dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

I just had to go take a gander at r/piracy over on feddit. There's some funny shit on there right now if you're interested.

Fav comment so far is "I'll fucking force myself to read books before I subscribe to your shitty overpriced streaming service."

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not just anime. Some of the biggest general film and TV streaming sites have gone down in the past few days as well. Fmovies and all of its related sites went down a couple months ago, and now there's another wave.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

M * A * S * H. The film is still great, but I grew up loving the TV show. There is still a lot about it that appeals to me. Not just the anti-war message, but the entire premise of a bunch of misfits thrown together in a crucible-type situation who manage to make themselves into a sort of family.

But I can barely stand to watch it now. It could be that I'm projecting too much current year onto it, or maybe just that I've grown more conservative as I've got older, but they really did lay down the progressive themes pretty thick in that show (much to Richard Hooker's chagrin) and I find it harder to ignore it now.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

The writing on Frasier was top notch. One of the only sitcoms I've ever actually found funny.

dagthegnome 23 points ago +23 / -0

"And if it doesn't, we'll make sure it does."

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

Were any of the ones who are attacking him actually alive when JFK and RFK were around and running? Because Jr was.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

Feminists and women in general created this entire mess. They've effectively broken two entire generations of men. Not just through their infestation of every institution from government to health care and especially education. Not just through all of the bullying, shaming, denigrating and demonization that men and boys endure from the moment we reach self-awareness. Not just through their poisonous gender ideology, which paved the way for tranny extremism by insisting for decades that gender is not linked to biological sex and that there are no fundamental differences between men and women. They have shrill demanded the creation of a society that demonizes men for being men and rewards women just for being women, and then they get upset when some men are so broken by the insanity they've unleashed that they want to become women.

No, women made this happen. As many pervs and simps as there may be in the tranny movement, their mental illness has been engendered, enabled and encouraged by feminists and by the legions of ordinary women who cheered them on. I have zero sympathy.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Substack is great, but it's UI isn't the most accessible for casuals. I actually somewhat enjoy their deliberate efforts to keep from turning into a news-aggregator type of site, but the microblog and social-media obsessed Average Internet User would probably be turned off by their format.

dagthegnome 26 points ago +26 / -0

George Lucas has always been adamant that the good/evil dichotomy in SW is stark. Light side = good, Dark Side = bad. Jedi = good, Sith = bad. He wanted that hero-villain dichotomy as unambiguous as possible, which is why Palpatine was so cartoonishly evil.

KK and her pet directors like Cryin Johnson and Headland are the ones trying to muddy the waters by attempting to rehabilitate the Sith and throw shit on the Jedi. That was the whole point of the Acolyte, and a big part of the reason it failed.

dagthegnome 23 points ago +23 / -0

The term you're looking for is "struggle session."

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, assuming you actually believe a single word you're saying, your fixation on Israel blinds you to all other factors. The idea that the Israel lobby is the sole and only entity responsible for mass immigration, or even that it's the one with the most impact, is simplistic in the extreme.

You are not in a position to accuse me of sidestepping anything, nor do you have the standing to accuse (without evidence) the Zionists of trying to direct anti-immigration sentiment at Muslims only when you're the one whose only response to any nuance is to chant "The Jews are the only problem!" ad nauseum.

Most take no position in the I/P conflict


Of those that do, pro-Palestine outnumbers pro-Israel 3 to 1

And you will insist that those who hold that view are your ideological allies, in spite of the fact that most are anti-white communist indoctrinees and degenerate freaks who would just as soon see you dead as look at you.

Trump isn't perfect, but he isn't uniparty either. The OP of this thread, who has frequently espoused TDS approaching stratospheric levels, has still voiced his willingness to vote for Trump anyway, despite not getting everything he wanted from the Trump administration. It's the groypers, with their Israel obsession, who are so unwilling to conscion voting for a Trump ticket that they actively promote left-wing politicians and talking points instead, despite those same leftists' avowed desire to continue the destruction of Western society.

People like you are the reason the right loses. Your insistence that the only way to save white societies is by retreading the same failed ideological missteps of the previous century is reductionist, simple-minded and irrational. Your talking points are so toxic that they drive away interest in right-wing spaces and in right-wing movements. Your puritanical fixation on the Jews above all other concerns will ensure that you remain impotent, ineffectual amd inconsequential. You will continue to labor in irrelevant and forgotten corners of the internet, and nothing you hope to achieve will ever be accomplished because you are your own worst enemy.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +2 / -3

Once again, my argument is that your fixation on Israel and Zionists will never win over the majority of the people you hope to convince. You have said nothing to dissuade me from that belief.

As far as supporting Trump over actively spouting pro-Kamala talking points as Fuentes is doing, I won't apologize for still thinking that we can vote our way out of Globalism. I won't apologize for thinking accelerationists are stupid for clinging to the infantile belief that they're the ones who are hard enough to survive the collapse of the West they're so ardently working towards. And I certainly won't apologize for hating Muslims, or for having enough of a sense of proportion to correctly view them as a more significant threat than Israel.

dagthegnome -1 points ago +2 / -3

There is a difference between criticizing the Israel lobby and hysterically opposing the election of the ticket that will actually do something about mass immigration because you'd rather be flooded with ten million more third-worlders and have billions of your tax dollars spent on propping up Israel than just the latter.

And my point in the above comment stands. If the ultimate goal is a revitalization of white racial consciousness, you are never going to convince the white working class to realize that goal by impotently railing against the shadowy Semitic cabal you insist is responsible for their problems before they address the groups of people who are actively poisoning their communities and undermining their way of life. Not only will that fail to convince anyone who is not already the kind of keyboard warrior who only steps away from his monitor long enough to practice goose-stepping across his mommy's basement, but it actively kills momentum. Which is the point, because half of you are feds.

dagthegnome -5 points ago +2 / -7

What's completely insane is turning to the English working class, who are now in effectively open revolt against the idea of multiculturalism, and telling them that the the Muslims who are infesting their communities, raping their daughters, assaulting their sons in the streets, burning down their churches and demanding the implementation of Sharia law in Birmingham aren't the real problem and expecting them to focus their anger on a 2000-miles-distant microstate instead.

dagthegnome -3 points ago +4 / -7

I am a white nationalist you nonfunctional retard. My issue with the stormfags is and has always been that your obsessive fixation on the Jews completely undermines any progress that we might be making towards reawakening a European racial consciousness.

This is a thread about Nick Fuentes, whose entire appeal is to the kind of intellectual throwback who is so fixated on the JQ that he'd rather have the Caliphate raping his daughters so long as they're doing it to the Jews as well, and who is, like you, too fucking stupid to realize how counterproductive that is.

dagthegnome -16 points ago +3 / -19

Whether they're feds, edgy teenagers or perpetually-adolescent thirty-somethings, stormfags are all natural attention seekers. That's literally their reason for existing.

dagthegnome 5 points ago +6 / -1

Once again, Trump is closer to Kamala in the polls than he was to Hillary in 16.

dagthegnome 17 points ago +18 / -1

Yes, how dare the users on this pop culture and gaming forum make pop culture and gaming references.

dagthegnome 9 points ago +9 / -0

Trump is further ahead of Kamala on the polls than he was ahead of Killary in 16.

Stop listening to the controlled opposition trying to demoralize you and get your ass out to vote.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ESG framework was set up to insulate companies from that kind of liability. An investor who uses ESG as a guideline would have a hard time suing a company who engages in this kind of behavior when they specifically chose to invest in that company because it engages in activism.

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