m0r1arty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like a dude boing a chick at the Olympics?

I see a whole new level of dissing coming to a lobby near you soon :)

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's wrong for sure but was the liquid acid or something?

I see worse than that all the time where I am and it's just some dick (Male/female) being a dick. They get banned and that's it.

m0r1arty 2 points ago +3 / -1

Tl;dr: Everybody wants to save Tripitaka from Pigsy (That swine!) and the progressive left all identify with him (Those baizuo!).

m0r1arty 13 points ago +13 / -0

The past is dead. Kill it if you have to.

And that was that...

m0r1arty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Much appreciated!

I expected things to perhaps go a bit South here or there the closer we got to the election but that thread was pretty weaksauce. Even self-derogatory humour from the community but I guess the OP there bottled it and I just like to keep notes on little changes and why they happened.

As long as KiA2.win keeps its head this is a note about that particular account and just something for the logs to keep in mind ;)

m0r1arty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Understood. I was just being cautious I suppose. I mean it is [CURRENT YEAR] and I can tell because of some of the pixels :)

m0r1arty 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think that was what goaded me.

Sure some "Game developer" was working whatever mojo they had at their disposal to get recognition and finally be made relevant for existing - that happens all the time. The "Journalists" hold themselves to higher standards which are shown to exist through their actions and words.

Gamergate was never about LW, it was always only about the sheer hackery of industry shills lining their pockets and appetites to whoever was available to their appetites at any given moment and they were as defunct as any Atari 2600 game made from the mid-80's onwards.

That house of cards sure kept toppling all the way to the White House and across the globe as it has been shown that the entire Fourth Estate is full of shysters who have no clue as to what they are doing and that goes to even the most basic premise of self-protection.

Fake news as always been fake news but a slight retraction with a promise to be better in professional conduct in the future would have sated most people's complaints but - No - there's a ting brained ego in the way and this Internet thing can be contained. Just call them all the bad names and this will all pass.

Great job you frauds, you took both yellow journalism and Gonzo journalism and managed to make it into a methed up Muppet-urine trickle in a backslash of an imploding sewer across the entirety of the 'Social constructs' known as "Truth", "Accuracy", "Objectivity" and "Accountability" so you can get the slightly better ramen noodles and the odd holiday to South East Asia to pretend that you were ever important.

m0r1arty 36 points ago +36 / -0

She did say it's not 1937 any more.

Maybe it's set in Nagasaki in 1945!

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm sure all of Hollywood thanks him for his involvement with the Borderland series and the huge success that has had at the box office this year :)

m0r1arty 22 points ago +22 / -0

A happy birthday goes out to my fellow leaders of Gamergate. Wayback Machine archive is here for those having trouble with archive.is today.

So, what have you learned over the past decade which makes you think Gamergate is still a cause worthwhile enough to shack up with the other 3 or 4 people (Tops!) who fight the good fight?

Any favourite moments?

Post anything you want about Gamergate, the past ten years and the ten ahead :)

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Works for me! The Levantine peoples or the more Northern Anatolians all fit the bill better than Asians. Even the Silk Road walkers were more likely to be called Asian by todays standards.

Still an odd thing that some Israelis could want to be known as. An important set of geographies to be sure but the modern term of Asian really doesn't pick up until East of India.

m0r1arty 7 points ago +7 / -0

Asia Minor is what that entire Middle Eastern area is known as in older maps.

So yeah, I suppose you can call Israelis Asian if you add the Minor part into the mix.

You can call anyone from that region Asian Minor I reckon.

What's at the bottom of this particular dumpster fire? Are Asians cooler or something??

m0r1arty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wank_Stain_Bane got so caught up in his own trap that he became a trap.

Respect to him for fighting his fight but it had fuck all to do with Gamergate and his BAMN got him choked on his own cock.

This paper is just trying to legitimise blanket Nazism censorship under the concept of knowing what is right for the masses. Who knows what is right is the question to ask and was the question I was being asked professionally prior to the New Zealand mosque murders by the very same people commissioned to write this paper.

There are players here and there is a war in place. The fight is now who can fight which shows how weak the counter position is. This is all about cutting out the tongue of your opponent to prevent them from speaking. We are only moments away from cutting out their existence altogether because 'The Left' don't see their potential allies as the gift of challenging thought that prefaced their entire existence.

The truth will out, but every corpse should be put on display next to the authors of pieces like this to remind future generation how easily it is to be found on the wrong side of history.

m0r1arty 8 points ago +8 / -0

Austin Williams is just a specialist in media studies with a slat on US black culture.

I mean he has never posted anything about games or gaming but he knows what it whack and black. Maybe Kotaku is hanging into a music webzine with an African-American focus?

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