blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

Shelling only happened in 2014 as a response to the funding of separatists by Russians,

People have a right to self determination. If a region wants to secede from your cesspool, shelling them makes you the bad guy (and validates their need to leave).

How the fuck do you think that's a defense ?

I see that I struck a nerve here.

No, you just exposed yourself as a leftist TDS sufferer. Trump has nothing to do with any of this.

Did you, or did you not bring up Zelensky and tranny?

No, I said nothing of Zelensky at all.

Do you believe the Earth is flat?

If the Earth is round, then Ukraine is a shit country led by evil idiots and trannies are mentally ill.

Either all 3 are true, or none of it is true. Which side are you on ?

I am so tired of you Bolsheviks and commies.

You're acting like one. You're completely brainwashed with "Slava Ukraini!" bullshit.

blackestknight 11 points ago +11 / -0

Like others have said, the very first GTA had a female protagonist. So that part is really just the smoke screen to label y'all misogynists and sexists and dismiss any criticism of the actual news : They're toning down the game.

And you're all falling for it, hook line and sinker. Ignore the female thing, it's a complete red herring.

blackestknight 30 points ago +30 / -0

to evidence-free claims that these events are being hosted by "paedophiles" and "child groomers".

"Let's wait until a child gets molested before we start calling these people pedos" is a hell of a take.

There is no rationale to justify grown males dressed as women reading to children. Have a nice ol' granny read to the children. Heck, have a normal, well adjusted male read to them. Get a fucking clown if you need somebody dressed up.

blackestknight 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you surprised ?

It would be the opposite if Trump was president. Welcome to partisan media.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I asked for metrics

I'm talking about us people, not a population level metric.

You know why male suicide is up ?

Because of people like you. Who are alone, seething and gay.

It's not making me seethe.

Dude, you post up a storm here day in and day out because no female will sleep with you. When you got banned, you tried going to patriots.win to get your fix.

You're mentally ill. You're basically 2 TERF tweets away from transitionning and chopping off your dick just to spite feminists.

blackestknight 1 point ago +4 / -3

Nobody wants a female main character. It does not fit the series at all.

That's like saying Male protagonist wouldn't fit well in Tomb Raider, but then they made Uncharted and it was pretty good.

Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty much GTA. Female protagonist worked as well as male in it.

I think you guys are really overblowing the whole female thing. That's not the story here, that's the bait so you ignore the actual problem : toning down the non-PC elements.

blackestknight 8 points ago +9 / -1

Nicer ?

The guys do it because the argument is staring at female ass in the 3rd person is more fun than staring at male ass.

Like I said, the real story is how Rockstar wants to tone down the humour and remove "punching down". A female protagonist is a non-issue.

blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

Based off what metric? Male suicide has never been higher, marriage rates have never been lower.

Based off the fact I'm in a couple with a loving wife.

You realise a lot of people you will meet on these boards still live the more traditionnal nuclear family lifestyle right.

What you mean is "I, out of touch 40+ year old guy who stopped dating over a decade ago

Look, I know you're a gay degenerate, and it's making you seethe, but this is very much copium.

Plus I stopped dating 2 decades ago, because I'm not a fucking degenerate who's going to die sad and alone.

blackestknight 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm kinda surprised by that since most guys who play WoW play as female.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's really hard to tell how much Rockstar is infected by this as for all we know there could be a Latina character in GTA 6 but have a scene where she beats the crap out of a white hipster trying to say Lantinx instead of Latina.

Which is why I don't get people mad that there's a female in GTA. That's not the issue at all, heck most guys I know play Females in video games because it's easier on the eyes in 3rd person.

The issue is when they say they want to not "punch down" and tone down the humour and crass. That's what made 1-5 good. The female protagonist everyone is raging about is bait, don't fall for it.

Rockstar is a shell of itself, the company did away with its "Frat boy culture".

blackestknight 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yes, the sexual binary that has been a staple of human civilization for 300000 years is a result of "white colonizers".

blackestknight 8 points ago +9 / -1

The video looks nice.

Reality will probably look more like the mega blocks in Night City.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

They actually removed some though. You can't see them because they're removed.

The company got eviscerated in 2018, and the people who did GTA1-5 aren't there anymore. It's a bunch of blue haired idiots now, like Blizzard and Ubisoft.

I don't get why this thread is infested with people who suddenly like woke shit and deny that wokeness is infesting games.

blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah, the MTG retort. If you don't blindly support women, you're a pedophile or a tranny fucker.

No, if you defend Trannies cracking women skull's and invading women's bathrooms, you're a tranny fucker.

No, fuck off. Just for once

No, you fuck off, tranny lover. You're a gay faggot.

It might make them think about what they do to us.

For the millionth time. A lot of us have happy lives with our very nice and loving wives. Just because you're a tranny faggot lover doesn't mean we all are.

blackestknight 7 points ago +7 / -0

They cannot paint DeSantis as worse because DeSantis doesn't fall for media traps and he doesn't have a messed up personal life like Trump.

Dude, they painted fucking Mitt Romney as a sexist, racist and it worked. "Binders full of women". McCain and Palin as a hick racist duo.

They always do it, and it always works with a big majority of Democrat voters. Most people still have Bush Derangement Syndrome.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's nice you think they won't just smear DeSantis so half the country hates him.

2016 must've been your first elections ever. You missed Romney's "Binders full of women" and McCain's racism and the whole of GW Bush.

The 2008 articles about McCain are still up even after his "Redemption arc" : https://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/1008/John_Lewis_invoking_George_Wallace_says_McCain_and_Palin_playing_with_fire.html

blackestknight 14 points ago +14 / -0

I don't call shitting all over the IPs we used to enjoy "respect".

blackestknight -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's not a troon protagonist, it's a female protagonist.

I know you tranny lovers can't help but think there's no such thing as actual women, but there are. And they're usually nice to look at.

blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are the good guys because they did not invade another country.

So let's forget the jailing of opposition and dissidents, their non-respect of the Minsk accords, the shelling of their own citizens in the Donbass region, and their obvious corrupt ties to Western politicians.

If you say Ukraine are the good guys, you're either an idiot or brainwashed beyond saving.

as Trump joking or utterly serious when he said "grab them by the pussy"?

Did you just refer to Trump in a discussion that has nothing to do with him ?

Because if you think Zelensky was serious on the drag skit

WTF are you talking about. No one but you brought that skit up.

Obviously though, you're denying reality and propagandized hard if you believe Ukraine are the good guys. I bet you also think Gender Affirming Care saves lives and believe Drag Story Hour is required to promote inclusivity. Because you're that much of an idiot.

blackestknight 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's not about Zelensky. It's about denial of reality. If you got propagandized to the point of thinking Ukraine is winning and Ukraine is the good guys, you are vulnrable to Tranny indoctrination too.

Reality denial is reality denial.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, while everyone is raging at some nice ass to stare at while playing 3rd person, they're cleaning the game of redneck jokes, gay jokes, black jokes and no one is batting an eye.

Talk about dying on the wrong hill.

blackestknight -4 points ago +1 / -5

Tell me you've never actually worked at all, much less with women, without telling me.

99.9% of the population doesn't give a shit and doesn't spew "hate" (you define hate like leftist do you dumbass).

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