posted ago by davidverner ago by davidverner +41 / -0

The setup, back in May 2016 I created a new character I named "TrumpTower" mainly because I liked to build mini-bases in the game and be a thorn in the side of the enemy forces. The new character was made to join a few of my friends who wanted to play a different faction at that time frame.

Well, this morning I was kicked from the game by an admin which shut down the game client. When started back up I saw that my characters name was changed to "LoyalRoadRunner". I filed a support ticket not too long after seeing this and got a response back this afternoon. What is interesting is the response I got from them.


My Ticket:

I was just recently kicked out of the game by a game admin and when I logged back in I noticed my character originally named TrumpTower was changed to LoyalRoadRunner. Why did this happen because I have had that character for nearly five years and never had a single issue with any terms of service or code of conduct in that entire time? Also why was I not approached by administrators about a potential name issue within this game and given a chance to change the name to something else? I picked the name mainly for the fact I generally build bases using the construction system and it referencing a well-known building.

I'm deeply offended by this as a person who has played this game since Beta.

Their Response:

GM * (Daybreak Games)


Thanks for contacting Player Support. We understand that your name was changed due to a Name Violation (historical figure, copyright building). After review we will be able to offer you a rename for the affected character. Please provide us with a list of 3-5 names you'd like within guidelines, in order of preference, and we will provide the first one available to you.

Please refer to the PlanetSide 2 Naming policy: What's the PlanetSide 2 Naming Policy?

Regards, GM Daybreak Games

Now what is funny is you can't copyright something like TrumpTower or even trademark it to prevent it from being used as a character name for an MMO like this. I'm willing to fight Trump in a legal battle about it and Daybreak is immune to legal action because of section 230 if they comply with a valid DMCA.

Secondly and the important part is their anti-naming thing is not evenly enforced and was seems their naming policy was updated to include this stuff on January 26, 2021 16:37. (Archive of Name Policy Page).

Now what is really funny is the fact they seem to not take a proactive dealing with this issue as I have found several characters with names that violate their police using a player search system connected to their API. Let us have a look at the US presidents list; Obama, Bush, Clinton Nixon. Okay so what about international ones like; Churchill, Merkel, Johnson - Johnson(Active player), Thatcher. Well that seems odd that there are several accounts active and inactive that still have those names.

What about certain religious figures like; Jehovah, Yahweh, Moses/Musa, Muhammad, Brahma, Shiva, Devi, Mars, Zues, Nyx (Also a weapon in the game)

I'm toying with the idea using the aberration clause of their ToS to force push at them to publish a complete list of common terms that is not allowed to be used in a character name that is updated annually and/or restore the TrumpTower name. What are your thoughts?

As for figuring out a new name, I'm looking at T-Censored-Tower, TCensoredTower, and VoldemortTower.