Kinda retarded that they ban this. You can make the main char be anything with mods. Might as well just make the bitch a light skinned anime char lol. Whats a sexy norse goddes anime char?
When time comes when they are forcefully made to have to go back into the closet. Hope they know why.
Every stock.. well at least american stock market is doing good when interest rates got reduced to make biden/kamala look better.
Now.. they will say that we are hypocrites if we find RE5 okay.. but they are the ones that started it first. Lawl.
Nexus mods is so gay
its interesting that probably a large portion of those MLP people most likely became trannies.
works for people who are not in the culture war. and most people dont pay attention.
Dont think ubisoft will do it themselves. Theyll have 2 to 3 layers of separation. Theyll hire a marketing firm that seems legit. But the marketing firm will hire subcontractors that does sneaky bot stuff but doesnt expressively acknowledges it. But ubisoft and marketing firm knows.
Its the same how politics work. Kamala harris isnt rigging the elections. She hires someone, who then hires someone who then hires someone. Multiple layers of separation so you can claim ignorance.
Sabotage it so ass creed shadows wont look as bad? Make all samurai/ronin/ninja games equally bad or staffed with crazy fucks.
Afro samurai.
Lets just call it even. Seems ww3 in the pacific will be caused by the chinese and theyll do same exact thing the japanese did.
Even those that experience them.. they will blame the native males for being racist. Like that dude that wish a white man killed his son instead of a haitian. Im 100% sure its gonna go the same way in places like say japan. The kink in their armor. xenophobia, which protects them, the weakness is the women. Brainwash the women to be more "progressive" and these same women will have simps that go along with the women. Then you suddenly have no go zones and 10000% more crime.
it mean.. it has a lot of "monster of the week" or filler episodes that pretty much constitutes as anthology. they have nothing to do with the actual main story at all and usually not mentioned in the main story afterwards XD
X-Files and Stargate SG1.
Any video game youtube channel is an act. Its not genuine anyways
Theyll get mad that if there are people that buy it.. theyll complain that 90% of the chars are white males or white females.
if any man of science say "no" to a woman, no matter how retarded the idea is, they would be accused of misogyny, sexism and chauvinism. it would be seen as mansplaining.
we need men's clubs again so we can be or act like men. so we can enjoy and vent to with other men. honestly.. gaming was like that. but now that is gone. when men's space is invaded, they start to act out. aka.. shooting up places and being super toxic.
Seems to me christianity/catholicism and all their derivatives have been a detriment for europeans and whites since at least post ww2. Its too weak and too "compassionate" to resist anything.
Technically trannies would be rape since they use deception and coersion to trick a dude.
So what critical piece of equipment or room was replaced to accomodate this? Some radiation suits? A few less CO2 scrubbers?
I mean.. didnt supergirl.. one of the last kryptonian womb go with some green skinned alien?
Low iq is gonna be used as "not mentally fit" in a weird reversal in the future.
Also.. if we had to leave earth on a space ship and there are only limited space for 3,000 people. Pretty sure all the gays and trannies will be left behind. Only straight, young, healthy, able to breed individuals will be saved.
making each fictional race has the same demographic makeup of new york is retarded and makes the concept of race pointless and often times makes no sense.
i thought interest rates got reduced by 0.5% last week.