The only reason the man got worshiped is because he did the same thing any C- or better leader would have done in his circumstances and didn't flee the country. That's a really fucking low bar. It's very rare for a leader to flee. Even Muammar Gaddafi didn't flee Libya. Hitler didn't flee.
Now as for why Zelensky is an idiot: the United States told Zelensky's staff that Russia was going to invade in a November 2021 meeting, and Zelensky's response was to downplay and stay in denial because he was worried about a panic:
Ukrainian officials complained that whenever the Americans shared their bleak outlook about an imminent invasion, they never fully provided Kyiv with the details of their intelligence. In November, Ukraine’s foreign minister and Zelensky’s chief of staff visited the State Department in Washington, where a senior U.S. official greeted them with a cup of coffee and a smile. “Guys, dig the trenches!” the official said. “When we smiled back,” Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba recalled, the U.S. official said, “ ‘I’m serious. Start digging trenches. … You will be attacked. A large-scale attack, and you have to prepare for it.’ ”
Similarly, warning Ukrainians to prepare for war as some partners wanted him to, he said, would have weakened the country economically and made it easier for the Russians to capture. “Let people discuss in the future whether it was right or not right,” Zelensky recalled, “but I definitely know and intuitively — we discussed this every day at the National Security and Defense Council, et cetera — I had the feeling that [the Russians] wanted to prepare us for a soft surrender of the country. And that’s scary.”
This motherfucker did not mobilize and did not wisely use the MONTHS of warning to dig trenches and fortify the already-known routes of attack, because he was afraid that this would cause people to flee (yes, and?) and cause a slow down of the economy (which slowed down MUCH WORSE once the invasion started). This motherfucker robbed his people of the time to prepare, preparation which would have saved thousands of lives, and might have stopped the invasion much sooner and prevented the loss of Kherson, for example.
Trench networks could have been filled with mobilized territorial defense brigades. Roads could have been extensively mined and had elaborate fortified ambush positions prepared. Women and children could have fully evacuated out of likely combat zones. Mitigation measures against bombing and artillery could have been taken. Shelters built for civilians. supplies stockpiled. A defense in depth planned, prepared, and built out. They had PLENTY of time.
And this motherfucker squandered it all.
Zelensky was solely worshiped by the international liberal media because it serves the media's purposes to lionize him and use him as a champion for their cause. It's not like he earned it through genuine merit. He simply played the role handed to him and rattled his tin cup at every opportunity.
No, the dumbest thing Zelensky did was bait Russia by kowtowing to the West. If he had put a stop to the shelling in the east and given assurances that NATO would not be permitted to place weaponry in the Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
Turns out there are consequences to playing vassal state for the rainbow reich.
Dekachin, he’s not wrong tbh. The shelling of the Donbass region is what Putin used as further reasoning to invade Ukraine.
Does it mean that Russia would have never taken more of Ukraine? We will never know, but being able to sell to your populace the idea of invasion to protect your fellow countrymen stranded in a land that hates them and wants them dead is a powerful motivator indeed
Since the way began, I don't think anyone could have done better. First of all, remaining in Kiev like Stalin did in Moscow. Secondly, the amazing skill that he has at propaganda (taught no doubt by the masters of propaganda in DC), tailoring his message to every country's history, and being persuasive. Thirdly, how he plays the world's media like a fiddle. In my shithole of a 'country', we regularly have 'news' messages with just a statement or claim by Zelensky, as if a guy saying something is news.
. Even Muammar Gaddafi didn't flee Libya.
Qadhafi was facing a rag-tag army of rebels, not an enemy army.
Now as for why Zelensky is an idiot: the United States told Zelensky's staff that Russia was going to invade in a November 2021 meeting, and Zelensky's response was to downplay and stay in denial because he was worried about a panic:
To do otherwise would have given the Russians a casus belli. Low-key preparation would have been wise, but mobilization is generally a trigger to war.
Besides, who the hell believes the Americans after their lies about everything. Russian bounties! Havana Syndrome! Russiagate!
Besides, there were 170,000 whole troops. Not really an invasion force.
Zelensky was solely worshiped by the international liberal media because it serves the media's purposes to lionize him and use him as a champion for their cause. It's not like he earned it through genuine merit. He simply played the role handed to him and rattled his tin cup at every opportunity.
He is a master at acting and propaganda, and therefore a master at modern warfare. I literally would not be surprised if Ukraine collapses wholesale in a week that the whole thing turns out to be a smokescreen conjured up by Vladimir Zelensky.
I've seen his speeches and such, and he's nothing special. He certainly isn't an amazing propagandist.
and being persuasive.
except he didn't persuade anyone of anything. All he does is rattles his cup. Whether people donate or not is based on their own internal politics, not based on anything he has ever said.
taught no doubt by the masters of propaganda in DC
lol @ the cope where you can't believe that anyone in the world is capable of anything on their own without the CIA being behind it. People like you give the CIA and US Govt far too much credit. If they were half as competent as you think they are, the entire world would be in the palm of America's hand.
Thirdly, how he plays the world's media like a fiddle.
Except he didn't play them, the media seized him and lifted him up on their shoulders. The media used him as their tool, their symbol, their saint.
To do otherwise would have given the Russians a casus belli.
Nope. Preparing defenses has never been a "casus belli"
Even if so, so what? I don't understand your point here. You don't seem to understand how irrelevant the concept of a "casus belli" is here. Putin committed to a naked invasion. Putin did not need to invoke any "casus belli" because he didn't need to convince any other country that he was justified, as would have been the case 100+ years ago in the context of great power alliances when there was a real threat of other countries jumping in.
Putin would not have attempted to invade earlier because he wasn't ready. Logistics are logistics.
mobilization is generally a trigger to war.
No, it's not. It never is, and never has been. This is especially true here when a smaller, threatened country is mobilizing defensively.
who the hell believes the Americans after their lies about everything.
Americans are very reliable when they point out that they have intel you are going to be invaded, and to prepare your defenses. It would be idiotic to discount that intel, and of course we were proven right.
Havana Syndrome!
This is 100% true and caused by a microwave weapon, likely Russian. Not sure why you are gaslighting this.
That's politics, buddy, not US military intel.
Besides, there were 170,000 whole troops. Not really an invasion force.
That's quite a large invasion force considering that Ukraine's military forces were considerably smaller than that.
He is a master at acting and propaganda
LOL you are so weird in your methods and manner of copes. Here I am shitting on Zelensky, where I expected you to clap and say "well there, I see you can criticize your own side!" and you are instead telling me that the man is a generational genius. I guess this is similar to how the Germans coped in WW2 by citing to the "endless russian hordes".
I've seen his speeches and such, and he's nothing special. He certainly isn't an amazing propagandist.
He's an actor, like Reagan. And he fits his speeches in such a way to appeal to every country. In France, he'll talk about the Bastille, in Germany about Valkyrie, in England about Magna Carta. It's disgusting, but it's effective for people who want to be deceived.
except he didn't persuade anyone of anything. All he does is rattles his cup. Whether people donate or not is based on their own internal politics, not based on anything he has ever said.
Our internal politics are: what does the Master want us to do? Yes, Master! Anything you want! Starve our people? Done! Make them freeze to death? Gladly, I despite them anyway! Sure, blow up our pipelines, Master.
lol @ the cope where you can't believe that anyone in the world is capable of anything on their own without the CIA being behind it. People like you give the CIA and US Govt far too much credit. If they were half as competent as you think they are, the entire world would be in the palm of America's hand.
They're not as competent as people think militarily, hence Afghanistan, but they sure as hell are absolute experts in the dark arts of propaganda. My God, they persuaded you, a sometime critic of the regime, that CRICKETS are actually a Russian superweapon from the 23th century. C'mon man, what is this?
Except he didn't play them, the media seized him and lifted him up on their shoulders. The media used him as their tool, their symbol, their saint.
And that's true too, but they could not have done it if he did not have at least some personal qualities.
Nope. Preparing defenses has never been a "casus belli"
The hell are you talking about man? World War I a reminder?
You don't seem to understand how irrelevant the concept of a "casus belli" is here. Putin committed to a naked invasion. Putin did not need to invoke any "casus belli"
Clearly he did need it, because poor morale and civilian opposition plagued the war, at least at the beginning. By no having a casus belli, he made it look like unprovoked aggression, even though it clearly wasn't.
Putin would not have attempted to invade earlier because he wasn't ready. Logistics are logistics.
I realize it may just be propaganda, but according to some analists, the ruskies were unprepared as it was.
Americans are very reliable when they point out that they have intel you are going to be invaded, and to prepare your defenses. It would be idiotic to discount that intel, and of course we were proven right.
Americans make stuff up to create conflict between people and wring it to their advantage. Not you, the regime.
This is 100% true and caused by a microwave weapon, likely Russian. Not sure why you are gaslighting this.
Incredible. This is even more absurd than your "it was actually Russia that bombed the Azov POWs".
That's quite a large invasion force considering that Ukraine's military forces were considerably smaller than that.
800,000 men spent at least some time terrorizing the Donbas. Had those 170,000 ever fought in a war?
LOL you are so weird in your methods and manner of copes. Here I am shitting on Zelensky, where I expected you to clap and say "well there, I see you can criticize your own side!" and you are instead telling me that the man is a generational genius. I guess this is similar to how the Germans coped in WW2 by citing to the "endless russian hordes".
You're certanly more sophisticated than the Zelensky hero-worshipers. I don't need a cope though, as I'm confident that your puppet will be overrun. You're losing to Iranian drones. IRANIAN drones.
My God, they persuaded you, a sometime critic of the regime, that CRICKETS are actually a Russian superweapon from the 23th century.
Crickets don't cause brain swelling. Microwave weapons do. The symptoms of microwave damage over time and the Havana syndrome symptoms are a perfect match. The USSR is known to have developed and tested such weapons during the Cold War. The "cricket noises" are a red herring, since microwave energy isn't going to show up in an audio recording, even though people getting brain damaged by it sometimes think they perceive sound as a side effect.
Nobody "convinced" me of this. I did my own research and read extensive articles, research, and analysis on the subject. The evidence is overwhelming, just like the "lab leak" thesis for COVID 19.
The fact that you shill hard on topics like this, and get defensive over them, make you look like you're playing for the other side.
The Chinese/Russians are lucky that I wasn't in charge when this was going on. I would have made it a top priority, gotten detectors set up, identified the vehicle doing the attacks, and strung the motherfuckers up.
Crickets don't cause brain swelling. Microwave weapons do.
It's psychosomatic. Obviously. Not a weapon from the 23rd century.
Nobody "convinced" me of this. I did my own research and read extensive articles, research, and analysis on the subject. The evidence is overwhelming, just like the "lab leak" thesis for COVID 19.
Did anyone write those articles, of did they drop like mana from heaven?
The fact that you shill hard on topics like this, and get defensive over them, make you look like you're playing for the other side.
I've been promoted again to FSB contractor! No buddy, no one's defensive, I'm just laughing at you for being fooled by something so transparently idiotic.
The Chinese/Russians are lucky that I wasn't in charge when this was going on. I would have made it a top priority, gotten detectors set up, identified the vehicle doing the attacks, and strung the motherfuckers up.
No, there were brain scans done showing genuine brain damage. To be clear, there are probably only a few dozen genuine cases out of hundreds of complaints. There are many more hypochondriacs who were not targeted/affected who muddied the waters and had their symptoms explains by other factors.
Not a weapon from the 23rd century.
There is nothing high tech or sci fi about using microwaves as a weapon. Russia experimented with such weapons during the Cold War. The fact that the human brain absorbs microwaves and can be affected/damaged by them was known and studied early in the Cold War.
Did anyone write those articles, of did they drop like mana from heaven?
Do you think I have total recall and the ability to recall exactly what I read going back years, and to reproduce the totality of my sources on demand? Nobody can do that. People absorb information, form conclusions, and move on. I do not open up a legal research file and document everything like I'd do for a legal brief. I linked the wiki which explains some of the bigger studies done.
I've been promoted again to FSB contractor!
I do believe there is a non-zero chance that you work as a contractor for someone with a vested interest in pushing the views you push. They line up too neatly to avoid suspicion. However, the fact that there is a chance doesn't mean it is a certainty. The world is not black and white. You MIGHT be a contractor for any number of organizations, or you might just do it for free out of misguided ideology. The problem with seeing you as independent is that you would not "toe the party line" so consistently.
Good like stringing up crickets.
Again, crickets don't cause brain damage. It is undeniable that a few dozen people were legitimately brain damaged with symptoms perfectly consistent with pulsed microwave radiation exposure. It would have been relatively easy for someone in a vehicle nearby to point an emitter at a State Dept building for a while to fuck with people.
No, there were brain scans done showing genuine brain damage.
Isn't that just the product of being an American? What will happen if you just pick a few hundred people at random and check them for brian damage?
Do you think I have total recall and the ability to recall exactly what I read going back years, and to reproduce the totality of my sources on demand?
I wasn't asking you to produce your source. I was commenting on the fact that you asserted that "no one" propagandized you. Someone wrote those articles. Apparently, you at least now no longer know who they are, and are thus not able to provide an assessment of their credibility.
I linked the wiki
Don't do that. Wikipedia is propaganda.
I do believe there is a non-zero chance that you work as a contractor for someone with a vested interest in pushing the views you push.
LOL! Do you know how crazy you sound? Particularly since you're constantly switching your views: first you said I'm an FSB agent, then you said you no longer believed it, and now you're back.
The problem with seeing you as independent is that you would not "toe the party line" so consistently.
What is the 'party line'? And how come your views always line up with those of the CIA?
It is undeniable that a few dozen people were legitimately brain damaged
I don't believe a thing the Americans say. Moreover, post hoc ergo propter hoc is not exactly an impressive argument.
It would have been relatively easy for someone in a vehicle nearby to point an emitter at a State Dept building for a while to fuck with people.
The Russians are way too cowardly to hit back at the EOL. (SEE, HE CRITICIZED THE RUSSIANS TO TRY TO PROVE THAT HE IS NOT AN FSB AGENT!)
"I don't think he's bluffing, but let's keep pushing anyway and feed more weapons into Ukraine and enact more sanctions! What could go wrong?"
Sums up the foreign policy of the West.
Sums up the policy of D.C. Of which America has no control over.
I'm just going to say it: Zelensky is an idiot.
The only reason the man got worshiped is because he did the same thing any C- or better leader would have done in his circumstances and didn't flee the country. That's a really fucking low bar. It's very rare for a leader to flee. Even Muammar Gaddafi didn't flee Libya. Hitler didn't flee.
Now as for why Zelensky is an idiot: the United States told Zelensky's staff that Russia was going to invade in a November 2021 meeting, and Zelensky's response was to downplay and stay in denial because he was worried about a panic:
This motherfucker did not mobilize and did not wisely use the MONTHS of warning to dig trenches and fortify the already-known routes of attack, because he was afraid that this would cause people to flee (yes, and?) and cause a slow down of the economy (which slowed down MUCH WORSE once the invasion started). This motherfucker robbed his people of the time to prepare, preparation which would have saved thousands of lives, and might have stopped the invasion much sooner and prevented the loss of Kherson, for example.
Trench networks could have been filled with mobilized territorial defense brigades. Roads could have been extensively mined and had elaborate fortified ambush positions prepared. Women and children could have fully evacuated out of likely combat zones. Mitigation measures against bombing and artillery could have been taken. Shelters built for civilians. supplies stockpiled. A defense in depth planned, prepared, and built out. They had PLENTY of time.
And this motherfucker squandered it all.
Zelensky was solely worshiped by the international liberal media because it serves the media's purposes to lionize him and use him as a champion for their cause. It's not like he earned it through genuine merit. He simply played the role handed to him and rattled his tin cup at every opportunity.
No, the dumbest thing Zelensky did was bait Russia by kowtowing to the West. If he had put a stop to the shelling in the east and given assurances that NATO would not be permitted to place weaponry in the Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
Turns out there are consequences to playing vassal state for the rainbow reich.
Dekachin, he’s not wrong tbh. The shelling of the Donbass region is what Putin used as further reasoning to invade Ukraine.
Does it mean that Russia would have never taken more of Ukraine? We will never know, but being able to sell to your populace the idea of invasion to protect your fellow countrymen stranded in a land that hates them and wants them dead is a powerful motivator indeed
Since the way began, I don't think anyone could have done better. First of all, remaining in Kiev like Stalin did in Moscow. Secondly, the amazing skill that he has at propaganda (taught no doubt by the masters of propaganda in DC), tailoring his message to every country's history, and being persuasive. Thirdly, how he plays the world's media like a fiddle. In my shithole of a 'country', we regularly have 'news' messages with just a statement or claim by Zelensky, as if a guy saying something is news.
Qadhafi was facing a rag-tag army of rebels, not an enemy army.
To do otherwise would have given the Russians a casus belli. Low-key preparation would have been wise, but mobilization is generally a trigger to war.
Besides, who the hell believes the Americans after their lies about everything. Russian bounties! Havana Syndrome! Russiagate!
Besides, there were 170,000 whole troops. Not really an invasion force.
He is a master at acting and propaganda, and therefore a master at modern warfare. I literally would not be surprised if Ukraine collapses wholesale in a week that the whole thing turns out to be a smokescreen conjured up by Vladimir Zelensky.
Dog: wagged.
I've seen his speeches and such, and he's nothing special. He certainly isn't an amazing propagandist.
except he didn't persuade anyone of anything. All he does is rattles his cup. Whether people donate or not is based on their own internal politics, not based on anything he has ever said.
lol @ the cope where you can't believe that anyone in the world is capable of anything on their own without the CIA being behind it. People like you give the CIA and US Govt far too much credit. If they were half as competent as you think they are, the entire world would be in the palm of America's hand.
Except he didn't play them, the media seized him and lifted him up on their shoulders. The media used him as their tool, their symbol, their saint.
Nope. Preparing defenses has never been a "casus belli"
Even if so, so what? I don't understand your point here. You don't seem to understand how irrelevant the concept of a "casus belli" is here. Putin committed to a naked invasion. Putin did not need to invoke any "casus belli" because he didn't need to convince any other country that he was justified, as would have been the case 100+ years ago in the context of great power alliances when there was a real threat of other countries jumping in.
Putin would not have attempted to invade earlier because he wasn't ready. Logistics are logistics.
No, it's not. It never is, and never has been. This is especially true here when a smaller, threatened country is mobilizing defensively.
Americans are very reliable when they point out that they have intel you are going to be invaded, and to prepare your defenses. It would be idiotic to discount that intel, and of course we were proven right.
This is 100% true and caused by a microwave weapon, likely Russian. Not sure why you are gaslighting this.
That's politics, buddy, not US military intel.
That's quite a large invasion force considering that Ukraine's military forces were considerably smaller than that.
LOL you are so weird in your methods and manner of copes. Here I am shitting on Zelensky, where I expected you to clap and say "well there, I see you can criticize your own side!" and you are instead telling me that the man is a generational genius. I guess this is similar to how the Germans coped in WW2 by citing to the "endless russian hordes".
Retard alert lol
Remember when we said Afghanistan was gonna be just fine and then it collapsed in a fucking day?
He's an actor, like Reagan. And he fits his speeches in such a way to appeal to every country. In France, he'll talk about the Bastille, in Germany about Valkyrie, in England about Magna Carta. It's disgusting, but it's effective for people who want to be deceived.
Our internal politics are: what does the Master want us to do? Yes, Master! Anything you want! Starve our people? Done! Make them freeze to death? Gladly, I despite them anyway! Sure, blow up our pipelines, Master.
They're not as competent as people think militarily, hence Afghanistan, but they sure as hell are absolute experts in the dark arts of propaganda. My God, they persuaded you, a sometime critic of the regime, that CRICKETS are actually a Russian superweapon from the 23th century. C'mon man, what is this?
And that's true too, but they could not have done it if he did not have at least some personal qualities.
The hell are you talking about man? World War I a reminder?
Clearly he did need it, because poor morale and civilian opposition plagued the war, at least at the beginning. By no having a casus belli, he made it look like unprovoked aggression, even though it clearly wasn't.
I realize it may just be propaganda, but according to some analists, the ruskies were unprepared as it was.
Americans make stuff up to create conflict between people and wring it to their advantage. Not you, the regime.
Incredible. This is even more absurd than your "it was actually Russia that bombed the Azov POWs".
800,000 men spent at least some time terrorizing the Donbas. Had those 170,000 ever fought in a war?
You're certanly more sophisticated than the Zelensky hero-worshipers. I don't need a cope though, as I'm confident that your puppet will be overrun. You're losing to Iranian drones. IRANIAN drones.
Crickets don't cause brain swelling. Microwave weapons do. The symptoms of microwave damage over time and the Havana syndrome symptoms are a perfect match. The USSR is known to have developed and tested such weapons during the Cold War. The "cricket noises" are a red herring, since microwave energy isn't going to show up in an audio recording, even though people getting brain damaged by it sometimes think they perceive sound as a side effect.
Nobody "convinced" me of this. I did my own research and read extensive articles, research, and analysis on the subject. The evidence is overwhelming, just like the "lab leak" thesis for COVID 19.
The fact that you shill hard on topics like this, and get defensive over them, make you look like you're playing for the other side.
The Chinese/Russians are lucky that I wasn't in charge when this was going on. I would have made it a top priority, gotten detectors set up, identified the vehicle doing the attacks, and strung the motherfuckers up.
It's psychosomatic. Obviously. Not a weapon from the 23rd century.
Did anyone write those articles, of did they drop like mana from heaven?
I've been promoted again to FSB contractor! No buddy, no one's defensive, I'm just laughing at you for being fooled by something so transparently idiotic.
Good like stringing up crickets.
No, there were brain scans done showing genuine brain damage. To be clear, there are probably only a few dozen genuine cases out of hundreds of complaints. There are many more hypochondriacs who were not targeted/affected who muddied the waters and had their symptoms explains by other factors.
There is nothing high tech or sci fi about using microwaves as a weapon. Russia experimented with such weapons during the Cold War. The fact that the human brain absorbs microwaves and can be affected/damaged by them was known and studied early in the Cold War.
Do you think I have total recall and the ability to recall exactly what I read going back years, and to reproduce the totality of my sources on demand? Nobody can do that. People absorb information, form conclusions, and move on. I do not open up a legal research file and document everything like I'd do for a legal brief. I linked the wiki which explains some of the bigger studies done.
I do believe there is a non-zero chance that you work as a contractor for someone with a vested interest in pushing the views you push. They line up too neatly to avoid suspicion. However, the fact that there is a chance doesn't mean it is a certainty. The world is not black and white. You MIGHT be a contractor for any number of organizations, or you might just do it for free out of misguided ideology. The problem with seeing you as independent is that you would not "toe the party line" so consistently.
Again, crickets don't cause brain damage. It is undeniable that a few dozen people were legitimately brain damaged with symptoms perfectly consistent with pulsed microwave radiation exposure. It would have been relatively easy for someone in a vehicle nearby to point an emitter at a State Dept building for a while to fuck with people.
Isn't that just the product of being an American? What will happen if you just pick a few hundred people at random and check them for brian damage?
I wasn't asking you to produce your source. I was commenting on the fact that you asserted that "no one" propagandized you. Someone wrote those articles. Apparently, you at least now no longer know who they are, and are thus not able to provide an assessment of their credibility.
Don't do that. Wikipedia is propaganda.
LOL! Do you know how crazy you sound? Particularly since you're constantly switching your views: first you said I'm an FSB agent, then you said you no longer believed it, and now you're back.
What is the 'party line'? And how come your views always line up with those of the CIA?
I don't believe a thing the Americans say. Moreover, post hoc ergo propter hoc is not exactly an impressive argument.
The Russians are way too cowardly to hit back at the EOL. (SEE, HE CRITICIZED THE RUSSIANS TO TRY TO PROVE THAT HE IS NOT AN FSB AGENT!)
Hey guize u rly want me to keep trolling? I mean I will, but OK!! Theres a plan for all of this, right?