Russia has been caught secretly backing regressive leftist groups in a plot to ruin America.
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Today in things we all knew already...
I assume they back left and right groups to destabilize. China too.
Yep. Demoralization, Crisis, Normalization, Destabilization.
You would think they would try to avoid giving the regressive left more influence as that could cause NATO to attack Russia if the corruption by both said extremist group and the globalist conspirators reaches critical mass.
I think they know that the useful idiots they support are too destructive to actually threaten them if they simply stay outside of the united states.
Have they really, though, or is this another effort to shift focus away from the actual problem that is China? China owns at least two entertainment services they use to push subversive propaganda in the West. They funnel no small amount of money into subversive elements and the pockets of crooked politicians. Nobody wants to talk about that, and I see the threat from Russia as nonexistent in comparison.
more like an effect to shift focus away from israel, written by (((Greenfield)))
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Bolsheviks hated Jews.
LMAO. USSR was the first country in the world to ban antisemitism.
Can you explain why my wife's family fled Russia due to their antisemitic pogroms?
Imagine using wikipedia, they think everything is antisemitic .
So, my wife's family lied about escaping the pogroms from the bolsheviks? Really? Are you retarded?
Foreign enemies like Russia would be powerless without the willing cooperation of anti-American people within the country, i.e. the Democrat Party, Antifa, BLM, academia/higher education, MSM and all the other Leftist groups within the country.
Funny how these articles never mention China is doing the same thing.
Well... Yeah?
Russia funded Black Lives Matter, it funded late Occupy Wallstreet, it funded some Nation of Islam, it funded even some Democrat superpacs.
It funded a ton of stuff back when it was the USSR too, with the aims of causing societal collapse.
This isn't news.
I hope they start doing it publicly, because then said groups would go absolutely banana's since Russia is the new Nazi Germany to them.
If Russia wants chaos, they can have it easily.
That is what rival powers do. The difference is, there is no power in America keeping the crazies at bay.
maybe the real russian bots were all the shitlibs we made along the way
Here is another article about the Russians. Note the date.
How is that a secret?
An article coming from (((Greenfield))) makes me question it. And also are these Russians actually Russian or are they (((fellow Russian)))?
People like Antonio are always saying Putin is the last, best hope to save us all from wokeness, and yet, here is Putin funding the woke shock troops to try to destabilize US society. Who could have guessed?
Anyone who can see the obvious. Russia is not a friend to the Right, and never has been.
You beat me to the “I’m shocked” post lol
I love that show. I vaguely remember that episode
And just goes to show how good writing allows you to address man my topics. I mean 96% percent of the show takes place in the same office and it’s still very entertaining
Yeah, most shows were limited to two or three sets per show, at most, and usually they'd be the same two or three sets (especially with half-hour sitcoms). I guess this is what happens when writers have to do more with less.
Bottles with good writing
Grand adventures with stupid writing
Seems very difficult to meet in the middle of that.
True. A benefit is that it can force the writers to come up with great ideas. Now I frequently hear how a show’s writing staff is very diverse or mostly female. I remember Star Trek discovery bragging about that. All I could think was that diversity doesn’t mean you get talented ppl. It’s possible but when that is your main focus I serious doubt it
Exactly. And some episodes caused me to consider different points of view. That aspect seems to be lost in modern day entertainment
Mushee mushee.
"Haven't you ever seen a beard?!"
"Not in MY family!"