwaway comment?
Maybe come up with a better excuse for your blatant lie than "many people believed it'?
And why did I have to bring it up 15 times before you stopped ignoring it?