Woebringer 25 points ago +25 / -0

Morally and Ethically we are in agreement.

I have zero faith that SCOTUS will rule as such, even if they have the testicular fortitude to take up the case. Roberts and his ilk seem to like to duck cases where the Uniparty is in danger of not getting a result that works for their agenda.

Woebringer 13 points ago +13 / -0

r/dallas is the Mos Eisley of the Interwebs. I went there a time or two in hopes of finding meaningful information on events in this part of the world (I am in North Texas and in the DFW Metroplex outside of Dallas proper). Instead what I found was a leftist, statist, SJW Circlejerk the likes of which has not been seen by mortal man. Never again.

Woebringer 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's possible I guess. I view a great many of them in Washington as card-carrying members of the Uniparty, which is why I have retired the term "RINO". They aren't "Republicans in name only", but rather the Red Wing of the Unitparty putting on a show, particularly at election time.

Some of them at the State level may actually stand upright from time to time. Greg Abbott (aka Grabbit) was horrible for Texas when Uncle Covid first showed up. Recently with his poll numbers tanking and Texans on the small business side really hurting, he relented and is getting back on track. Credit where credit is due; Grabbit has been much better as of late but DeSantis he is not. I thought Noem was going to be ok, but she has morphed into the Surrender Gnome.

At the end of the day, putting one's hope and trust in a politician is a fool's errand, IMO.

Woebringer 30 points ago +31 / -1

I am with ya there. 100% Put it on the docket as legislation for the upcoming emergency session (there is almost always one called). An EO is a good start, but getting it codified would be even better in my estimation.

Woebringer 20 points ago +20 / -0

Texas Governor Greb Abbott was invited by the Texas Rangers to throw out the First Pitch in their new stadium that is opening and hosting its first regular-season game later today (4/5).

Abbott shows some integrity in turning down the offer, citing MLB's Windex-flavored fuckery as it pertains to Georgia.

Edit - added links for sourcing.

Archived Link to Governor's Tweet:


Archived Sources:




Woebringer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Spot on brother. I would upvote you more than once if I could.

The United States has broken its "Contract" with Texas. No Border Security, Confiscatory Taxation w/o representation, spreading Criminal Invaders throughout our lands, and other atrocities. The same could be said for other states and while I feel bad for them, not my circus, not my monkeys.

That is where the Texit talk comes from in my estimation. I too love America and the concept of what America was back in the day. We aren't there right now. We won't get back to the point without a very long, hard, protracted fight that will likely escalate to the trading of many injuries.

When compared to taking our treasure, families, and tribes to do our own thing under our existing State Constitution, it is a rather easy call, pragmatically speaking. Among terrible, shitty choices that have been foisted upon us, bugging out seems infinitely better than dying on the hill.

It is worth remembering that each State is designed to be a nation unto itself, coming together for the common defense and common good. That isn't happening.

Woebringer 19 points ago +19 / -0

We shouldn't be surprised. This isn't Harry's first time competing at the Woke Olympics. From 2017: https://archive.fo/EGpyw

For F's sake, they have a "Social Mission" page. Harry's sells Razors to Men, allegedly. If there was ever a "stay in your lane, bro" moment, this would be it.

If you are selling Social Justice, Awareness, Fairness, or anything but FUCKING RAZORS, I and my wallet can and will go elsewhere. Harry's hasn't gotten a dime from me since their 2017 victim puke. Things have not improved over there as best I can tell.

Harry's is a Gilette Starter-Kit. Hard Pass.

Woebringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are in agreement. We don't need to boycott, protest, have a sad, or light @*#(& on Fire. Leave that for the other folks. Instead, just quit giving bad actors money. I suggest telling them why as professionally and constructively as possible. It may or may not generate an observable result but at least you aren't giving people money who bare you ill will or worse. From my perspective that solves the problem, unless the game is something you aren't willing to live without.

Woebringer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Very true. Now more than ever I believe there are Powers That Be that want to have a generation of Protein Robots. Wage Slaves just smart enough to make the machines run, pick crops for them, and pull the right lever at the right time for the approved candidate, though on the back of Nov 2020 that lever pulling doesn't seem to really be that big of deal anymore.

Woebringer 13 points ago +13 / -0

The Plexiglas boxes (Read: Literal Kids in Cages) contributed to us pulling our 10yo daughter from Government School to Home School. Between wearing a Slave Muzzle / Face Diaper 8-10 hours a day, being trapped in a Plexiglas box, having campus monitors shaming children who don't "social distance", and coerced agreement to some pretty heinous contact tracing, we pulled the plug.


We found an online school with over 10 years of experience. No haphazard zoom calls. No unionized teachers teaching CRT, gender/religious studies, and other crap. We have recordings of every call. See every lesson. We should have done this years ago.

It seems hard at first because it hard. The payoff for the child is so worth it. If you have the spiritual and financial means to get a kid out of Government schools, I highly suggest doing so. We are in Texas where Common Core is illegal and there are no teacher unions. I can only how bad things are elsewhere.

Woebringer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Does that Horse-faced bartender have beer-flavored nipples or something? She does very little for me and candidly looks like she needs to be flea dipped most days. Adding to that, Occassio-Smollett does herself ZERO favors when she speaks.

Woebringer 10 points ago +10 / -0

I won't take my political, societal, or Constitutional advice from a mid-tier at best bartender who looks like she needs flea-dipped most days. Thanks anyway. If she wants to help, she can go back to riding pole for tips and/or fade into muted obscurity.

Woebringer 13 points ago +13 / -0

The franchise was a great 80s TV series. The 1st Denzel movie captured a fairly good essence but a Batwahmen, CW-type pop culture remake complete with gender swapping sounds awful. Edward Woodward's performance was great, especially for the time period that it was released (no gratuitous violence on TV).

Fun factoid. William Zabka (Johnny Lawrence) played McCall's estranged son in the original series. He eventually gets involved with Dad's "make it right' agenda and helps on some operations. It was great at the time.

I can't imagine this new re-imagining will be worth a toss.

**EDIT NBC has full episodes of the original series for free streaming on their site. It looks like a full series run (4 seasons). https://www.nbc.com/the-equalizer/episodes

Woebringer 18 points ago +18 / -0

Peter is in the UK. While I grieve for our British Cousins and wish them all the best while throwing zero shade their way, their government places controls on common kitchen knives. They are not in any kind of position to grab a gun so as to defend themselves against government overreach or engage in kinetic action for their freedom.

It's a sad state. I hope they can get it turned around, sooner rather than later.

Woebringer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No amount of Xbox in Mom's basement could have prepared the LARPers for the realties of kinetic action. Hopefully, it is a much-needed wake up call, otherwise, this scene will play out again, and again, and again.

Woebringer 12 points ago +12 / -0

Based as hell. That's how you do it right there. I would gladly eat at that owner's restaurant.

Never give in to the woke mob. Kneeling before them will just have you end up on both knees before you know it.

Live and Let Live. Never start the fight but If they start the fight, you always finish it. Bring them to their knees, then you are in a position to negotiate from strength and entertain their terms for their surrender.

Woebringer 17 points ago +17 / -0

Fun fact: Texas is on its own power grid and doesn't depend on power from other places or states. This has some nice benefits for Texans: -No Federal Regulation/Overreach via the often abused Interstate Commerce Clause -No depending on other states for power -Lower Costs for consumers (currently paying under 8 cents per kwh residential)

Texas also had Electricity Deregulation in the 90s. This means Texans have their choice of dozens of power companies. Unlike when I was living in Kansas where we had "The Electric Company" (KG&E at the the time). If you had a problem, billing dispute, or other issues, too damn bad since they were the only game in town.

So while it was a Bee article, it could see power being one of the many reasons why Californians would GTFO. They really need to leave their socialist/statist voting habits behind when they go.

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