As much as that's a total who gives a shit note, could you imagine how they'd spin it the other way?
"Trump's narcissism strikes again as he's so obsessed with control he demands to make his own breakfast, showing he has no concern for the trials of the underprivileged White House staffers he may put out of a job."
Even if this wasn't a lie, Biden should receive more negative press than Trump, because Biden and his co-conspirators are directly responsible for many of the problems America is currently facing.
This is really like they just took first place knowing that someone launched a blue shell and it’s coming up fast in Mario kart. So they may be “winning” but even they know mid terms will be a disaster for them
Of course she makes his breakfast. Who else is going to crush up all those pills and mix them in?
Kamala offered, but Joe just kept screaming Cornpop.
Kamala can't be trusted not to poison him. Even the retards on the left know that.
He probably thinks she’s the maid.
Many Americans are more concerned about being able to afford food than who is going to cook it. Thanks Brandon!
As much as that's a total who gives a shit note, could you imagine how they'd spin it the other way?
"Trump's narcissism strikes again as he's so obsessed with control he demands to make his own breakfast, showing he has no concern for the trials of the underprivileged White House staffers he may put out of a job."
Trump subjugates women by forcing his wife to make him breakfast every morning.
“Unhinged Tyrant Trump demands Three whole meals in one day!?”
Even if this wasn't a lie, Biden should receive more negative press than Trump, because Biden and his co-conspirators are directly responsible for many of the problems America is currently facing.
Can’t trust a White House aide to never talk about having to do that so who else would do it.
He receives more negative press than Obama, mainly because he is the trojan horse and sacrificial lamb to install Kamala.
Kamala will not be installed.
Michelle will be.
At least you’ll still have a man running the country I guess.
This is really like they just took first place knowing that someone launched a blue shell and it’s coming up fast in Mario kart. So they may be “winning” but even they know mid terms will be a disaster for them
So they just pay the White House chefs to do nothing for the first part of the day…. Always got to find a way to waste tax payer money
So they mean both sides think Biden is doing badly?
Actual footage of Jill Biden making breakfast. Spoiler Alert: the American Public breaks in at the end and pulls her out of the White House.