misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sure there are plenty of people online that others can point to who they once quite liked who have turned into some variety of clout chaser who's just trying to get clicks, an outright shill or shill through product placement trying to disguise itself as legitimate content.

To my shame I confess that I used to be a fan of TheAmazingAtheist way back in the day, not because I agreed with everything he said but because he was genuinely highly entertaining and didn't have a filter. His decline was a long and slow one, but getting busted by HarmfulOpinions for shilling Candid was the final nail in the coffin of his credibility.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget that in the EU, UK, and every other country outside the US that proglodytes are active, plenty of books are literally outlawed, and the only reason why they've not managed to do that in the US is because of the 1A. So instead they use various other avenues, like the three-letter agencies, academia, the big banks and credit card companies, payment processors, big tech companies, publishers, and all the other stunning and brave members of The Resistance™, always ready to suppress books they hate.

Are these people legitimately this retarded, or is this an especially brazen and perverse humiliation ritual?

misogynegro 6 points ago +9 / -3

Prots are either retarded or cucked. The RCC is simply cucked. Sedevacantism looks appealing in this context, but of course the only thing that really matters is whether it's true, and I have no idea.

misogynegro 18 points ago +18 / -0

The Templars stumbled upon lots of esoteric knowledge that the RCC had kept secret for centuries, and probably invented the myth of King Arthur as an allegory for their heretical belief that Jesus was actually a warrior king with a family. Perhaps they were Gnostics, and believed in an otherwise forgotten prehistoric religion passed down from Atlantis.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

These "books" do not meet our qualifications for banned books.

I used to think Nineteen Eighty-Four was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.

misogynegro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or the irony of "leftists" supporting the obscene cronyism of today's copyright law which we got due to Disney's lobbying to begin with. Even the most hardcore laissez-faire capitalist wouldn't support today's copyright regime, precisely because it's a product of collusion between big business and big government, rather than a reasonable extension of property rights to creative products. Yet here we see leftoids thinking it somehow looks better if giant corporations are just hoarding decades-old IP's, as if that isn't a suppression of artistic expression in and of itself.

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

There are tons of published books arguing for holocaust revisionism, "antisemitism," white nationalism, and national socialism. Almost all of them are illegal in the EU, Israel, Russia, and elsewhere. So even with this completely predictable pedantic midwit goalpost-shifting, plenty of "antisemitic" documents qualify as both books and as banned books by this criteria. And good lord "bylaws" these people really wish they were legislators in a one-party state, they're laughable now but they're exactly the sort of petty tyrants that the WEF will install IRL at some point.

misogynegro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now had the victim stabbed her assailant in the throat, she'd be the one on trial and Aussie feminists would be looking the other way.

misogynegro 7 points ago +8 / -1

He's just using the zero-sum fallacy, in which some countries are rich because other countries are poor. It's an incredibly easy idea to deboonk, and the irony is if people start believing in zero-sum economics most people - especially non-whites - will just go full-fash. Even white (and "white") leftists aren't being genuinely altruistic since they get to reap the economic benefits of a slave class while living in enclaves where they're protected from that same slave class.

Meanwhile in reality we already know damn well that blaming third world poverty on colonization doesn't make sense. Because otherwise, Hong Kong, S. Korea, Japan, and many other East Asian countries would still be dirt poor. In fact plenty of countries across the world have gone from war-torn hellscapes and the sites of genocides to prosperous and peaceful within a few decades, even Rwanda is doing "well" (by African standards lol) and UK progs are trying to deprive them of that wonderful migrant labor - so selfish!

misogynegro 9 points ago +9 / -0

Blacks like this are the final boss of "Ugly Americans," they really learned well from their Hebrew massas how to cry out in pain when they strike someone.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are plenty of white trash in cities, and the baizuo scum keep flooding into small towns and rural areas.

misogynegro 35 points ago +35 / -0

So a Soyattlized chink has a managerial position at the American branch of a Jap company from where he spouts off like a little bitch?

I love globalism!

misogynegro 32 points ago +32 / -0

One of the most prescient pieces of dystopian fiction, wrapped in a wholesome veneer. Like Idiocracy, it's hard to watch this film today without being viscerally horrified at how prophetic it's turned out to be. OW MY BALLS! could legit be a huge series nowadays, and frankly it would still be more worthwhile than lots of other content out there.

misogynegro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish I could believe this, but history is replete with examples of people making the same mistakes over and over again, even in quick succession. Look at how leftist policies in the 60's lead to surges in violent crime, then in the 80's and 90's we finally had to lay down the law, and now the cycle is repeating itself as places like NYC are just like they were in the 70's. Or how Vietnam didn't prevent us from going into Iraq, and Iraq isn't preventing us from meddling in Ukraine, Syria, or sabre-rattling with Iran.

Sure, these mistakes have been repeated by a hostile elite who actually benefit from the rest of society's misfortunes. But each and every time there have been mouthbreathing retards all too eager to go along with it, even people who've been around long enough to where they have zero excuse not to know better.

A lot of people have the memory of a fucking goldfish, and a lot of gamers are too damn pathetic and beta to tell a crazy bitch to fuck off even when they damn well know the inevitable consequence of placating a crazy bitch. It's rather like every dumb bitch who keeps letting a piece of shit back into her life over and over again and crying about it every time when the snake inevitably bites her. Some people are just remarkably stupid, even if they may be smart in one very narrow specialty, and that means gamers with testosterone are gonna have to seriously tighten the screws on simps to stop them from enabling crazy bitch infiltrators.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the same reason why all the competent translators work in law and business where mistakes can't be tolerated while shitty translators just call themselves "localisers" to cope for their inability to properly translate.

misogynegro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Engineers definitely have their own issues, and there are certainly architects who are pragmatic and engineers who are myopic. But managers tend to side with the artfags over the tech autists, because managers are themselves usually much closer to being artfags.

misogynegro 0 points ago +1 / -1

So where are all the niggers and savages and white trash supposed to go?

misogynegro 1 point ago +2 / -1


Whenever I see someone use this word unironically, I stop listening

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Entertainment and pop-culture in general will always generate a dynamic wherein you got the mainstream, the controlled opposition/competition to the mainstream in the form of astroturfed Indie™/Alt™ content, and then you have the real indie/alt scenes that are just waiting to be tapped as pop-cultural oil reservoirs. The constant upcycling of marginal subcultures into mainstream entertainment genres is the engine of pop-culture itself, because the object of pop-culture is the paradoxical condition of being a popular loser, hence why it's so hilarious that Kurt Cobaine blew off his head in the name of "authenticity," only for his turbocunt widow to make the commercial value of his brand skyrocket. It's what he gets for being such a self-righteous faggot.

But anyways, my point is in any entertainment industry, there's an easy trap to fall into of becoming Rage Against the Machine or Hot Topic or some other brand of fashionable social-signaling masquerading as rebellion, and boy if the left hasn't mastered the art of being the court dissident. So "indie" scenes are always gonna be infested by the same milieu that comprised the mainstream industry in the first place, coming from the same neighborhoods and the same schools, running in the same professions and convention circuits and cliques, getting glowing coverage by their friends in the MSM to get launched into becoming the next big "outsider" hit, etc.

I mean shit, that's also social media these days. Almost every big e-celeb today was handpicked by a talent agency and pushed on normies by the algorithm, and that's frankly the history of pop-culture in general, with some exceptions. So while I hate blackpill shit, it's extremely important to not fall for controlled competition masquerading as "indie." Much like how Microsoft sponsors a lot of Linux projects and Google sponsors Mozilla and tons of Silicon Valley startups, you gotta be weary of astroturf fuckery and willing to autistically screech at it like how HarmfulOpinions fucked up Candid's attempt to astroturf a free speech app for the sake of training a censorship AI.

misogynegro 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's pretty funny how much alt-tech is built by troons who are mad that big tech companies aren't censoring enough, then they get forked by the people they cry about all the time.

misogynegro 8 points ago +8 / -0

The page isn't loading for me, but I'm guessing that some proglodytes threatened to burn the place down.

misogynegro 28 points ago +28 / -0

It really should be illegal for venues to back out last minute barring exigent circumstances like a natural disaster. But then again when antifa shitstains threaten a venue, the cops are nowhere to be found.

misogynegro 1 point ago +2 / -1

Guess what?

Flirting with children is also illegal. Yet flirting with adults is not.

Likewise, sharing cartoon porn with other adults is not the same thing as sharing cartoon porn with kids. It's not the cartoons themselves that are the problem, it's distributing them to actual children.

misogynegro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bestiality is actually doing something with real animals, not jerking it to cartoon animals like furries do. It's not a deflection to point out that the analogy you're making simply doesn't work, in this case because bestiality is analogous to screwing actual children while degenerate drawings of animals is analogous to degenerate drawings of kids.

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