user20461 10 points ago +10 / -0

True, RES is just an extension. I'm not sure if it relies on the API at all.

It sucks no one is working on it, though. Even without an account, it still makes reddit better.

user20461 30 points ago +30 / -0

To be fair, it really does suck because sites like reveddit.com (and extensions like RES) would probably go down as well, but I think that's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make if it makes a jannie's life miserable and prevents them from being able to censor everything.

As far as reveddit goes, it has been gimped along the way. The removed comments sometimes don't show, the deleted comments no longer show ("out of respect for the user"). It's not the same compared to when it first came out. The best and most consistent purpose I've found for it is to act as a lazy man's "archive" so people don't have to give clicks directly to reddit.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

A long time ago it dawned on me that they're actually doing us a favor.

The world is overpopulated with stupid people and they're going to get culled. Best we can do is look out for our family first and then friends.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

As far I could tell, it was still around. I did a bit of research and the the account was eventually banned for something that probably should've been a suspension.


user20461 20 points ago +20 / -0

I used to watch a channel of a black conservative whose audience were black people that hated nigger culture.

One thing he said that stuck with me was, "the invention of the smart phone was the worst thing to happen to black people because now their buffoonery could be recorded and everyone would see what white people have been saying all along."

I feel like it's the same thing with a lot of these women nowadays. This podcast doesn't humiliate women, it just gives them a microphone and a platform for them to do that to themselves.

user20461 6 points ago +6 / -0

The KiA2 mods are about the only ones that do moderating like you would expect from other social media sites. I thought about marking it as NSFW, but it probably wouldn't have been enough and the post would be removed as a result. Either way, I'm sure you can guess what it is.

user20461 41 points ago +41 / -0

Why would anyone celebrate a military that doesn't defend our freedoms or protect our borders.

Not a question, btw, just thinking out loud.

user20461 7 points ago +7 / -0

I had to add the smiley face as to avoid breaking any rules. You can probably guess what it is, though.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump did the same thing in 2016.

Faux outrage or low-info Trump supporters, I'll let y'all decide.

Donald Trump Signs Pledge To Back GOP's 2016 Presidential Nominee

The billionaire businessman announced his decision in a raucous news conference at Trump Tower, the gold-hued skyscraper in midtown Manhattan where he launched his surging and front-running campaign for president.

"I have signed the pledge," Trump said, adding that he intends to win the nomination himself and face whoever the Democrats nominate.

"So I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican party and the conservative principles for which it stands, and we will go out, and we will fight hard, and we will win," Trump said.

user20461 3 points ago +5 / -2

Across the Spiderverse really annoyed me

Did people see this?

Why be upset about something you help fund? It's not necessary to your day-to-day living and there's a million other forms of entertainment.

Sorry to be that guy, but you really can't complain when you're supporting it.

user20461 1 point ago +4 / -3

Trump is a cult, no reason he should have any followers if his supporters still believed in his original campaign promises.

And don't trust 95% of politicians who run for president. That is the most controlled position in all of the US. My 5% of those I'd trust would be Ron Paul, Thomas Massie, and Rand Paul, in that order. And I don't expect them to get anything done, but I do think they'd veto virtually everything that comes out of Congress.

user20461 -2 points ago +5 / -7

Anyone who is shocked by this is a fucking cuck who supported Elon in the first place and deserves to be kicked out of RW circles.

user20461 -13 points ago +2 / -15

And you never will.

Keep blaming conservatives for all of nationalism's failures, though.

I'm sure you'll find people dumb enough to not realize what ideology migrated to the RW that directly preceded the explosion of faggots and trannies all over America.

user20461 -13 points ago +1 / -14

If there's no subsets of conservatism, why would there be any for nationalism?

So, no, I'm talking about nationalism, not whatever hyphenated-ism you speak of that's just used to absolve one side from blame but somehow doesn't apply when casting blame on others.

user20461 -18 points ago +1 / -19

None of this faggotry in the RW existed before nationalism.

What you're seeing now is the consequences of letting nationalists in to the RW.

Trump is the most pro-homo president in the history of the republican party and was the trojan horse for all this shit to become mainstream.

You can thank nationalism for that, which is nothing more than liberalism wrapped in a flag.

user20461 -21 points ago +1 / -22

Conservatives fucked up when they let nationalists in to the RW.

We never had a presidential candidate waving a faggot flag, or a tranny mascot (lady MAGA), nor did we celebrate the passing of gay marriage or try to decriminalize homosexuality in other countries.

FFS how bad is your ideology when 2015 under Obama was a much better time to be alive than 2020 under Trump.

user20461 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, I thought having 666 in your internet name was cool back 1998 when I was 13.

I see a lot of kids and manchilds using 666, 69, and 420.

The newer generations lose their shit when they see those numbers. A symptom of a dumb-downed society.

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