exilde 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn't. You should check it out a bit. For a year and a half, there could have been a contemporary perception of Nazi-Soviet cooperation, but the historical record shatters any notion that this was more than stratagem.

Also, just for the record, I'm not the one downvoting you.

exilde 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's like Operation Barbarossa doesn't even exist in your version of history. Or Nazi Germany's copious use of misdirection to achieve its aims. They bought raw materials from the Soviets so they could turn them into weapons and use them against the Soviets, for fucks sake.

exilde 1 point ago +2 / -1

alliance and wanting to divide the world in two, one for the socialists and one for the commies.

Do you know anything about WW2? Germany certainly wanted to annex German speaking portions of Poland without engaging in conflict with the Soviets during it's consolidation phase, but the plan was always conquest of liberal democracy and comintern on the European continent.

exilde 43 points ago +44 / -1

I don't think it was Star Trek, really. More that masculinity was attacked, and nerd culture went very mainstream. Now, every flabby midwit considers themselves a nerd, and society accepts it.

exilde 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone really call themselves Antarcticans? I mean, a total of 11 people have been born there in human history.

exilde 2 points ago +3 / -1

So, the Munich Agreement makes Nazi Germany in bed with liberal democracy?

It's called a strategy, you goof. All these agreements were made to buy time. Hitler was alluding to dreams of invading the Soviet Union as early as 1925.

exilde 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh man... you suffer from some really bad history.

No one hated an international communist more than a national socialists. Leftist infighting is some of the most intense and underhanded.

exilde 4 points ago +4 / -0

Desperation will spark violence. Always does. No reason to rush into it, though.

Bottom line is, we get the government we deserve. If it's not failing us too awfully according to the easily influenced majority, it will shamble on. If they're hungry, the situation will alter quickly.

exilde 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean... who's going to stop them? The SADF?

exilde 4 points ago +4 / -0

Certainly some anachronisms.

Will be interesting to watch this play out, regardless. Thank god SA disassembled their nukes before pissing their nation away to this inevitability.

exilde 5 points ago +6 / -1

Whites created and generally abide by the standards of our society. Many non-whites in general have difficulty abiding these standards (excluding Asians). So yes, they are justified in blaming whites for a creating a meritocracy they fail at. That doesn't mean anyone needs to give a fuck about their inadequacy, though.

Just like Jews don't have to give a fuck if whites are upset about subversion of our standards, morality, and prosperity.

exilde 9 points ago +9 / -0

“Maybe watch a historical movie [and] see what Hitler did.”

top kek

exilde 6 points ago +6 / -0

There are subtle differences. Trump isn't Jewish, and Marx isn't a US President.

exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's their culture.

exilde 9 points ago +9 / -0

They seem to be spreading. This is just an opportunity to loot shit. Same as Minneapolis, Baltimore, or Ferguson. The trigger could have been anything.

exilde 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well, I don't see any rainbow monkey dicks in Saudi Arabia.

exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're claiming what? They were using Zyklon A? That's a new one.


On the measure of eliminating postmortem indicators of a violent death, gassing was clearly preferable to using firearms because it did not leave the horrific wounds produced by the early mass shootings. But different types of gas produced different results. Kurt Gerstein (the Chief Disinfection Officer) argued that carbon monoxide gassing left a greater mess than Zyklon-B. When the doors of the carbon monoxide chamber opened, “the bodies were thrown out blue, wet with sweat and urine, the legs covered with excrement and menstrual blood.” 49 For this reason, Höss preferred Zyklon-B:

There was no noticeable change in the bodies and no sign of convulsions or discolorations. Only after the bodies had been left lying for some time, that is to say after several hours, did the usual death stains appear in the places where they had lain. Soiling through opening of the bowels was also rare. There were no signs of wounding of any kind. The faces showed no distortion.

This doesn't really sound like a hydrogen cyanide death at all.

exilde 16 points ago +16 / -0

I probably wouldn't mind it so much if it hadn't been shoved up my ass so hard. So yes?

exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, my problem lies in the implausibility of using a commercial fumigant designed for safer application than sodium cyanide and acid. It just doesn't make sense at any level. If they dumped the zyklon directly in the chamber, it's going to be releasing HCN for up to 72 hours, based on heat and airflow conditions. If they heated the granules and cycled the air, it may have worked in the "advertised" 30 minutes. But again, that's not even the claim.

A diesel engine's exhaust, in itself, creates pressure and poison. This make sense. Emissions circulate. It was also apparently used, though the record says the "blue skin" (it's red) and excrement from carbon monoxide poisoning was too traumatic for the executioners.

Again, the story stinks. There's just too much bullshit. Just dump sodium cyanide in some acid. This will get you the desired result (as we do in the US). Don't use some slow release diatomaceous earth.

exilde 47 points ago +48 / -1

It's not. Controversy comes from naming the source of anti-whiteness theory and thought leaders, based on IDpol, rather than the individual participants. Which I get. Not only have we all been conditioned to reject this at the most basic level, but blanket categorization on IDpol is false on its face.

Demographic differences undeniably create conflict and discord in a society. That's a tougher pill to swallow, though.

exilde 11 points ago +11 / -0

A fucking leaf!

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