alucard13mmfmj 11 points ago +11 / -0

yeah. fan subs = options. they dont want options that are different (often times more faithful) than netflix/amazon subs and dubs.

i really dont mind reading sub notes too.

alucard13mmfmj 4 points ago +4 / -0

far left is gonna do more damage than muslim hordes ever did than all the muslim incursions into europe over the last +1000 years.

alucard13mmfmj 10 points ago +10 / -0

dissemination of porn featuring minors.. oh thats a quick fix. just say they were trannies and lgbt. lol.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. Anime has something for everyone. But these commie fags want to make every anime be for them. Same for gaming. Same for everything else. They want what you have or like.

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean. Russian military falls apart from greed. While US military falls apart from DEI.

alucard13mmfmj 13 points ago +13 / -0

I have a friend who is an indepedent contractor for the navy. He hasnt been relieved from his ship for 2 years. Barely gets 10 days a year off. They cant find enough people to relieve lol. But its a chill ass job. He just plays video games 80% of the time.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do agree it has been going slightly downhill, but mostly because of ICO. The infantry combat overhaul. Basically.. you have noodle arms where you cant steady aim and your vision gets super blurry when bullets go near you. And yes, game runs worse.

alucard13mmfmj 3 points ago +3 / -0

Albania doesnt have freebies to give out. And in muslim eyes, no need to invade a "muslim" country with military aged male when an infidel country with whores exists next door that can give you free reign to rape and get money and priase for doing it.. all while white males being blamed.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reputation of what? Seems these days.. every damn dev team has at least 1 crazy tranny or commie telling off chuds.

You already paid them money so you dont really give them any more money.

alucard13mmfmj 5 points ago +5 / -0

Woke never works on new IP like concord or dustbin. They only work on super popular established IP. Lefties love using spider man 2 as an example. But im pretty sure its because spiderman 2 was bundled with ps5 and people have an interest in the spiderman brand and most likely dont know its woke.

And then there is another example lefties like to use, baldurs gate 3. It succeeded despite it being woke, not because its woke. And super majority of players ignored the gay shit any went with shadowheart. Seems any romance game.. people pick a light skin straight char that is as closed to standard traditional beauty as possible.

alucard13mmfmj 1 point ago +1 / -0

I play Squad. 50vs50 that has squad chat, local chat and squadlead/commander char. Has logistics and armored gameplay. Has helicopters for transport and logistics too, they might add gunships later on.

Most importantly, just play as a nameless male soldier in a dozen countries. Us marines, us army, russian army, russian airborn, chinese pla, east europe militia, middle east insurgents, uk, australia, canada.

alucard13mmfmj 11 points ago +12 / -1

eurofags been telling me they have freedom of speech for decades lol.

alucard13mmfmj 18 points ago +18 / -0

Me too. Youtube turned to shit pretty much not long after google acquired them. Hell. Youtube is a monopoly on video platforms. Its literally propped up by google and search engines mostly only suggest youtube first before anything.

alucard13mmfmj 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know its beating a dead horse.. but where are all the anti-chud, poc, lgbt and women?? How come they arent supporting a game made for them? Instead they are playing a mihoyo game or first descendant and complaining about why those games arent made for them. Lawl.

alucard13mmfmj 7 points ago +8 / -1

gonna assume whoever attends those festivals.. probably deserve whatever bad things they get. why?? because those fucks probably support all the insane immigration policies.

alucard13mmfmj 2 points ago +2 / -0

As ive said before and i stand by it.. if the shit hit the fan, itll be easy to come up with a list, if you know what i mean.

alucard13mmfmj 8 points ago +9 / -1

japanese VA are picked for their talent.. while north american VA are picked via nepotism and activism.

alucard13mmfmj 22 points ago +22 / -0

its like how turks and kurds are fighting each other in japan.. even after leaving their shit hole, they still bring their shit hole problems to a 1st world country and make it shittier. but i guess its better if they fight each other... i guess.

alucard13mmfmj 10 points ago +10 / -0

Creates a connodrum. If the king of england was black.. that means blacks built an empire. Bytbthat also means they were leading colonization of africa, india, asia.. and one of the main reasons leftist want to kill white people is becausr they were colonizers... but amazon say blacks were leading the colonization.

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