(X-post from KIA2-R)
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Steve Cox is running for CD39 in California. He wants to shoot anyone who doesn't inject the EUA "medicine" for the Commie Cough. No talk of effectiveness, no knowledge of one's personal medical history. Just jab or get shot.
My take: Bring It. Don't just talk about it, be about it. I am tired of looking the other way or turning the other cheek, especially when some political hack or black pajama-clad beta is threatening harm or death. Threatening death on those who do not partake in Emergency Use Authorization chemicals that are of very questionable efficacy is a bridge too damn far, speaking only for me.
There was a time when Stevie's threat would have been actionable. We aren't there now and someone will actually have to be in a lethal force scenario to bring little Stevie to account.
As of May 21, no Texas Government entity at the State, County, or Local/City Level may issue a mask mandate or requirement. Violating entities are subject to a $1,000 fine per occurrence. As of June 4th, no Public School may require masks for students, teachers, staff, or visitors.
Source: GA-36 EO from Texas Website
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This morning Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order making Vaccine Passports Illegal in The Great State of Texas! This is very good news and continues a string of pro-Freedom decisions by the Governor to rebuild his image after some very poor, some have said Statist handling of the Commie Cough.
--No state or political agency may compel or force vaccine info/compliance
--Any Public/Private entity receiving public funds may not compel vaccine info/compliance
--Order supersedes any new local orders or ordinances
This not only looks like a win for Texans and Freedom, but it could show that Abbott is getting back on track and learned a lesson. Or perhaps he is tired of hearing about DeSantis. Whatever. Going to take the W.
PDF Link to GA-35
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