onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was selected to confuse and dilute the impact of straight up saying pedo

onetimeuser 7 points ago +7 / -0

When it's their guy it's not dementia, stop hating on biden!

But when it's not their guy... Omg he's literally unfit to be president!!!

onetimeuser 6 points ago +6 / -0

haha, i'd love it if people on twitter thought the same and starting replying nigger to to this tweet

onetimeuser 5 points ago +5 / -0

yeah, looks like he was doing a half salute/wave in the hype of the moment.

and the communists just misinterpreted it as a nazi salute because they're unconsciously projecting.

or they're just so far gone that anything that remotely looks like anything must be exactly what they think it is - because they've just been trained to "scrutinize every single detail for subtext"

onetimeuser 3 points ago +4 / -1

take what little good there is out there in the public sphere, even if it's from mr. tate. and just ignore, or recognise the bad

onetimeuser 6 points ago +6 / -0

that's true too. but I'm just saying this for the context of the EV discussion

i was an early investor into a bunch of EV companies. but i've long since pulled out knowing what I know now. all the EVs being pushed out and rolled out for sale are scams

onetimeuser 18 points ago +19 / -1

the concept of a good EV exists. A good alternative engine in general exists... in the hands of a competent engineer and competent company.


what we get is what is only allowed by governments and pushed by their business partner scammers. we're not allowed good, functional products

onetimeuser 12 points ago +12 / -0

I think she's the one making headlines about wanting to do 1000 guys in 24 hrs

So sloppy thousandths

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

i was in group 1, but almost everyone around me was in group 3 for TFA

after the TLJ only one friend moved to group 1 while the rest of the people i knew stayed in group 3 or some moved to group 2

the programming is still strong in these ones

onetimeuser 1 point ago +1 / -0

the only new game announcements that i was genuinely happy to see were Virtua Fighter 6 and the Okami Sequel.

Everything else was lukewarm at best. Absolutely insulting and disgusting (as usual) at worst

onetimeuser 18 points ago +19 / -1

Or Jews or Israeli dual citizens

onetimeuser 1 point ago +2 / -1

I watched it too last week. Was OK, not as good as first.

Aside from everything mentioned in this thread, for me, most disappointing thing was the pacing.

Was good at the beginning, like the original. Slowly opens up. Builds world.

But very early on it just let's everything out. No mystery. Exposition rapid fire, and bad use of flashbacks just thrown in. Dramatic moments not given the time it deserved for impact.

Just felt like it was trying to cram two movies into one. And this movie itself was pretty long. Like 2:40 or something

onetimeuser 5 points ago +5 / -0

Film yourself translating what's being said word for word and post it here - if you doubt it.

Pretty certain other people on here that also know Japanese will confirm what's been said

onetimeuser 7 points ago +7 / -0

Everywhere but (((western))) countries

onetimeuser 14 points ago +14 / -0

I've lived in Japan and can understand japanese. Admittedly not as well as i used to but enough

onetimeuser 24 points ago +24 / -0

Share this far and wide

If anyone gives you shit for it - call them a racist for discrimination against the Japanese

onetimeuser 4 points ago +4 / -0

ok, well since this topic has been brought up i'm gonna have a bit of a rant

tldr - i fucking hate (and get triggered by) ageism & ageists

no idea if I can encapsulate all of my thoughts clearly but i will try to. might be a bit all over the place

so after reading a lot of the other comments, i think most of us are in a similar demographic (30s-40s) guys. not "old" old but pushing it i guess. I've never been one to think about my age and i get annoyed by a lot of people around me who bring up age either as a joke or as a point to something we're talking about

the thing is - at least where i am in australia - pretty much everyone i know has been fucked in the head to either downplay themselves or belittle others over age. usually the young ones dissing the older ones, and even the older ones shaming themselves and bringing others down with them.

like, what the fuck?

everyone bitches to me about age as well, thinking i will relate. i always tell them in some form: "bullshit, stop making excuses. I never think about age". one guy keeps worrying about dying post-70 years old. one guy hits 30 and complains about having bad reactions in the games we play (which is cope - they always had bad reactions and hardly trained them). some of my friends in their 30s now make excuses for not meeting once or twice a year because they say they're old and have responsibilities... when in reality they're just at home gaming or doing shit all. and when we meet, they brag about all the things they've done - which we could've done as friends.

i get crap about my ideas for projects (hobby, offline gaming group) being bad because i'm old and that I should leave it to the younger guys to do things. being told that by the young guys and the old guys. almost every decision i've made has been reasoned and led to good results. now I can't be fucked and have left the gaming group in the hands of some younger guys - who have already started burning bridges and losing money. after that some of the older guys have come back to me and said things along the lines of "yeah your way was better". to which I reply "well, you fucking told me to let those young kids do it their way, so fuck off. let them destroy the group". they know it now.

also, when I was younger I barely got any benefits or shortcuts to success or the society around me giving opportunities. these days the mantra is "old people = bad, dumb, outdated. young people = modern, smart, progress". everyone bends over backwards working to uphold that insanity.

back to the gaming group i had to keep it together when the original organisers dropped off suddenly, used a lot of my time and money to build it up to high point before i stepped down. and the guys that have taken over do the bare minimum and expect so much in return in way of glory and popularity, and the whole time during my tenure i was always told to shut up and listen to these guys.

and then by the same token, "we" are allowed to discriminate based on age, even in hobbies. but we can't discriminate based on whether someone is gay or trans here. or even for providing constructive criticism. i was discriminated against when i was young for being young, and now i'm getting discriminated for being young & old in different circles.

guy turns 25, keeps dooming about how he's too old now and boring. when in actuality he was always generally boring and makes almost no effort to be genuinely present among friends, when there are others in the same friend group who are younger and older (30 40+) who can still make time to hang out, and who are genuinely fun and happy to be out with others.

fucking insanity. ageism and ageists are just hopeless otherwise and use age as an excuse or a cope.

onetimeuser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've felt this way since I was about 5yo. I've noticed (for myself) time speeding up every year

I'm mid-30s now

onetimeuser 2 points ago +3 / -1

Makes sense if you view left-right as the uniparty

onetimeuser 5 points ago +8 / -3

While on the surface elon appears to be doing things, he is just helping to usher in the technocratic dystopia from the other side (assuming left-right politics, from the right)

No matter who wins, it's going to lead to more surveillance and reduced freedoms, either overtly (via the left based on current day trends) or nuanced (via the right). Ultimately both socialist political groups

That he's been allowed to be so public and not instantly offed or disappeared is quite a strong case for him being controlled. Or if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, he's unwittingly nudging things along in the direction the oligarchs want

He still is a big supporter of government-run nations as the orthodox; the way the world operates at present, so that is untrustworthy in my eyes

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