The Japanese will probably make better anime out of that than the West ever would.
Wait, is this real.
This guy is legitimately brain damaged.
There’s not one single brain cell that doesn’t operate on “well I’m going to get mine” even to their own detriment.
The overlap between right wing populism and left wing populism is where we view the mentality of boomers - we agree on this part.
However, our answer is to give them back the money they threw in the system and dismantle it.
Their answer for it is to steal from them and give it to the government to "fix" their problems.
And these boomers who voted for Trump don't get that if they're spazzing over their SS being taken.
What kinda nose are we talking about btw
A lot of retards got their interpretation of the thing wrong too.
And it took some fucker with a "loli anime avatar" to scrutinize and read the fucking bill to realize IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. It just enforces something that's ALREADY federal law and expands enforcement against AI depictions of kids. Nobody should be opposed to that.
Good shit OP.
First time where I saw EVERYONE got it wrong, both from the left and right.
In this case its because the new Right is, well, new. It has fragility. Fault lines. Points of disagreement that are less important than the overall cause, but ripe to be exploited to cause fracturing if the enemy can just find the right wedge. And you know who the enemy's best allies are for this? The Tradcons who want control and power back.
The biggest point of contention I see this sub bitch about are the Jews. That'll probably be our next point of contention once all this other shit calms down. I'd prefer we don't give Israel our money either, but that's just me speaking from an America first perspective. However, the main problem is there's a significant portion of the right are Jews as well and if we actually told them to fuck off we would've lost our elections the past year... so I don't see an immediate practical solution to that problem.
This isn't just a Chinese problem either. This is an Asian woman problem - this happens EVERYWHERE, that includes South Korea and Japan.
This is why dating Asian women is a huge fucking risk if you're rich. You think gold diggers in the West are bad? Wait until you meet an Asian woman who knows her value in the market of looks AND is looking to take everything you own for herself.
The male equivalent of this are Asian men (usually ones in their late 40's to 50's) who get so damn rich that they turn into their own version of the Emperor's invisible clothes. They're kind of the stereotypical "fatcat CEOs" you think of here in the West, but with their stubbornness ramped up to an eleven. Their shit never stinks. You are there to serve him as a thankful employee of his company, etc.
Source: I'm Korean. And those stereotypes you see in K-dramas? They actually do exist in real life.
That's your average speedrunner.
extra chromosome, or missing a chromosome?
Same here lmao. This is peak poetry.
You know damn well why.
He's white.
I'm Korean and even I can see that.
Days of temper tantrums.
There's a small wrench in that narrative though. East Asians have moved to America and integrated tightly with the US zeitgeist. They work hard, they aren't mooches on the system and they're actually the least violent of the races in the US. They value meritocracy and traditional family values, many of whom are Christian.
I get the whole ethnonationalism shit, I'm obviously not someone as into it as some of you guys are, but they're also not the Arabic/Hispanic/Dindu fucks who are seeking to overthrow and "breed out" the native population and government. The 442nd fought for the US during WW2 against their own people (the Japanese) because they saw themselves as Americans first.
I think the US is something like a melting pot but even that has negative connotations, as you said. That implies people's cultures are being "melted out" to create one "superculture", which shouldn't be true (but the left does enjoy doing it to the white people).
Since you will never achieve that utopia here in the US because of the sheer number of forces that are hellbent on keeping this shitshow running (that includes the hook nosed tribe), and Europe is descending into accelerationism with its globalist governments letting their borders get invaded/genocided, what is your personal solution to this other than waxing lyrical with this small population here that thinks like you?
The irritating part is I actually agree with so-called "green policies" as a general solution because I want us to be less dependent on something that might run out in the future. Having renewable energy makes for a stronger country. The problem is, as always, the left fucking implements it completely wrong and tries to force it to be a "OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" issue.
An actual nationalist policy would have renewables in their agenda but not in the way these tree fucking faggots put it.
Yeah, this is basically that choose your own adventure romance shit novels that zoomer women play. It's slop, and the diversity shit has been in that faggotry for years.
YGO cards get censored all the time, it was frustrating playing the TCG.
I hate to "akshully" but this shit is part of their culture, like it dates WAYYYY far back. Something about spirits and shit. There's no social movement pushing for their acceptance - they're just kinda there.
Is this like one of those battle simulators where you go like "who would win, 1000 Jews, or 1000 ladyboys with 8 inch penises?"
I get it, but there's a shitload of bad Android game ads plastered EVERYWHERE.
...That one on the right. At first I was like "Oh it's a straight couple"
Then I saw that faggot haircut. That gay haircut fag is a theythem isn't it.
shut the fuck up Jeremy
Or they fuck a black 13/50-er.
He's Jewish. Don't feel bad for him lol
Is imgchest an imgur clone without all the retarded faggots?
Why the fuck are you staying there man.
Both. Lesser chance of smelling the other guy's BO with X-Men tho cuz you were spread out more lol