Japan to Release Treated Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Water Into the Sea | The Epoch Times
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I think I'm most disappointed that nobody has made any Godzilla jokes...
Due to international copyright laws, they can not
But we can still make jokes that look like Godzilla jokes, right?
Though it isn't.
It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.
The solution to pollution is dilution.
No really. And? I'm not seeing an issue here.
Coal isn't profitable because nobody uses it. Was this really based on politics?
ZeroHedge was a little too liberal, which is why I went with Epoch Times for the thread. I've been avoiding them lately since I got pretty sick of them for yammering on Bitcoin. They just wouldn't shut up.
But I still like them for their doomsday articles about inflation and stuff. Plus, they're rabid on topics like Yellen and throw in things like the SEC scrutiny on SPACs (RIP), which is a bit of a novelty for a (somewhat) general news site.
Edit: The ZH link is mainly for spelling out some obvious dynamics despite potentially excessive editorialization.
Then why is china buying it by the mountain? People would use coal if western governments would approve new constructions that have the current technology. But since every government is a watermelon that will never happen.
China doesn't give two fucks about pollution. Have you seen their cities?
Same news is available on other sties, of course. Here's a slightly more liberally editorialized one courtesy of ZeroHedge - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/japan-decides-dump-one-million-tons-radioactive-fukushima-water-pacific-iaea-approves
It's sea water. It will kill you because it's salty, not because it's radioactive.
Doing some calculations...
The EPA limit on tritium in drinking water is 750 Bq / L. The contaminated water has 0.009 Bq / L of tritium. This isn't even a case where you'd die of water poisoning first; your body is not physically capable of containing enough water for that to be significant.
Every nuke fearmonger.
But seriously, why don't we just dig a borehole down ten miles and just shove the shit with the other radioactive shit in the Earth's crust. We could do the same with other radioactive waste since a lot of the rock really deep under ground is radioactive to some extent.
That's probably not an option because of how geologically active Japan is - dump a whole lot of water down a deep hole and you might be getting it back as steam. As for "other radioactive waste", America was supposed to have Yucca Mountain for that, but Obama fucked that up.
Bro, it almost doesn't matter where you are on the planet. If you bore a 17 km (10 mile) deep hole and dump water down it, you will be getting that water back as steam. 17 km down is permahot. There are some anomalous zones where the geothermal temperature gradient is wonky, but generally, at 20km depth it ought to be well past 100C.
On site dry cask storage is fine.
I know you're being facetious, but they find new, weird bacteria underground all the time, and the only people who really care are the outer space scientists lookin' for aliens.
Some cynical piece of shit claiming to care, simply because they want to fuck up someone's day? That's the real scenario. Just like with the blacks.
But then, pretty much EVERY "charity" has been overtaken by their own enemies back as far as the 80s (and groups like the Sierra Club were subverted even earlier, and then subverted again.) CARE and UNICEF need to be shot.
Curious. Can some historian humour me?
Did Titanic disaster gave same kneejerk reactions for ages to come for transatlantic travel as Chernobyl did for anything nuclear?