ghostfox1_ -3 points ago +1 / -4

Seething? It's more like disgust - a lot like finding out you have a tapeworm, that everyone has tapeworms and are just perfectly cool with that.

Pretty sure it's seething, as according to you fuckwits jews run the world, and you're stuck in your basement begging for tendies. Funny you also didn't deny you're inferior. Good for a laugh on my part.

Enjoy your daily circle jerk cope with the rest of your leftist friends. Maybe one day your pager will explode too.

ghostfox1_ -4 points ago +1 / -5

Weird how you can apparently speak the language the jews do. Are you a jew? More evidence that you are than anyone else is.

You all have the same brigading/dogpiling behaviors whenever it comes to anything even slightly critical of israel or the jews

No, I just hate stormfags, and wish...well,its a rule 2 violation to explain it. But you can use your two braincells. Maybe.

Continue seething about your apparent inferiority to the jews though.

ghostfox1_ -10 points ago +2 / -12

I'm saying you obviously believe you're inferior to them, given they apparently control the world (based on your beliefs), and you're seething daily about it.

But reading comprehension isn't your strong point, we're all aware.

ghostfox1_ -8 points ago +5 / -13

The truth that I'm not a jew? Why would that hurt me.

I'm sure it hurts you. But continue coping and seething about your belief you're inferior to jews.

ghostfox1_ -9 points ago +6 / -15

Ah, yes, the infinite cope of "you're a jew".

I'm still not. But in your world, everyone who calls you out on your faggotry must be a jew, because you're a cultist retard.

Cool story stormfag.

ghostfox1_ -4 points ago +1 / -5

It's really incredible how this is the only cope you mouthbreathers have, but you think everyone who calls you out is a jew (spoiler, that's not remotely the case). But I don't expect anything else from forum sliding conpro midwits.

50% feds, 50% leftists, 100% retard.

I can't comment more because of rule 2, but I can sure think it in my head.

ghostfox1_ -4 points ago +1 / -5

Yawn. "no u" is the lowest form of rebuttal. Go back to seething about how the jews are superior to you. Though that's a low bar, because you're the epitome of a midwit.

ghostfox1_ 5 points ago +6 / -1

No, nato exists today to allow Europe to hate the US while still relying on us for defense, and have all the gibs to hand out.

Cutting gibs in Europe is verboten, and would cause mass riots. But they'll have to in order to pay for their own defense soon.

ghostfox1_ 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's surprising that most of those are mediocre

ghostfox1_ 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yes, in Loudoun county VA.

Also probably tons of other places, but that's the most well known one.

ghostfox1_ 16 points ago +16 / -0

Yep. This is exactly all it is. Agp is a massive problem with other cluster b personality disorders these fuck wits have.

ghostfox1_ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Going by every other lefty that the right (especially the trump cultists) have supported, she'll absolutely vote for taking our guns.

ghostfox1_ 13 points ago +14 / -1

Media is in the "weak men make hard times" stage. Next up is good media coming back, when companies are forced to make them in order to make money.

ghostfox1_ 11 points ago +11 / -0

Going from "im a communist" to "maybe trump supporters aren't all literally Hitler" is the smallest of steps. I don't trust her not to go right back to being stupid the second it's useful for her.

She's an npc.

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