This is literally their 2nd tweet about what happened in Israel:
Part of a global trend, Canada’s far-right is spinning the war to its advantage.
They followed it up with a RT of Rachel Gilmore whining that the Conservative leader's wife follows people she doesn't like (Libs of TikTok, Oli London) on Twitter
Then they made 1 more pro-groomer tweet on Oct 4 and have been quiet since.
You may recall hearing they went silent after the Oct 7 terrorist attacks.
They made TWENTY pro-groomer tweets/RTs like this one before they even mentioned Israel/Gaza...on Oct 30:
Hate incidents targeting the Jewish and Muslim communities have increased significantly since October 7.
Glad somebody is finally thinking of the poor pretty, young Hollywood women.
I never finished Ocarina and have heard about the Ship of Harkinian thing that sounds do to something similar but apparently I need to find a specific PAL ROM for it to work.
Vice City is certainly "classic" if they're remaking/remastering it.
I've been playing Gamecube emulator recently- Paper Mario is great, working on Luigi's Mansion now. Did Kart of course. You don't need to go back to early shitty 3D block graphics to find good retro shit. And 8/16-bit sprites look way better than early PS1/N64 if you're a purist on the term "retro".
A few months ago I did the X-Men Origins Wolverine game- pretty fun, much better than the movie. Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol is fun.
Israel never fired it, it wasn't Hamas but another Gaza terror group
it blew up a hospital's parking garage, not a hospital
it didn't kill 500. Most liberal estimate I've seen is up to 50, last I heard there was ZERO confirmed deaths
So saying "Israel blew up a hospital & killed 500" is absolutely Hamas propaganda
if only MAGA and Christians were doing stuff
You could have ended it there. They're doing more than establishment GOPers but that's not saying much.
Rachel Gilmore told me that's literally getting journalists murdered!!
Oh my god. 🤦♀️
Oh my god what, Rachel? You're fully onboard the "trans women are women" train.
As Poilievre remains a fierce opponent of vital vaccine mandates, it is Poilievre, not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is dividing Canadians.
Not so fierce as to actually oppose them during the covid madness when it mattered, mind you. But it's really him, the evil Conservative man, whose dividing Canadians- not Justin, who asked if we should even tolerate the unjabbed and attacked the previous Tory leader for even mildly suggesting "anti-vaxxers" should be entitled to human rights.
We'd be literally saving their lives.
These kids are encouraged by the “adults in the room” to use race/gender/identity to win, instead of logic, evidence, and reasoning.
I would argue in cases like this the more traffic YouTube sees on this video the better.
Is he assuming their genders?? Looks like a bunch of beautiful black lesbians to me!
Also FYI the National Post is a "conservative" newspaper in Canada.
Because they're calling Trump voters worse than literal terrorists.
Thread on the CNN video:
Forgot to post just what an absolute whore we're dealing with:
No, that under-tit tattoo is not part of her Halloween costume
Neo-nazi wack job shows up at conservative protest: "This shows their true colours. They're all Nazis!" Neo-nazi wack job joins other protestors accusing Jews of committing genocide: "Oh no. Our movement is being 'hijacked.' Avert your gaze! False flag!"
I assume he's guilty solely based on the fact that he did the Fat Albert "hey hey hey" when leaving court:
That ain't the actions of a normal person.
I haven't been following him too closely, but hasn't he gotten more red-pilled since then? Remember that was his first experience with the left's insanity.
I assume they're all just woke pussies.
About 5 mins in. "Debate is not about winning an argument, it's about making sure everyone feels ok and making sure everyone feels safe."
An actual quote from what I can tell is the opposing team. They conceded the debate and gave the tranny ranters the W. They go on to say debating the topic doesn't matter because trans.