I don't know who this guy is but he was definitely swimming in dangerous waters/
He made all of the decisions that led to this, including not staying home and minding his own business during unsafe times. Hope he's found.
Archived - https://archive.is/DPQVW
EpochTimes archived here: https://archive.is/PvBYw
Archive of Eric deCarbonnel's expose: https://scannedretina.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/eric-decarbonnel-what-i-have-been-afraid-to-blog-about/
What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY (Part 1-5) June 3, 2011 by Eric deCarbonnel
After months of work, the video series on the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund is finally finished!
It is impossible to understand the world today without knowing what the ESF is and what it has been doing. Officially in charge of defending the dollar, the ESF is the government agency which controls the New York Fed, runs the CIA’s black budget, and is the architect of the world’s monetary system (IMF, World Bank, etc). ESF financing (through the OSS and then the CIA)
Also connected is; G Edward Griffin and the "Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/66499.The_Creature_from_Jekyll_Island
Banking shennagans/mystery money/and shady dealings are about to save Silicon Valley Bank.
I study and work in Science
That's cool and worthy, what kind of science?
Tell us about the cash use situation; how restrictive is it? In your daily life do you make an effort to use cash wherever possible? When they are able to eradicate the use of cash your cage becomes inescapable.
If you remember about 2010 in Greece the European Central Bank turned off cash in Greece for months which created payment chaos as many people and businesses were still predominately dependent on cash transactions, forcing them into digital money or no money. A barter economy also sprung up pretty fast but Greece still had a healthy agricultural and artisan factor in which to barter.
Can you turn your science education into something that can be bartered in hard times? Otherwise as an urban Australian you will be eventually forced into their electronic money system and there will be no way out but starvation.
Leave your cell phone at home for a couple of days and try to live without it, just as an experiment.
I had these books when I was a girl, and poured over them for many years. The illustrations are superb. My favorite stories were the Little Match Girl and The Ice Queen, I bought a set of these books for my kids when they were young and again for the grandkids, they were still in print. Hardcover, highly recommend.
Andersen's Fairy Tales (Illustrated Junior Library) Hardcover, by Hans Christian Andersen, Arthur Szyk (Illustrator) - https://www.amazon.com/Andersens-Fairy-Illustrated-Junior-Library/dp/0448060051
Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grosset & Dunlap Illustrated Junior Library Edition 1945 - https://postmarkedfromthestars.com/products/grimms-fairy-tales-illustrated-junior-library-1980-grossett-dunlap-vintage-hardback
America has grown the world's finest tobacco for centuries and they are trying to wipe it out completely; America was built on tobacco and cotton.
The sad fuckers running this world are willfully destroying entire agricultural crops so you can't have any because they don't like it.
I am so sick of our overlords.
God he's so full of shit, this CPAC was an embarrassment. He also proposed to build Freedom Cities on federal land and basked in the glory of sitting next to the remaining Diamond & Silk sister after her sister dropped dead of his vaxx.
Harvard dean says students these days regularly fail to understand basic sentences from texts more than a century old - https://notthebee.com/article/harvard-dean-says-students-these-days-regularly-fail-to-understand-basic-sentences-from-texts-more-than-a-century-old
This sheer ineptitude, this dearth of linguistic prowess among native English speakers today, merely reinforces the warnings of generations past... As language goes, so too does your civilization.
He may be the only worthy Kennedy candidate ever to run for office.
His speaking difficulties are a big problem, I like him but struggle to listen to him.
And he's a Democrat...
Can another Kennedy win? The aristocracy remains in place - while installing an improved head of state for their current brain-dead cadaver; why not a Kennedy?
This is really interesting.
I can tell you for sure, if I were black I'd be renting a U-Haul and moving to California pronto.
Archive - https://archive.is/CkmtG
Edit to add - also found on Bloomberg, https://archive.is/RCFfB
All of those public school requirements were imposed by the state legislature in 2020 during the covid lockdowns when the Washington statehouse was surrounded by anti-public fencing, the state national guard, and carried out in legislative zoom meetings.
The 2020 coof was a coup on a national scale.
Here in the Puget Sound there is hand-wringing galore about the plummet in student numbers, school closings, and consequent reduced school district funding - What could possibly be the cause?? they cry. It's on the news all the time.
No one ever mentions the state mandated K-12 Critical Race Theory curriculum, the K-12 mandated sex education, and the state sanctioned and funded sex change operations for minors. Nope, that never enters the conversation so that can't be it ...
The delusion of the lefties is impermeable, they refuse to even peek at the truth, they will find every other excuse under the sun to blame their own failures besides themselves - it can't be!
@RadioGenova covers a lot of protests that the msm will not and does not report.
Berlin - https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/1629786396855607299
It looks like a cage for cannibalism. I'm not convinced this is the right answer to the violent gang problem - but I also don't have any better ideas.
El Salvador has been a murderous shithole all my life. I don't know how you fix it but surely there must be less depraved alternatives to this.
Was she a Disney kid?