Haterjuiced -5 points ago +1 / -6

THE CDC changes as the Science changes

Haterjuiced -5 points ago +2 / -7

pedo scandal involving the gay-furry admins

you cant make these conspiracty theories up

Haterjuiced -30 points ago +3 / -33

If you find that your employer is mandating you get the vaccine, you should definitely consider lawyering up.

I look forward to them not only losing their jobs but all that dosh.

Haterjuiced -11 points ago +1 / -12

i bet they're working on small ones for Trumpworld rn

by 30Pence
Haterjuiced -18 points ago +1 / -19

yes, very

Haterjuiced -13 points ago +2 / -15

HW was a liberal

and this sub says liberals move goalposts!

by 30Pence
Haterjuiced -18 points ago +1 / -19

yes (torrent)

by 30Pence
Haterjuiced -25 points ago +1 / -26

there was the whole Song of the South thing too....

Haterjuiced -5 points ago +5 / -10

The second is nothing but activist propaganda.

in what way?

Haterjuiced -14 points ago +1 / -15

science disagrees

Haterjuiced -15 points ago +1 / -16

SA were not anarchists

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