They're right. That's why there's such a huge push to shame whites and take away their self-respect. If white people start to take seriously the attacks on them and their culture, and get pissed, this dog and pony show of a government won't hold up long.
There's a big difference between black and white people getting mad. Black people take their anger out on their kids, or their baby momma, or a crowd full of unarmed people in a parade.
Pretty White genetically too, close, but no cigar. Also change their names get a nose job etc. Their looking White makes actual Whites trust them more and not see the infiltration.
The main characters in george orwells 1984 are actually people working for the news agency that revises history to fit propaganda. They're doing the propaganda, but absolutely hate their jobs.
This isn't a new phenomenon. Remember when Trump won in 2016, it was due to "white rage." Even in the 90s, the left liked to blame "angry white males."
One of those stupid magazines, probably Time, even ran a cover with a mob of white people wearing MAGA hats and holding torches and rifles. It was what the BLM riots actually were. (and this was before the BLM riots)
I watched a lot if the trial and Kyle doesnt look like he knows what anger is.
I hppe the corporate media keeps demonizing him to forward their narrative. The effect will be the opposite of what they are intending and they are too ideologically posessed to realize it.
Misperceiving others to be aggressively phobic for pleasure or gain.
The hate one wishes one could display through the projection of an Other.
The Golden Rule, Inverted: Hating one's neighbor as one hates oneself.
When the one who hates themselves (the first person) is in denial about their own self-hate, the only way that they can project this denial onto another while still relating to them is to be in denial about how the second person must be in denial of their lack of hatred of a third person. The first denial is their own hate of themselves, the second denial is inverted: they are in denial of the second person not hating the third person. The third denial is that the first person secretly hates the third person, but since the first person can relate their own secret self-hate with their secret hate of the third person, this dual-denial seems to invert and then revert the hatred of who they hate into a form of contorted love or camaraderie.
Person 1 hates person 1 / claims to love person 1 => denial #1
Person 1 loves* person 2 / claims to hate person 2 (for hating person 3) => denial #2
Person 1 hates person 3 / claims to love person 3 (through hate-relation) => denial #3
*(finds utility in)
The person in the middle (the second person, the projected upon) is the open scapegoat by which both the secret hater (the first person, in denial of self-hate) and the secretly hated (third person, actually hated by the first) are aligned against, whether they are aware of it or not.
A cheap, yet probable, example (see 2016 suburban voting): a white 'woke' woman is seen decrying a republican man of being racist (even though he might not be, but is easily portrayed to be) because she is afraid of a black family who lives down her street. She knows that she can't be implicated as a racist and still retain her social status (and maintain her self/other hatred without being found out), so she uses the republican man as her situational 'sword & shield' by proxy against the black family (and to buff her own self-esteem through the comparison of herself to the newly minted scapegoat).
The deviousness of this situation is that only the second person and the third person actually get dealt any real social/physical/emotional damage. There must be some sort of self awareness within the first person that knows that they can profit from this arrangement seemingly perpetually. This is probably why they hate themselves, honestly: unexamined, unmitigated guilt.
Now extend this to group identities and you have The Problem enumerated.
Because I feel so threatened in a white suburb compared to a black neighborhood. The dreaded angry white man.
You feel unsafe cause you walk around thinking you will become a victim.
I think they feel unsafe because math is racist.
And ... they may not be wrong?
Everyone including yuppies insticntly distrusts coons.
They're right. That's why there's such a huge push to shame whites and take away their self-respect. If white people start to take seriously the attacks on them and their culture, and get pissed, this dog and pony show of a government won't hold up long.
There's a big difference between black and white people getting mad. Black people take their anger out on their kids, or their baby momma, or a crowd full of unarmed people in a parade.
White people pick their targets.
What's amazing to me is those who think white people are somehow in control of the media doing this to themselves.
Pretty White genetically too, close, but no cigar. Also change their names get a nose job etc. Their looking White makes actual Whites trust them more and not see the infiltration.
The main characters in george orwells 1984 are actually people working for the news agency that revises history to fit propaganda. They're doing the propaganda, but absolutely hate their jobs.
This isn't a new phenomenon. Remember when Trump won in 2016, it was due to "white rage." Even in the 90s, the left liked to blame "angry white males."
One of those stupid magazines, probably Time, even ran a cover with a mob of white people wearing MAGA hats and holding torches and rifles. It was what the BLM riots actually were. (and this was before the BLM riots)
Leftists project what they do onto others, and they're good at it because they know how to manipulate people.
I watched a lot if the trial and Kyle doesnt look like he knows what anger is.
I hppe the corporate media keeps demonizing him to forward their narrative. The effect will be the opposite of what they are intending and they are too ideologically posessed to realize it.
I read a lot of murmurings about Kyle being poised to sue a bunch of media outlets for slander/libel. I hope he does it and succeeds.
Hell yeah! If he doesn't that is a disservice to the country.
Plenty of that, absolutely. But ultimately they hate anyone white.
λευκός • (leukós) m (feminine λευκή, neuter λευκόν); first/second declension
Or the good old oikophobia.
Oh if it were true.
This is a brilliant idea!
Instead of anti-white we should start using 'whitephobia'.
While 'anti-white' insinuates a deliberate position, 'whitephobia' insinuates a state of being unhinged, mentally unwell, unable to control emotions.
And as a bonus it subtly mocks the left's use of -phobia for everythig.
Because we're about to the bull shit limit and you know what happens next?
The Rittenhouse Effect
Misperceiving others to be aggressively phobic for pleasure or gain.
The hate one wishes one could display through the projection of an Other.
The Golden Rule, Inverted: Hating one's neighbor as one hates oneself.
When the one who hates themselves (the first person) is in denial about their own self-hate, the only way that they can project this denial onto another while still relating to them is to be in denial about how the second person must be in denial of their lack of hatred of a third person. The first denial is their own hate of themselves, the second denial is inverted: they are in denial of the second person not hating the third person. The third denial is that the first person secretly hates the third person, but since the first person can relate their own secret self-hate with their secret hate of the third person, this dual-denial seems to invert and then revert the hatred of who they hate into a form of contorted love or camaraderie.
*(finds utility in)
The person in the middle (the second person, the projected upon) is the open scapegoat by which both the secret hater (the first person, in denial of self-hate) and the secretly hated (third person, actually hated by the first) are aligned against, whether they are aware of it or not.
A cheap, yet probable, example (see 2016 suburban voting): a white 'woke' woman is seen decrying a republican man of being racist (even though he might not be, but is easily portrayed to be) because she is afraid of a black family who lives down her street. She knows that she can't be implicated as a racist and still retain her social status (and maintain her self/other hatred without being found out), so she uses the republican man as her situational 'sword & shield' by proxy against the black family (and to buff her own self-esteem through the comparison of herself to the newly minted scapegoat).
The deviousness of this situation is that only the second person and the third person actually get dealt any real social/physical/emotional damage. There must be some sort of self awareness within the first person that knows that they can profit from this arrangement seemingly perpetually. This is probably why they hate themselves, honestly: unexamined, unmitigated guilt.
Now extend this to group identities and you have The Problem enumerated.
Europhobia, Causasianpobia, Whitephobia.
Jokes on them. That’s not an angry White man, that’s an acting white FtM transsexual