every leftoid white Haylee Kaylee Aiden Kayden : "Natives didn't even know what war or violence meant before whites. Oh, those headdresses? Respecc those, only accomplished warriors were allowed to wear them."
Most rap artists since the dawn of genre were former drug dealers. Even the greats of the genre were. It's not like they deny it, it's right in their songs. It was one of the only ways to make enough money to get out of the ghetto. So I'm not sure using a rap analogy is all that great.
It really is almost exclusively heard in sports, at least as far as I can tell. It's a top 4, and there's 4 people on the mountain. It's not being used for racist things, it's just a 4 and a 4. It's imagery, not racism.
Terry A. Davis, Moonman, Clayton Bigsby, Burger King Hat Guy
I miss the compilation videos of those. I still remember the first time I head 47 Faggots and One Dune Coon.
Top 5 rappers/ racists. Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. He spits hot fire.
Thanks, I try.
Mount Rushmore of racists: Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Booker T Washington. No particular order
We got to the same answers
Rename it to Mount Conquest
The land was not stolen, it was conquered with superior force.
I know. This dude is just looking to be a victim
And those native Americans conquered another tribe
I know. I’ve learned that across the world on larger or smaller scales every kingdom or empire did the same things they demonize the west for
every leftoid white Haylee Kaylee Aiden Kayden : "Natives didn't even know what war or violence meant before whites. Oh, those headdresses? Respecc those, only accomplished warriors were allowed to wear them."
History's worst racists:
George Lincoln Rockwell, William Luther Pierce, Malcolm Al Shabazz, and finally the legend himself: Ben ”Six Million More” Garrison.
Most rap artists since the dawn of genre were former drug dealers. Even the greats of the genre were. It's not like they deny it, it's right in their songs. It was one of the only ways to make enough money to get out of the ghetto. So I'm not sure using a rap analogy is all that great.
It really is almost exclusively heard in sports, at least as far as I can tell. It's a top 4, and there's 4 people on the mountain. It's not being used for racist things, it's just a 4 and a 4. It's imagery, not racism.
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Crazy Horse, and Al Sharpton.
Not exactly wrong.
Though, I'm not sure if Crazy Horse was a racist, or just a kind of Indian Reactionary.
Fine, I'll define greatness by total land area conquered through force instead.