I guess they are rebooting The Fresh Prince. The article I read used one of the red flag buzzwords “reimagining”. Article finally said the show plans to address “race and class”. I mean what would a show be in current year if it didn’t lecture us about race for the 10000th time.
I’m sure it will win awards. The three easiest ways to win are to “address racism”, have a female led program that bravely attacks the patriarchy, or a show about immigration where the not so subtle message is anything less than open borders is evil.
I’ll be happily watching reruns of Little House on the Prairie and Sanford and Son.
Jesus, really? I remember people complaining about how nobody wanted to take any risks in film or videogames two decades ago, and it got so much worse since then. Endless reboots, and everything's woke.
I can't wait for Critical Drinker to tear it a new asshole. Watching normal people review modern garbage is so much more entertaining than actually watching new movies and shows.
Honestly that’s how I keep up with new shows. Friday Night with Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, Rippa, Geeks and Gamers, etc. Watching Mauler destroy last Jedi was so cathartic
I'm watching Night Court reruns. Dan Fielding is freaking hilarious, and I expect the reboot of the series will either neuter him or have the whole rest of the courtroom gang up on him as the token toxic male.
I love Night Court. I have zero hope for the reboot.
Reruns of Night Court aired in the evening after the new episode of TNG and I always got a kick out of seeing Brent Spiner on there.
The original series kind of already did that, but via getting his own comeuppance rather than through blatant struggle sessions. And you felt he kind of genuinely deserved it (most of the time, at least), and it was funny.
Unsubbed from Just Some Guy recently, seems like he's been drinking the flavoraid as of late. I usually like his stuff but calling out "the right" for not wanting pedo books on school shelves and thinking they should be destroyed is a bit much. He didn't openly defend Cuties, but mentioned it in regards to the pedo books.
In East Kandahar, born and raised.
In a minefield is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin all cool, And all shootin' some Infidel outside of the school.
Didn't FP already address these topics? Remember an episode where one of Wills family members married a white guy and most of the family having issues with it and an episode where Carlton and Will got arrested for speeding in a nice car which turned into a racial thing and Carlton getting dared to live the hard life with Will's friend Jazz, going full thug and almost getting shot at some park while dealing drugs.
It addressed real black issue and those are scary, so they won't be doing that again. Now they need to solve modern black issues like hand signs about White Power, your white friends accidentally saying nigga while singing along to rap music, and police having the stones to shoot you while you are committing crimes.
Pretty sure they actually did address the white boy saying nigga bit comically tbh. It's been decades so I could be wrong.
Its been that long for me too, but I feel that treating it like a fun little joke like that won't be how its done in current year.
Nope. Full on "unsolicited opinions on Israel" moment that breaks the flow of the show and probably one of those OOC speeches from the cast before the credits.
Exactly. But overall the show was funny. You can incorporate things with good writing but it seems now it will just be another diatribe. I’m sure the word privilege will get thrown around
And the who cares what color you are message will be watered down to NOT include white people.
Did they tackle single motherhood in the black community, or the welfare state? The two things that actually wrecked the black community.
Single motherhood, yes. A running story through out is how Will was raised by a single mom, got into trouble (literally in the intro song) and was sent to live with his rich uncle and aunt to straighten him out. Sort of on the welfare thing, Will's mom worked 2 jobs and refused to rely on daddy government and didn't live in section 8 housing.....The episode where Carlton went thug also deals with a proxy that's supposed to be cabrini green, the WORST welfare apartments in the US to the point gangs ran the place.
Now we'll finally have a chance to learn about Critical Race TRUTH.
Reason why I binge watched Seinfeld(it is the pinnacle in great shows), and now Frasier.
I hear they are continuing Frasier with the original cast, Kelsey Grammer is a republican, so maybe he will put some brakes on the woke shit.
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, one of my all time favorite shows, will get ruined.
355 is a good example why the woketards take existing IPs to spread their nonsense. It failed. Spectacularly. If it had an existing IP, it would have failed slightly less. They can't create, they can only steal.
355 was an original idea right? I’ll give it that much. The problem is that they have beaten us down with diversity that I’m very hesitant to check out an all female or all minority show or movie because most likely it will be one long lecture. Fraser is the best spin-off ever. Followed closely by the Jeffersons. I love Cheers but Fraser has it beat.
I also loved Seinfeld and I’m shocked they never had some sort of spin-off
Original idea? No. It is a copy paste of all the spy movies out there. But it is an original IP, and not from a preexisting one(Jason Bourne, 007 at al). But it is VERY woke, and based on the trailer, don't even bother. It looks bad. Tiny women beating large bumbling stupid men bad.
Seinfeld ended on a somewhat cliff hanger, and they should have continued, at least with a miniseries to finish it(as long as the first season). Curb your enthusiams is a bit of a continuation, but instead of being inside Seinfeld world, it is more of "this is how Seinfeld was made" world. The same, but not the same :/
That is true. I hadn’t seen Curb til 3 years ago because a friend told me I would like it since I was a Seinfeld fan.
You're joking right?
Even your examples Bel Air and Frasier are better shows I can't see how you think Seinfeld is the pinnacle of great shows. Even Curb is better and thats pretty jewish as well.
Take out the laugh track and its four sociopathic jews terrorizing new yorkers.
Because it is hilarious and funny.
I'm sure you like some shows who are retarded and that you find funny.
And WTF does any of that have to do with Judaism? I found it funny because I found it funny, not because Seinfeld is Jewish. Sheesh! This is like talking to an SJW who thinks I found Seinfeld funny because the main protagonists are white.
If they don't change his views or philosophy, as if he was in a coma for 20 years, he's going to wake up, take one look at Seattle, and ask if Augusto Pinochet is running for President, and if he needs money or volunteers.
And was regularly made fun of for being a pompous ass.
I highly doubt it'd get past one season.
Honestly, I didn't even watch it the first time 'round. Saw a couple episodes when nothing else was on, didn't hate it, but had no desire to follow it, either. It was better than Martin, at least.
Or that he is internalizing white supremacy
All re-whatever media look and sound like Reefer Madness to me.
For fellow Academic Agent listeners, does this mean they are actually trying to take us back to Fresh Prince?
He'll be a "moderate" Republican who upon learning that the party has been taken over by evil white supremacists will loudly switch to Democrat in the middle of his election campaign. And he will easily still win his reelection bid - alternatively he will shockingly lose for no good reason other than the country is still racist.
I know you are being funny but with the caliber of writing today you have pretty much nailed the storyline
I doubt it. I’m wondering who was asking for a dark dramatic version
Gotcha. The thing is that the original show did a good job using humor while talking about some issues. Like when Carlton was told he wasn’t really black
Can't maintain perpetual victim status while acknowledging that culture and character aren't written in stone with your melanin content.
Statistically, he probably wouldn't be.