I would highly recommend watching the most recent Timcast IRL. The sole reason is Richie McGinniss’s mom. She is literally a perfect representation of American moms. Obtuse to the child grooming, still believes second wave feminism wasn’t a cia op, believes that media “can’t be that bad”. She was openly treated with kid gloves the entire time. It was so bad listening to them be like noooo you guys were the good feminists in the 70’s! This sycophantic obsession with appeasing women simply for existing has decimated our society.
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Yeah, I cringe whenever I hear that parties are trying to pander to suburban white women. If we're depending on suburban white women for the future of our country, we are well and truly screwed.
Society doesn't care until pretty, white woman are somehow effected.
That's literally every women. This one is just trying to do the classic "not like other girls" maneuver by painting all the others as the bad ones.
That's why society put constraints on them in the first place, because without a container to hold them they wouldn't maintain any shape.
I think it's too late, the facade of society has to collapse and we go back to dragging women around by their hair because men are stronger, faster and smarter and they need men to survive. Then we write books like the Bible and Quoran that warns about women's behavior and then maybe we will have another couple thousand years of decent society before men cuck out again and give women rights.
Of course she was, she's a white woman.
White women are mental children who, for some reason, are allowed to vote despite the fact that they are a net tax loss - that is to say, a national burden.
Artifical wombs or Axlotl Tanks can't come soon enough, and I don't care which comes first.
If white women are mental children, then can black women be considered to have even passed the fetal stage?
Toddlers with a sex drive.
Most women like to be teased, just like kids. A simple peekaboo will be satisfactory. If that isnt evidence, i dont know what is.
Its infuriating to me how boomers ruined the country (and continue doing so with their COVID response) and are going to go to their graves feeling zero repercussions from it.
This woman is a clear example why feminism is cancer. It promotes lying, narrow minded tyrants that will tell you you're actually being rewarded whilst beating you up.
I think I maybe tuned in for about 7 or 8 minutes till I noped out. The old hag seemed like she had absolutely 0 clue about anything.
edit: Okay, no reason for me to call her an old hag but good lord she seemed like she had no idea what's been happening for the past 30 years
Watch the Poolboy, to see a suburban mom?
Yes. Let me get right on that.
In this specific circumstance I actually thought Tim could have been even more gentle. Maybe because she's in her 70's and reminded me of my own mother. She may be wrong but she's not going to change her mind now, and there's not much time left for her on this planet so why not make the best of it instead of arguing?
That means it was pointless to have her on as a guest in the first place, but it might be a good episode for other boomers to watch.
I think it's OK to have her on, if only to show otherwise wilfully ignorant people that feminism was rotten from the very beginning. "Third wave" feminism isn't the only problem. All of feminism is.
People are also ignorant as to the association between feminists and CRT. They're intimately tied. One feeds off the other. This woman and her gas lighting is prime example of that.