Vicious cycle. No time for kids when everyone works 100-hour weeks just to support the retirees and keep the economy from collapsing.
Dr Jill the Pill Dispenser
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
It is counterrevolutionary to imply that individuals possess different endowments that would render one member of the proletariat fairer than another. Comrade mirrors! We must all crack in unison when this bourgeoisie bitch looks at us. Obviously we can't condone the concept of luck, but the result will be the perfect expression of of Socialist Realism!
If they hadn't they would have just gender-swapped the Roadrunner and made him a girlboss.
So far this year alone, Warner has:
-Pissed off the entire Harry Potter Fandom (their single biggest cash cow) by casting a black Snape, and likely doomed their insanely expensive Harry Potter TV series to viewership oblivion
-Delayed the release of the sequel to the Batman until 2027, despite the first one being the only DC Comics film they've released in almost a decade that made money.
-Confirmed that the black Superman film written by King-of-the-Race-Grifters Te-Nihisi Coates is still in development
-Completely fucked up the marketing campaign for the upcoming James Gunn Superman film that they're depending on to revive their DC film universe, which is their other major cash cow.
-Nuked a bunch of their beloved legacy programming from their already-barren streaming service and then licensed third-party streamers to make money from it instead.
Again, that's just so far this year.
Warner Brothers is the stupidest company on the planet.
They finally got to Donald Sutherland, too.
Yield thee, coward
And live to be the show and gaze of the time!
We'll have thee, as our rarer monsters are,
Painted on a pole, and underwrit,
"Here may you see the tyrant"
Sorry about that
Much like the FBI, the Mounties are more likely to "find" CP that they planted on a computer belonging to someone they don't like than they are to prosecute an actual pedo.
If every second of your life isn't taken up with working to meet a woman's needs and whims with absolutely no time left for the things you enjoy, then you're not husband material.
On a related note, exactly what difference is there between this entitled cunt and Matt Walsh or Charlie Kirk?
Well I guess ze Germans finally got to him.
Just further proof it's possible to excel at character acting while also being a total moron.
Yes, I saw that after I posted my rant. From Band of Brothers, Snatch, Boardwalk Empire and Greyhound to this shit heap. It's sad.
In this context specifically, and especially in England, working-class white men are much more likely to behave in ways that are more conventionally masculine. In the middle and upper-class mind, they're often associated with football, hooliganism and pub culture, all of those unrefined things that make feminized university graduates squirm uncomfortably.
The deliberate ambiguity around the ages of many anime characters makes it into something of a gray area. I'm pretty firmly against any censorship unless a real child is being victimized, but as a fervent anime-hater, I think it might also be a good idea for anime fans to stop and think about why that ambiguity is so common, and what it says about the medium as a whole.
If you have sons, watch it on a Tortuga site so that you have a comprehensive understanding of just how they will be treated by all of their teachers and authority figures, just how much this society hates them, and why there can never be peace with feminists.
If you mean the removal from IMDB, that site has been rendered completely useless as a source for honest audience reviews ever since Amazon bought it. They were definitely freezing voting and removing negative reviews of their own woke trash such as Wheel of Time and Rings of Power, but now most criticism of any woke agitprop, whether produced by Amazon or another company, is removed almost as quickly as it's posted. I even upvoted other negative reviews of this show on its IMDB page, and those votes also disappeared. Before I deleted my account.
The ultimate irony is that I'm still pretty sure Luigi is at best a patsy. At worst, he's a smokescreen who had nothing to do with it and his life has been destroyed because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and they needed a fall guy.
Which one is real?
Apparently it's yet another half-finished "we'll-fix-it-with-the-updates" modern release. At least the art style seems to have improved a bit from World.
This is why you have to get your news and analysis from a variety of sources. I'm sure Orcposting will have a different interpretation
There are no feminists more toxic than Korean feminists.
The common-sense part of me that thinks of course they should be charged with murder is just barely winning out against the part of me that actually hates bicyclists almost that much.