That's the thing. We have become so efficient at producing necessary resources to live that we can afford such dregs of society without anyone personally feeling it until they ran into such a thing.
I believe in most countries, and even in a couple states, if the uterus shot bullets, the government could, pretty much at will and with minimal repercussion, just come and take it and toss it in an incinerator. Especially if there's red flag laws, since that there is a red flag.
It's like no one comes to an argument from a position of well-researched from both sides calm and rational form anymore.
if my UTERUS Shot bullets Would it have MORE RIGHTS?
A) Holy shit you're ugly. The classiest opening? No...but...holy shit.
B) To answer your question, no. It would be more tightly regulated, despite the constitutional protections it should and allegedly would now have. Because our leaders are evil and stupid.
It also represents such a small fragment of society. Most women won't care about what they think as they're happy being in relationships and enjoying life. Out of the single ones a large percentage will be too focused on their career to care about that stuff (the "non-sexual"/50hrs a week kind of women). Then there's the whole trans thing which despite being on their same side politically goes against practically everything they're for (hard to be "for" women empowerment and pushing them into prominent roles when you have a bunch of men cutting off their dicks and exceeding them in every aspect).
Not even Moby's Dick's geting hard for that.
I see what you did there...
Take my upvote and man the fucking harpoons!
Feminism doesn't even represent women. It represents feminists.
Why does she weigh in on the discussion? I thought it's only people who can get pregnant?
At that size, she weighs in on pretty much everything at the same time- usually in tonnes.
Feminism is code for "I'm genetic dregs, no men will fuck me, I resent men and attractive women."
I’m never going to win the game of : “happy family and life” - so I am going to play the game of “steal resources from others”
It’s a failure of education that we produce so many landwhales. They need to learn how they can be normal members of society.
That's the thing. We have become so efficient at producing necessary resources to live that we can afford such dregs of society without anyone personally feeling it until they ran into such a thing.
I believe in most countries, and even in a couple states, if the uterus shot bullets, the government could, pretty much at will and with minimal repercussion, just come and take it and toss it in an incinerator. Especially if there's red flag laws, since that there is a red flag.
It's like no one comes to an argument from a position of well-researched from both sides calm and rational form anymore.
All you can eat bad tuna buffet
BOOM BABA BOOM BABA BOOM is all you used to hear, you porcine cunt
A) Holy shit you're ugly. The classiest opening? No...but...holy shit.
B) To answer your question, no. It would be more tightly regulated, despite the constitutional protections it should and allegedly would now have. Because our leaders are evil and stupid.
A smaller size of those shorts would make great maternity bottoms, so hard to find a good pair.
It would definitely have a drum magazine.
Biological Leninism
There is a chance that men would try it out if it shot bullets.
It also represents such a small fragment of society. Most women won't care about what they think as they're happy being in relationships and enjoying life. Out of the single ones a large percentage will be too focused on their career to care about that stuff (the "non-sexual"/50hrs a week kind of women). Then there's the whole trans thing which despite being on their same side politically goes against practically everything they're for (hard to be "for" women empowerment and pushing them into prominent roles when you have a bunch of men cutting off their dicks and exceeding them in every aspect).
Of course it would. Might makes right.
Congratulations, you have figured out a concept even animals understand.