WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

That standard of evidence does keep him from getting indoctrinated by far left faggotry though.

WhitePhoenix 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not if they Remaster it using "today's" standards...

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had no idea he was the King Pin, and he did it well. Peak "villain voice" material.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait, these guys sound like they're the Amish of their Jew-state.

Or maybe Amish and a bit of rednecks considering how "Ultra orthodox" they are.

That's fucking sad. You'd figure they'd use them as the vanguard since they've been a thorn to the Israeli government for so long.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on the Prez.

We'll see if Trump holds up on his promise to not start a war or participate in any wars since he's been trying to court the right wing Jew vote for awhile.

WhitePhoenix 5 points ago +5 / -0

At first I was like, Forbes? Aren't they quasi-leftist/mainstream media fucks? Why would they say something like that?

And then I saw oh - Erik Kain, the fencesitter who has TDS but at the same time sort of sees why being woke is retarded.

WhitePhoenix 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's the part that's getting kinda black-pill for me. There's a bunch of non-white icons of American history, but many of them are older folks from an era that is dead, and they too are passing away.

James Earl Jones was one of em. You didn't give a fuck that he was black. You gave a fuck because his voice was deep and powerful and gave character and life to media. Darth Vader would not have been as frightening and imposing if he was voiced by ANY other man.

idk about you guys but I can't think of someone like him who's in their 20's-40's that is as iconic as he was. Every black person who is an actor in that age range is an insufferable left wing BLM cuck.

WhitePhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mufasa in the good version of The Lion King too.


WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +4 / -2

Hah, good one.

In all due seriousness the orthodox MAGA-Jews who cuck for Israel are probably the only ones who would be willing to face this retard head on to shut him up.

Pretty sure this limp dicked faggot is pro Palestine too.

WhitePhoenix 6 points ago +6 / -0

BTW, part of the reason why zoomers and gen alpha are becoming retarded is that a lot of terms zoomers use are copy-pasta'd from black slang/eubonics/African-American Vernacular English (it's a retarded academic and politically correct term to mean nigga language).

What happens is that blacks on Twiter/TikTok use a bunch of words as slang to mean certain mundane shit since they even type in eubonics, a lot of which that has been around in their "community" for years, if not decades, but easily impressionable and smoothbrained zoomers/gen alpha kids pick it up. It used to be Twitter, but now with the current generation it's from TikTok, then it goes from TikTok, filters back to Twitter, then spreads to other platforms. I fucking hate it as well.

There's a bunch of words you probably have heard being used purely because of this.

Netflix and chill - Inviting someone over/going to someone's place to eventually have sex with them
Thirsty - desperate for sex
Rizz - Charisma/having a swagger that makes the other party want to be with you
let them cook - Don't interrupt them while they're doing a good/smart/awesome thing.
cooked - They're done for, finished. No longer relevant to the conversation and/or lost their groove.
vibing - Literally just "chilling". Or they find something they're listening to pleasant to have playing.

Take note, full blown eubonics is near fucking impossible to understand when in written form. But a lot of the more easier to "understand" concepts, like what I wrote above, ended up being adopted by non-basketball-American zoomers and gen alphas.

The next generation are literally getting fucking dumber because they're listening to what black people are saying for slang. It's scary as hell.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you see a young account with tits on the profile (attractive looking white girl) and they appear to look like they're in the instagram/onlyfans whore age and they're spouting based points, be mindful that it may be a catfish.

Unless they've done actual streams or there's some recording of their face IRL through some video content made (i.e. like Lauren Chen before the glowies got to her) and that they have a LONG history of posting based stuff, don't engage.

There's some "based" women out there but some of them are kinda ex-leftist types who still hold a lot of views that the manosphere and a lot of traditional conservative types would find undesirable, so they still have that mentality that it's perfectly ok to exploit their sexuality to get clicks/views. If titties scare you and/or you're a tradcon/white ethnonationalist type who wants women to not be whores online and be stay at home moms, these type of women may piss you off.

Some of the younger women that the Daily Wire hires are like that. They're not slutting it up but you know a bunch of thirsty younger right wing guys are signing up just because it's a semi-pretty face on the screen.

The problem now is that the current group that has organized to fight the left is composed of a bunch of groups with agendas that conflict with each other. The leftist ideology is so destructive and fucked up that all these moderate and right wing groups that would normally be bickering with each other have formed a loose coalition to stop them.

So that's how you end up running into shit like thirst traps and actual grifters who "use" the loose alliance of ideological allies to milk money/profit from it. If the culture war ever calms down, at some point the separate groups will probably split up and start bickering with each other again.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's also a result of not having a Constitution as ironclad as the US' is that is composed mostly of negative rights. That's why we had to make a fucking Constitution, because we knew the government would try to do shit like this.

There's no "The government SHALL NOT" in their own laws, and their parliament can easily change what is in their "constitution" to do whatever the fuck they want, and their threshold is lower than ours.

I don't think any other country in the WORLD has a Constitution that puts chains on the government from abusing its power. Yes, we know, the current administration is doing that, but just imagine, our government would become as bad as the UK, German, or French governments if we DIDN'T have those chains in place.

I will never relocate to a country outside the US because we are a unique nation that actually has a document that limits government from expanding at a rapid pace and adamantly protects free speech. Having to interact with people from various countries I've learned many people in other countries really don't have the kind of protections that we have despite being "first world".

WhitePhoenix 10 points ago +10 / -0

Tim Wise is the one fucker that makes me think maybe you ethnonats have a point.

He's just so fucking BLATANT about it, and nobody punishes him.

WhitePhoenix 23 points ago +24 / -1

Then he gets your bank account removed.

WhitePhoenix 3 points ago +3 / -0

Real Black Irish

This makes it even funnier.

WhitePhoenix 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering how one of them can count for 3 of Barron, yes.

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

what the fuck did your cousins do to the girl man

WhitePhoenix 2 points ago +2 / -0

That'll only guarantee that we may have a successor running for Prez in the future.

WhitePhoenix 11 points ago +11 / -0

Mideas touch or whatever is the new TYT/MSNBC. They're the next target for us when it comes to clashing with media because that's what "the normies" listen to now, which is laughable as fuck since its founders are millionaires.

...And I suspect they probably have an INTERESTING EARLY LIFE section...

WhitePhoenix 32 points ago +32 / -0

Yeah, but it's still a good idea to verify to see if they're actually full of shit or not. They're probably full of shit considering I've never, ever seen Lauren ever post anything pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine so I'm suspecting this is deep state shit going after their opponents before the election.

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