posted ago by WeedleTLiar ago by WeedleTLiar +85 / -0

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Canadian Election rules being changed during the election 3 days ago by WeedleTLiar 12 comments share crosspost save hide report block edit delete nsfw flair Update:

It seems like it was the supervisor of this site specifically. Elections Canada, as per their website, clearly states medical exemptions are allowed.

I returned to try again today and both the worker (same as Friday) and the supervisor tried to tell me that there were no medical exceptions allowed.

Up until I showed them the EC website stating the exact opposite, that is. At that point they immediately changes their tone and "allowed" me to vote.

The supervisor tried to blame it on the training they received from EC so I'll be getting in touch with them to clarify the source of the issue.

The lesson here is: STAND YOUR GROUND

The people pushing tyranny don't care about laws, truth or fairness, they care about power. We need to remind them that the power in this country rests with the people, through democracy and the rule of law.

Original Post: Today is the first day of advanced voting in the Canadian Federal Election.

I just got back from my polling station. I got in, gave my ID, voter card, and contact tracing info.

As I was waiting in line, the election worker got up from his desk and to tell me (the only one not wearing a mask) that I had to leave.

I told him I had a medical exemption, which I had also told him when I first came in, at which time it was not an issue.

He told me he just got a call from his bosses saying that the rules had changed and no one would be allowed to vote in person without a mask.

This is it: real-time voter suppression.

Which party is this going to affect most, do we think? The liberals? The greens? Or the only party opposing government medical mandates who is, just this week, experiencing a huge surge in the polls?

So now a ton of PPC voters are going to have to mail in ballots in order to vote. How secure do we think that will be? How easy will it be to disproportionately affect the dissident party by simply "losing" large amounts of mail?

This is it for me. If I am not able to vote in person in this election I will understand this event as the fall of Canadian democracy. At that point, as a patriotic Canadian, I will be duty bound to do whatever I can towards destroying the system currently in place.

I'm not going to lie; I'm scared. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I know it will be dangerous and it will definitely be illegal. Because when democracy falls, so does the rule of law; anything I do to oppose tyranny will be illegal so there's no reason to hold back.

But we've still got a week. I was given a number to call if I had questions, which I encourage every Canadian reading this to call so you can see for youselves.

Elections Canada: 1-866-239-2826 (automated, of course, I was told to press 0)

Ask them why this rule change happened only after polls opened. Ask them why they won't accomodate medical conditions, in direct contravention to the Ontario Human Rights Code (at the least). Ask them why you should have any faith in this election being fair and free.

And, if you care about democracy and the rule of law, not the whims of the ruling class and the powerful corporations they represent, not the fear, division, and misinformation that they've spread from the beginning of this pandemic, tell them you will not accept this.

God save us all.